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Everything posted by AirSniper

  1. Scoff all you like. At some point in the future, the funnies you make will backfire on you. Try this Seems that the Aussies have more of a clue than we do here... Then go down the rabbit hole and see a growing body of evidence of a cover up by the CCP. So I say again, scoff and laugh all you like as you are the fools. Just sayin'.
  2. Some things that are grossly overlooked with Omicron. Sure it was South Africa that thisd appeared in, however, the Chinese community in Africa is numbering 20 million and most are regulars in travelling between the major cities that were responsible for the initial outbreak of Wuhan Flu which the CCP objected to because they are over sensitive about and that the WHO obliged and gave it a name that hid the origin... This SA variant was like all these world pandemics and like the annual flu outbreaks, came from the same place as all pandemics originate, China. The main reason being that their glitzy cities, travel less than 20 miles out of a major city and you have stepped back in time to a period that is more like the early years of serfdom in the UK, peasant farmers living with their livestock in horrendous conditions and easy transmission of viruses that break the zoonotic barrier. China pushes out an image of a modern society when nearly half of the people in china are still living in a level of poverty that makes their peasant farmers earn less than an illegal miner does in a day in South Africa. Also note that in the last 10 years, China has been gearing up for war, who with, I D K but they are amassing tech that they never had 10 years ago, so like a bunch of kids are itching to try their toys out that were intellectual property of the west. I am not about to venture down the growing body of evidence that Wuhan Flu aka COVID was a leaked bio-weeapon that the CCP were working on... I am just waiting fore that fact bubble to burst. Evidence of this research was discovered but quickly covered up and people disappeared. A couple of youtubers who spent a combined 20 years living in and have Chinese wives, commented on a number of things given their network of people that they are still in contact with, have better intelligence than the USA's NSA and what the Five Eyes collaboration brings to the table. So for my end here, Omicron variant of Wuhan Flu came from the same place the original came from and weas trucked in via an executives or their family or family members coming over to stay with relatives escaping the outbreaks that keep on happening in China but news of is suppressed and the WHO has its woll pulled again because Tredos is a bought and paid shill and member of the CCP, evidence was presented to that fact as were tow other members of the WHO board sitting on this COVID committee in the WHO. This is no conspiracy as all the evidence has surfaced and been presented by many people who have picked up on these investigators having direct links to the Wuhan research lab, previous work for the CCP... so its to me is just a cover up of another outbreak they worked so hard to cover Wuhan flu up that they missed evidence that was leaked by people and the discovery by the Chinese Doctor that got admonished for "Disrupting social harmony" was arrested and made to sign a retraction... So remember to look up in future, how many Chinese citizens and if that country is part of the belt and road initatives, then they will have a huge chinese population like Africa has over 20 million chinese there at any given moment... so its not hard to work out that the latest variant may have come out of Africa but it was trucked in from the usual suspect aka China. Food for thought.
  3. Rate of fire on some rifles and pistols are ridiculous. High rates of fire spoil game play, turns players away. HPA is a menace in CQB, I have seen 20 or so new players come and play once and call it a day, the comments I hear are often centred around "I can't hit anyone because I keep getting hit" or that they can't return fire because they are unable to break cover because the bb's are coming in thick and fast. From my observations in game, HPA's ruin game play on indoor CQB, it is more suited to outdoor use than indoor. The main issue IMHO is that there are too many sites where there are varying rules and this leads to confusion on new sites and why rules get broken and people get pissy with people not taking hits, one site I know says that kids are not targets and your hits on the kids don't count... well great, teach cheating to the young. There needs to be a set of standardised rules that can be agreed upon that is a guide and also those setting the rules need to have insurance companies onboard as they are the guys that have to cover sites for liability cover, so a site can't stipulate different rules that are dangerous to players as the insurance company would be on the hook. Players that want higher rates of fire and power should hire venues and advertise it as a free for all and go shoot yourselves up to your hearts content, leave airsoft to those who want to enjoy game play and not get beat up in a game, there is a certain thing that is called enjoyment that can rapidly diminish and the sooner players recognise this (the ones insisting on high power and rates of fire) wake up to this fact, the sport might improve to attract more players. As I say, if you want higher power, go airgun or powder round shooting or clay pigeon shooting...
  4. So if they jumped off a cliff, I take it you would also???
  5. In real world terms, there are no coincidences, there is only data that corroborates a link with mass social gatherings and then that is taken back to their home and fiends then the pub then the night club or venue they go to, before long, there is an explosion in numbers. As its clear from going in to the data, that the 4th July 2020 BLM protests were met with a rise, this rise and a fairly consistent rise. There is a lag in the time so there is a 2 to 3 day window. You also see spikes after people went to the beaches, so its clear for as long as this type of graph travels in the direction it is going, covid is not over. The numbers have to plummet vertically down off the page to be considered "Over" the infection peak. When you see the graphing on the TV, thats the standard type of graph that is used, not that useful in determining if the cases have passed the peak. IMHO this graph shows the true state of the country and not the other graphs. My money is on a lockdown after christmas. NYE is cancelled... so it is looking likely that its's a lockdown Christmas. Hover over the lowest point in that trough, it gives you a date. Go to google and search for "Demonstrations around xx/xx/xxxx" or "Protests around xx/xx/xxxx" there the xx's are the date and see what results pop up, that trough you refer to, I searched and it pulled up BLM protests, the one in Bristol. Each date around the time of the lowest point in each trough, corresponds to a protest of some sort. These people travel hundreds of miles to take part, so its no stretch to see that this infection is passed through close proximity, and those who have had contact are at risk and truck it back to their family or in to their workplace... I do keep saying that this is not over for a very long time and until there is compliance like in the past to thwart and combat previous pandemics, this illness will continue to mutate and could become the new super plague with no treatment to cure it. How are things going to return to normal? And don't start that rabbit hole of "Whats normal anyway" argument as thats not the meaning, I mean a state where we don't need masks, can go about the things we like doing with no restrictions... normal.
  6. If you track back further and look at the other troughs before the rise in case, you'll see the biggest leap was just after BLM kicked off. Actual real world data from the John Hopkins University who are collecting all world data and this guy used that data to plot an alternative graph that demonstrates why we are not going to be over COVID and that we almost had it licked back at the time BLM kicked off. Each subsequent gathering to protest and demonstrate has led to sudden rises in cases. There is no coincidence as it repeats with each bunch of idiots out shouting about stuff when we need to have people just follow the rules and get over themselves. If its not Extinction Rebellion or its offshoot, Insulate Britain, its BLM or protests about lockdowns and vaccinations. The way things are going is going to be lockdown and all because people refuse to follow the guidelines that are there to prevent spread. https://aatishb.com/covidtrends/?location=United+Kingdom As I say often,.... You can lead a horse to slaughter but you can't make it shoot itself.
  7. It just arrived... Not a very good picture as it was taken with my phone in poor lighting.
  8. M4 Stock ring.... Look up the one for your gun. I bought a stock ring for an M4 and my M4 stock ring was smaller than the standard size. So you need to look up what type fits your ring because all rings are not equal, most will be the 31 mm pin space type, some are double notch and some are triple notch and I have seen the odd single notch varieties. The Gas tool, bought mine off Amazon for about £16 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08LCZ4H9N and using it was reassuring in the fact that its a steel one.
  9. This is just one of the faces of BREXIT that UK citizens will see more of... People if you ask them about BREXIT, they will not understand the real issue of why the UK pulled out the EU... In very simple terms, the Panama papers exposes a massive TAX loophole fraud. The EU takes action to plug a tax loophole. Tories bottle goes when they realise that they will have to declare every penny that they have in tax havens. BREXIT is pushed, the muppets lap it all up in belief of sovereignty rule and all that clap trap that they were shilled with... when we already had it as people do not understand how membership of the EU worked... Next thing, people do not notice pack resizing as a hidden price rise coupled with price rises months later, a double whammy. Next thing, roads are not being repaired because all that lovely EU money ringfenced for infrastructure that your local council got to pay for road maintenance ceases, farmers subsidies cease, how they thought they would hang on to those when leaving astounds me... there was a lot more benefit to the UK than leaving for sure, the issue really was that the tory governments couldn't redirect that money, so they put up taxes, introduce new taxes and things to siphon off that lovely EU cash in to where... TAX HAVENS. The panama papers exposed that and the tories panicked, Cameron was under much scrutiny for the pigs head incident, so needed a diversion... BREXIT was also perfect for that purpose... killing TOW bird with one stone, so to speak. And here we are now, facing minimum orders and price hikes in the same goods that were 25% cheaper the week before. So there you have it... and the thing to remember, thsi is just the tip of the old berg and the HMS Britannia is the latest version of the titanic that Johnson is grounding on a sandbar somewhere in the doldrums. Enjoy your BREXIT fruits my friends, your BREXIT fruit pie is next...
  10. If it helps, when I buy, I have a figure in mind on the maximum I want to spend, then I spend time looking and generally find it, like the pistol I purchased yesterday online, I could see plenty of places had discounted already but were still £15 to £25 more expensive for the same item, found one sub £100. Regarding the figure, stick to it and hunt around the internet as there will be a vendor wanting to offload some stock for Christmas.
  11. Literally 30 seconds ago, I bought an EU17 Gen4 to go partner with the one my son uses, mainly so I can get to use the pair of tracers I just bought. I bought it as my Christmas gift as I know like for the 15th year in a row that I won't get what I asked for yet I get what is asked of me... long story but easier to accept that its the defacto in my life, never getting what I want unless I specifically buy it myself for me... Sad I know but I am pretty sure that there are plenty of guys who would appreciate a RIF or Grenade pack or a new Mollie or similar but no... we get SOCKS AND FRIGGING CHEAP SLIPPERS FROM JOHNATHAN JAMES, cuz thats all we're worth... subliminal messaging on a consumer level platform... new take on hidden feminisim there... So I managed to bag a cheap pistol, EU17 Gen4 just liek the one I got my son as I know that the tracers I bought work with that piece without me having to check if the piece has screw threads of the internal or external variety... The Acetech Brighter C tracers came with the 14 to 11mm so I am able to swap them on the AEG's if these work out better as they appear to pack a bigger punch than the other set I got for the as the BB's come out glowing more brighter. I got the EU17 here https://msrairsoft.com/products/we-eu17 and the Brighter C's here https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08P47TFCC You can guess what I will be doing on Christmas Day...
  12. Thanks all. The tracer came with a 14 to 11mm and I did try threading the plastic but its too short a clearance. So I either do need a conversion kit or get some cheap versions, of which a quick search finds a WE G17 G4 for £99, nice price if you ask me. It might be cheaper to get one that is ready to take a tracer... Just seen a WE G17 G4 for a nice price.
  13. Bought a couple of tracers for the pistols... The one fits my sons pistol... however, the other pistols don't take a tracer... Any conversion kits for the TM M92F, TM M&P9, TM P226 and the TM Hi Cap .45 as none of then have any threads in the barrel ends?
  14. I think that this is a new change in the law as it states BEFORE the deadline as historically, BOE would honour all currency changes so is this an indication that the money we put faith in as having value is now being devalued in favour of a digital version that is made to look like having more value???
  15. Who doesn't like the smell of fresh crack first thing in the morning? I think I have a Mental illness of some sort, can't help the double entendre, was bought up on a diet of slapstick comedy, Carry on films and smutty jokes. I can't watch the Austin Powers films because of all the double entendre's in it, just drove me nuts with my brother-in-law reeling a load off, I was reeling for hours, nearly had to call an ambulance as I was going blue from laughter.
  16. I haven't worn a shackle to time in nearly 34 years. IMHO watches are responsible for most accidents in modern life. I don't have the time to explain it either, you'll just have to spend some time pondering about it and maybe in time, the answer will come to you.
  17. All well and good guys BUT.... HOW do you explain where the box of £20 & £50's came from that you had stashed away from the misses?
  18. Old £20 and £50 (paper) notes stashed in shoe boxes and mattresses... Next year in 2022, by September, if you haven't spent them, they will become void and obsolete and have no monetary value and you can't get them changed with the bank or BOE... you have to get them changed BEFORE the deadline or your savings in old paper notes will be nothing but wall paper / toilet paper. So spend them or bank then now.
  19. I rewrote the song, "Hole in my Bucket", anyone ever tried it? Here goes... (work still in progress) There's a hole your *ucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, There's a hole in your *ucket, dear Liza, There's a hole. Then fill it dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, Then fill it dear Henry, dear Henry, then fill up my hole. With what should I fill it, dear Liza, dear Liza, With what should I fill it, dear Liza, with what? With a something big and hard, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, With a something big and hard, dear Henry, dear Henry, with something hard as a bone. But my boner is too long, dear Liza, dear Liza, My boner is too long, dear Liza, its way too long. Then use something else dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, Then use something else dear Henry, dear Henry, use something else like a fat fist! With which one shall I fist it, dear Liza, dear Liza, With which one shall I fist it, dear Liza, with which one? With an your right, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, With an your right, dear Henry, with your right and don't hold back. But my fist is too small, dear Liza, dear Liza, My fist is too small, dear Liza, too too small (...see it just plops out). Then, use the tip, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, Then use the tip dear Henry, dear Henry, just shove in your tip! ...
  20. Mathematics... I said MATH to accommodate our american friends who seem to visit here a lot.
  21. " Birtley, Gateshead"... says it all.
  22. I have the 2011-1911, been pretty solid to date and out performs others, the other week when it was cold, my pistols were the only pistols working when others would get 2 or 3 shots and the gas is done, mine kept on firing fine. People again with this FPS thing, it is a fixed energy rating. DO THE MATH.... A 0.2g BB fired at 320 feet per second is travelling at 218 miles an hour. (just to bring the FPS in to a realm that most of us understand) SO why do you need to go faster? These are SAFETY LIMITS that are imposed by government and the sites in turn may have their specific rules and limits like the site my son likes out of all the ones he goes to is now weighing BB's to stop people subbing higher weight than was chronograph with. ITS A SPORT AND GAME and it seems to me that the idea most people have is to want to have higher FPS to just hurt people as that is all that higher FPS does, hurt more, so maybe you're not suited to the sport... All I can see in the future is airsoft will go the same way as guns and having to have proper background checks and regulations that will just stifle the sport and all because some want to push their luck. Increasing the power can land you in trouble, serious trouble in the UK as the laws are ON THE power and not FPS because FPS is the combination of the mass and the power, the FPS is variable based on how you select your load. SO you have a limited scope to work with, if you want to play with the law, remember that as soon as you break the JOULES LEGAL LIMIT it became an actual firearms offence, just possessing it is an offence and your choice if you want to play with the law like that. Its not the VCRA that airsoft is governed by, its also HSE and Firearms laws and Police and Crime act and several other laws that will be lurking in the wings. Summary is this... WORK WITH WHAT YOU GOT BY DOING THE MATH.
  23. Modifying something makes that item fall under the firearms act. You make it more powerful by increasing the joules power to go over the maximum legal limits, you're committing a firearms offence. The 2 years, can't remember if it was policing and crime act, VCRA, firearms act, public safety as some elements of the sport fall under HSE's guidance, controls and the laws at their disposal. Its why you have to have a minimum level of PPE to play. There is a whole raft of legislation that players do not seem aware of that controls the game or their actions in the following consequences for ignoring those legislative rules for public and personal safety. I have suggested a legitimate fix to get around the issue, all I am doing is highlighting things that could potentially bit you for failing to do the simpler and better route of replacing the tone parts on the RIF because a "REPAIR" is not technically a modification if the parts are damaged as I understand, replacement tone parts is hard to come across, I have only seen one site and that is in the USA. (no I don't have a bookmark for it)
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