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Everything posted by AirSniper

  1. I know times are tough and retailers are watching their profits dwindle... compared to last year, are any of the suppliers actually offering a sale on items and not just the spares? I recall there was one supplier offering 20% off back in 2021 sales but this year, their sale items are pistons and hop-ups and seals... Does anyone know of any retailers actually having a sale on items that you would normally associate as sale items like RIF's
  2. Thanks for the reply, I looked and it would be a bit expensive to buy, almost the cost of a RIF. Guess I will have to save my pennies. I had no idea what the issue was, the SD card was empty but it said the card was full, swapped out the SD card and it recorded fine. The main reason I want a camera is to show game play and also help with game strategy, you learn alot from watching your previous game, especially who the cheaters are!!!
  3. Played last game of the year at usual site. Not impressed. Cheaters Galore and some dirty play. there were 4 players that never took their hits but continued to shoot and two or maybe three specifically targeting hands. Why you may wonder, simple, targeting hands means the person is less effective at shooting back and I have a minor fracture of my index finger on my right hand as a result. I overheard some *anker gloating about taking groin shots... Yeah I know, I got plenty of BB Bruises on the top of my legs. *issed off about it that much that I left the game and I expect thats why several others left the game because of dirty play and cheaters. Then there was the overkill, despite calling out hit and signalling being hit, still got lit up, seems that some people don't look and see if the player is out or in the game and just shoot. I noted that the majority of cheaters were HPA users. For a game that uses the honour system, it sure tells people alot about you as an individual if you ignore the rules. Think that the lesson is lost on these sorts. Another trend I have seen are groups within a team, that when they get hit, only one goes back to tag in themselves and team mates as their teammates stay in the game and continue game play. Even my lad who enjoys the sessions was *issed off, he never throws his guns and eyepro on the table but that game... What this sport needs is a full membership system that is linked across the country, a ban on one site is a ban on all sites. Clear out the trash and *sshole gamers.
  4. What is the freakiest thing that ever happened to you? I was sat at my PC, back in the old days of CRT screens. I'd been working away at the computer that long that I didn't notice that it had gotten dark and that the only light in the room was from the screen. IDK how long I'd been working as I was designing a website set of scripts, happened to look away and the whole room was pitch back and all I could see in large white letters was "INVALID INPUT" , I looked at the screen again as if to check it wasn't on my CRT then looked again to the side in to the darkness of the room, there it was again "INVALID INPUT" . It shook me up a bit, I switched the desk lamp on and carefully checked again over my shoulder, nothing, just the room... IDK WTF happened like was my imagination or because i'd watched the Matrix earlier that evening but it freaked me out a bit.
  5. Its more a case of they are upset, why would someone persistently report youtubers, especially when there are people who go all out to destroy someone's ability to speak within the terms of freedom of speech and have taken their viewpoint from what they read that someone else called them..? Take that Andrew Tate guy, never heard of him until the kerfuffle and he had all his social media as well as bank accounts shut down... then all the rabid feminists were posting about him being a woman hatine misogynistic woman abuser over a youtube video of a comment he was supposedly have made. Same thing has happened to many other youtubers and it all centers around feminists getting wind up their duffs about what they thought someone said as they were offended. As someone who has been to university and taken psychology, found that the classes that the (majority enrolled on that course) women would not turn up to a second or subsequent lecture when certain topics were discussed. I found it very revealing as to the nature of women who do not like to hear facts but prefer to live in the land of unicorns and rainbows of their own truths (reality). Move on some 15 years and here we are with a pandemic of cancellations and people being harassed over things that they said 30 years ago by same feminists who are angry at something, mostly aimed towards men. My Ex went loopy when our son said he wanted to play airsoft, most recently she has glued one of his guns up and this seemed to follow on from a resurgence over guns, gun crime and feminists hollering for tighter gun controls and abolishing sports where guns are used. So rather than trying to surmise things you know nothing about myself as "revealing", I'd suggest you drill down into the phenomena that keeps on surfacing as I have noticed a pattern, have you? I think that you would be surprised at the facts. In the Airgun world, there has recently been changes that have resulted in the requirement for airgun owners to obtain gun cabinets, I wonder when the screaming banshees will be demanding that airsofters have gun cabinets too.....
  6. I haven't used it in that context though. I am not a right winger either. Fact that I started with a friend a political party back in 2009 that put the wind up the tories says something. We disbanded after 2 years as it was mission accomplished, we achieved our aims only the tories stole a couple of ideas that they cut out the bits that they didn't like and perverted into the abominations that they are today, namely UC and Health Care Reforms which were intended to provide relief and catch all for those who need it, they didn't carry through the harsher proposals on employers but did the reverse, made it easier for employers to shit on you... Anyway, getting back to the subject... Doing daily battle with said persons and firing reality bombs in their direction, they do tend to get wounded easily. You only have to utter the slightest word of support for well known figures and instantly you are met with barrages of abuse and other expletives. So snowflakes it is, if they are offended by that it only upholds the argument that they are fragile individuals unable to cope with the daily rigours and reality of daily life.
  7. Its not an insult, it the sad reality on social media these days, snowflakes get offended and they will cancel and report people for things that they are upset about. I comment on facebook posts daily and get dog piled by feminists who got offended by the very fact a man spoke some logic or pointed out the flipside (aka reality) and they get offended over anything. Its easy to do as well, all you have to do is point out a basic fundamental irrefutable fact that can be easily looked up and verified or state something logical, they get all annoyed and this year have racked up 3 months in facebook gulag. The same applies to YT and when snowflakes report youtubers. You watch Donut Operator and he will often be heard commenting on about having to be careful to not get community guideline strikes because someone got upset.
  8. You can't monetize many things on YT, so its not going to be a case of he doesn't but more that he can't. Airsoft videos depict guns, therefore they are put in the same category of gun channels. I have a few gun channels and none of them can monetize where firearms are on show and they survive off patreon and merch. Take Donut Operator who as an Ex cop runs a channel on the subject, or Mark Serbu, Colion Noir and others who talk about guns and show guns in use. I have also noticed one youtuber that gets recommended to me often who used to have a couple of guns on display, no longer has them showing because of YT's rules. Its stupid when you can get away with showing footage of criminals discharging firearms from news reels but not from people in the industry that are trained. So its more a case of YT's policies and the ultra leftists snowflakes that get triggered and upset with guns being shown thats the problem.
  9. UK Border force are when it comes to checking goods, are ignorant of most things. I bought a satellite kit that accesses internet from locations off grid, despite it stating $80 which at the time was about £51, they charged me tax on £80 not £51 and despite telling them of their mistake, they didn't care, more revenue for them. You are lucky that you were not charged import duty and VAT. Similar happened to my dad 40 years ago when we came back from the USA. He brought in a store a boombox, back when boomboxes in the UK were £600 new, in the US they were something like $200 as the pound was strong, we were talking about £100 and the customs unit called my dad a liar as they were expecting a huge payday on the duty and VAT that they had tried to get him to pay, he showed them the receipt and they guy still said "I don't believe you", even with evidence. They are make it up as they go, if they think that they are on to a winner, they will stiff you for as much as they can. So it doesn't matter what the item is that is coming in, if they think that they can have your pants down, they will.
  10. Just had a new bathroom fitted. Caught this bug thats doing the rounds, my poor thunder box has had a severe beating... I'm on day three now and still blowing. Its a case of fart roulette and I lost three games already... Anyone in the same boat, my prayers are with you, don't chance it...
  11. It all depends on what type of site it is, if its an indoor CQB then you're not likely to have a sniper playing. If there are sites that operate outdoor games where you have banded and non-banded and Mr Ghillie suit wearer decided to conceal their armbands by wearing them on their ankles... it presents an unfair advantage because you don't know if that is a team member or not. Simply put, if you have two teams and one wears armbands then that is where they must be worn.
  12. Great game on Sunday. My lad got to take his AAP01 out for its first game. Halfway through the day I was moved to the other team to balance out when someone left. So I was on two sides of winning teams. The usual Zombies game to warm up, got shot in the ass. Then the obligatory TDM which we lost (when I was on other team) Capture the Flag which I amazingly got the only two flags for our team (after team rebalancing) the other team members got the flag but got taken down in a hale of BB's as the other team had set themselves up in good positions to defend their captures. Cash grab which we smashed (my fave game of all). Only thing I am pissed over is the camera didn't record the first game of TDM in which I flanked the other team and took out 4 players by total surprise. Fist bumps all round on that one. My son brought a friend who loved the game. All I could hear on the way back was them chattering about the game and airsoft guns and stuff. Mission accomplished IMHO.
  13. Any suggestions for an action camera thats cheap and not a gopro (too expensive) The one I currently have is an apexcam, the thing is pissing me off, it never recorded the first hour of game play today and i'm not impressed given that the remote signalled it was recording when I looked, it was moaning that the SD card was full, on checking, its empty. So I am looking for a mid range up to £150 ish thats got as good a picture as a gopro, don't need 4K, 1080 is good enough. Anyone got any cameras themselves that they'd recommend?
  14. Not saying the AC has done anything wrong. IMHO and I have to agree in all of KM's footage, despite a nice fat n juicy body shot, he always takes headshots which is a wankers game play. The two pet hates of mine, groin shots and headshots are not sportsmanlike if you have a big body mass shot available, if all you have is your head sticking out or target of opportunity then fair play, that is the game. Airsoft is a sport and like all sports you have your assholes and tossers that rock up and ruin the game with cheating, breaking the rules and giving the "Aww come on ref" bollocks to marshalls when caught out. Take the one game I was at, I must have shot the guy in his shoulder 17 times before I said to the marshall, "How many times do I have to shoot the guy for him to be out?" and the marshall witnessed my shots landing bang on target and the marshall had to tell the guy he was hit and out. The whole sport is based on the honour system and there is no honour in not taking your hits as well as intentionally shooting people in unsportsmanlike scenarios. My ruleset is body mass first in all situations, if all they offer is a head shot then I will go for it, never a groin shot like I have had people do to me and other players, that just a shitty move. At NAF22 there was a few situations, guys less pleased with some players, Bravo were playing dirty with face shots, nearly had my eyepros shot off despite having a larger body mass target on offer. I heard from one guy who was shot in the back of his neck at point blank range like the barrel of the pistol was touching skin. He had a nasty welt there and lucky that the BB didn't break the skin. It wasn't the only person to have had point blank shootings, another guy had a BB buried in his forehead. IMHO its time the sport weeded out these types that have no honour as these are the same sort that don't take their hits.
  15. Groin shots are just a dirty, people intentionally shooting for the groin. Had this at a couple of sites. People who do that are ass holes as well.
  16. Some guy apparently (heard convo between marshals) that someone sent a 4 page rant about how KM was at NAF22 and they weren't happy. It was rumored that Aircam man was at NAF22 but only a rumor, usually he and KM, the two go hand in hand frollicking between the trees of airsoft sites. Will have to see what footage appears online, if any.
  17. Had a blast at NAF22. Got talking to a guy that was so bladdered, he said look after my beers, then never came back. My lad bumped in to him next day and he didn't remember going to the toilet, just waking up in his tent in the early hours. Your typical inconsiderate ass wipe keeping the camp site up until 5am was present again, bunch of John Wicks chatting shite could be heard from 300 feet away as if they were in the tent next door. No, you are not combat ready, thats beer talking shouting you a-holes. Day 1 was great fun. Day 2 was equally good fun until some group of guys were taking intentional head shots despite having foot to shoulders as a target. Lot of dirty play and disrespect of the honour system. If you can't take your hits, you're in the wrong sport. Recovered and ready for round three at NAF23.
  18. If all you show is your head, fair enough but I am of the opinion and its a pet hate of mine, if you have a large visible centre mass and you intentionally shot for the head, then you're a c*nt, end of. Had this at NAF22 with Bravo Team all shots were to the eyes and one player, a sniper took an eyepro shot and I called him out for the w*nker he was as the shot came through some light cover, not enough to obscure view of my shoulder and chest. Something I never apologise for is calling out assholes.
  19. I treated myself, usually its myself and my lad, hes on camp with Explorers up in the lake district having fun, so I thought why not me... After a couple of hours of Shall I Shan't I, I decided to go. There was a fair bit of cheating going on, shot one player in the face shield, in the hand and in the torso and as soon as I flagged a marshall, they buggered off before the marshall could have a word. Several other players on the team also complained about the same person. Then in cash grab, the player raided our bank, I got back from respawn as fast as I could to shoot him twice in the back, as per rules, dropped the bag, departed from the riles and never went to his respawn point but then picked up the cash bag and despite the cheating, our team decimated the game with a win of 18 out of the 21 bags in play. About half way through the day, some players left and game play was excellent. I'm sore and aching and still in recovery as I overdid it. All good fun.
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