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Everything posted by Skullchewer

  1. This about sums up this guy. Just a stream of repeated bollocks. Finally putting him on ignore, because he keeps trying to turn this thread into his personal gripe thread, despite having created threads specifically for the topic. I'd rather read about game days that people can write about objectively. At the site you play at. Everyone keeps telling you to play elsewhere.
  2. Are we really still pandering to the absurdities of the "HPA BAD" discussion? 🙄 (spoilers: I only scan read, apologies if I got the wrong impression). ANYWAY Another storming day at Red Alert. The VFC G3 GBBR continues to be my flavour of the month, paired with my TM Deagle I got some lovely kills. Got lit up plenty, but all totally fair, except for the team kill grenade from one of my friends 🤣 Ran far too much in the escort the bomb game, and I am expecting to feel every day of my 52 years tomorrow, but it was so worth it. Saw another Vorsk VPM1 on the field, and I'm really impressed by those things. I'll be interested to see how they perform in the long term. I set the fastest time in the monthly Attack Sense pistol range competition with my Deagle! A respectable 9.1 seconds! WOOOOO! Then someone set an 8.7 😲 Bugger. Fastest time at the end of the month wins a free game day. The current site record stands at 8.4, but as that was set by the range marshal it's not a competition time. Next weekend I'll be trying to shave that second to an 8.1 There's another Battlesim LITE next weekend, where I will not be using the G3, as 20 round mags are pretty restrictive, and gas rifle mags are extremely difficult to reload on the field. Looking forward to it, going to be a selection of military vehicles in the battle. Today our group got our car park set up just right 👌🏼
  3. Oh, cool. Yeah, 3pm at the saloon it is then! You'll have to make yourselves known to me, but I do stand out a bit. 6 foot dickhead covered in tatoos and dreadlocks.
  4. Is that why you're up at this time, ya dirty stopout?
  5. A friend went to a Vorsk open day this saturday just gone. The rep said the VPM mags will fit their new release next year, the VMR. Whatever that may be, though he allegedly hinted at a GBBR.
  6. It's a new thing that's not another m4, and well marketed. That's it.
  7. I bled this Sunday just gone, from AEG fire at medium range (See my aggression thread in off topic). Sometimes that's just how it goes, the right shot at the right angle on the wrong patch of skin. If you don't like bruises and cuts you're playing the wrong game. Don't take up Paintball. Maybe take up Nerf. Careful though, some players put it stronger springs.
  8. Oh the irony. He has been told this, repeatedly, in this and other threads. He has been advised by many of us to play at a different site. We are all in the wrong, he is right.
  9. I'm new to naf, won't we still be "playing airsoft " (in the very loosest sense) at that time?
  10. So, rather than leave it to fate, are we actually going to arrange a meet up? And by meet up I mean drinking, not at the end of a barrel.
  11. Could always keep an eye out at the NAF car boot.
  12. Well, at least you know now! What was it you wanted?
  13. Wait, so you're telling us you DON'T like HPA? I am shocked. I've never had bruises or broken skin from AEGs, EVER. Are you expecting more sympathy back in this thread than the one you started in the off topic sub, then abandoned when nobody agreed with you again.
  14. Oops, sorry @Jedi_Masterforgot the no caps I blame Tackle.
  15. To revisit this, I've found that an old school tube loader works perfectly. Why VFC put a pistol loader in the box I don't know.
  16. Please, no. I got beaned in the same spot twice on Sunday 🤣
  17. You're really going to spend money on the absurdly priced stuff there? No offence dude, but you're a bit dim. So anyway, we can compare purchases!
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