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RostokMcSpoons last won the day on December 15 2023

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    VFC HK416, DE M906C, JG SA58, Tippmann HPA, AUG HC, Scarab, M14, F2000, S552, AK47S, M16, TM 5.1 DOR
  • Loadouts
    MTP or S95 DPM + assorted webbing
  • Sites
    SpecialOps @ Milton Keynes
  • Gender
  • Location
    Milton Keynes

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  1. I had this in my (standard style handguard) G&G G36C, and a variety of my other guns too. https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigy-nano-tech-1200mah-2s-15-30c-lipo-airsoft-pack-t-connector.html It's very compact, fits in other RIFs which don't have much space, and it's been reliable. And it's dirt cheap! Assuming your G36 has a MOSFET so it can run 11.1v batteries, I recommend buying a couple of these.
  2. Agreed. Now please change 'sight' to 'site' in the title because it's triggering me 😅
  3. The 13mm external diameter looks the very thing - cheers for that diagram - it also shows the correct orientation of my hexagonal 'lump with prong' 👍
  4. You're a bit confused? I'm as confuzzled as feck Maybe the bigger o-ring is at the interface of the pressure gauge to the bottle? I've seen mention of 'top bonnet' in some diagrams for other bottles, perhaps that's the specific one I need. But info seems surprisingly thin on the ground. I pinged an email to one of the retailers. They know the right ring, but don't have stock. They'll order some up. It'll cost me in p&p but at least I'll end up with the right thing, hopefully!
  5. Bah humbug. The o-rings arrived but are the wrong size for my Dye LT bottle, they're ~13mm internal diameter, and the diameter of the recess is 11mm. The original o-rings internal diameter was somewhere in the 9-11mm range, difficult to tell without the missing bit. Having had a quick scout around eBay again, all the ones aimed at paintballers are the same 13mm size I got. So I'm thinking an assortment set from Amazon/eBay/Screwfix/local plumbers' supplies might be a better bet (and faster to get too). I'm aware these things are made in a variety of materials - are there any I should avoid, or are they functionally the same at the pressures involved here? Edit: Going by the colour charts, yellow = nitrile, so I'll go for that in preference. Oh yeah, and on the right-hand pic, you can see the metal piece inside the chamber is 'prong down'. I presume it's meant to be other way up when it's all assembled?
  6. Ah gotcha, I'll check my pics for the same problem if I post anything
  7. Do you ... live in a coal mine? You need to turn the flash on if you do 😂
  8. Well I _was_ going to say thank you for that eBay link, which I've clicked through and bought from, until I saw all the other offers for the same rings, at half the price, popping up at the end of the transaction 😂
  9. These are the ones HPA UK are selling... The knackered o ring from my tank looks a tiny little more orange-y, but perhaps that's just because it's old https://highpressureairsoft.co.uk/products/tank-o-ring But I'm refusing to pay £7 when it can be sent in an envelope 😂
  10. I bought the line from HPA UK, and it's fine - but when I tried to fill up my Dye LT bottle, the darned thing leaked. Turns out I mangled the o-ring (or it was old and just split) when I swapped over to the Balystyk regulator. So I need a new o-ring. HPA UK seem to have a standard £7 p&p charge, so that's something I can't stomach on a 50p item. Is it a standard size that I can just find one in my local B&Q? (it seems to be ~10mm inner diameter, judging from the bit I fished out of my bin) Or could I buy a selection box off Amazon? (At least then I'd have a bunch of them for my outlay)
  11. The fitting on the right is the tail coming off the magazine adapter... I presume I'll be aiming for about 80psi into the gat, so a 200psi line would be fine. I have a proper chunky metal line coming off my own scuba tank, so don't need another whip line... I think! Watching YT vidz (which of course I should have done earlier) looks like a simple line with quick disconnects on each end will do just fine. I perhaps need a key for the pressure regulator, though I can turn it just with my thumb pressing down on it so far... Not sure if that'll be the same once it's pressurised, so best get one?
  12. I need to connect my Airtac adapter for my VFC HK416 GBBR to my air bottle... which now has a Balystyk 800 regulator mounted on it So I need to buy a line. I'd rather spend as little as possible, but will invest in something that gives me a clear advantage in performance or usability over the cheapo option. Any pointers or specific recommendations would be very welcome!
  13. My boonie hat with a drawstring chin strap thing always seems to get caught on twigs and undergrowth more often, so my 'sprint' (oh I wish) from spawn at game start ends up getting curtailed rather abruptly 😋 I'm probably just wearing it wrong, but yeah I stick to my camo baseball cap, which also has a bit more 'form' to it and therefore feels a tiny bit better at taking the sting out of the headshots My mesh lower face mask has ear protection, consider getting either type of headgear with the fold down flaps if you don't have that. "Flaps". Yub-yub wibble etc
  14. Being one of them 'earlier adopter' types, I was early in on interwebz back when being 'Roscoe' was enough to stand out on a chat list. When all the 'Johnny-come-latelies' started filling things up, I changed to Atomic Rooster as my online nom de guerre. Turns out I'd subliminally picked that up from the name of a Prog Rock band (my genre of choice, and yet I don't think I've ever heard any of their music). Still, other Atomic Roosters appeared occasionally, so had to go to something else... I think I've got the lightest touch of Tourette's syndrome, and used to say "Spooooons" a lot (pre Wetherspoons!), which highly amused my boss at the time, and so Rostok McSpoons became my new forum / gamer tag. Been using it for many. many years. I saw that old boss in a pub meet-up for the first time in about 20 years recently. As soon we saw each other.... "Spooooooons!"
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