Another great write up, as always.
Yesterday Red Alert ran their first Battlesim LITE.
No kit restrictions.
Arm bands in use.
No medic rule.
Only break was for lunch.
Basically one long skirmish day with set teams and shifting objectives throughout the day, and one constant objective.
Red won the day convincingly (boo hiss), and overall the day was a great success.
It was a good intro for anyone interested in battlesims/milsim/filmsims that don't want to invest in specific kit.
Discussion is going on about what worked and what didn't, in order to tweak the rules as this may become a regular event every couple of months or so.
I had great fun, with the highlight being escorting two WWII jeeps across the site to an objective point.
But by the end of the day my back was giving out to me (I'm an old git), so I switched to war reporter mode and live streamed the last 20 minutes to Facebook, which I've now uploaded to YouTube and included below.
I also took off my facepro and subsequently took a round right on the top of my nose (shown on the livestream🤣)
Disclaimer: video contains foul mouthed old crusty!
Red Alert's next actual Battlesim (not lite) is on the 21st of May. Book at this link: