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Everything posted by Skullchewer

  1. I was wondering if you and @Floperatorwould be there again. Next time.
  2. It's a nice site. Been a while since I played there, but it used to be the case that you leave the safe zone in the morning, play till lunch when you go back in, then out for the afternoon games. They had a pick up truck that would drive to each game zone. Put your bag with ammo, gas etc in the back of the truck. Free bottles of water also in the truck. Lunch is not included, but there's a burger van on site.
  3. Boggled. The mind does. More info? Has it been upgraded with totally new internals, including a coffee machine, toastie machine and fleshlight?
  4. I don't like this one, personally, but I can fully appreciate the quality of the work. Great job, as always always 👌🏼
  5. If you're being the social media rep for a company you need to be clear and concise in your communication. That wouldn't put me off the site entirely but it would be a small red flag.
  6. Either it has fixed itself or perhaps its a 24 hour timer from when you reach the limit, because now I can leave reacts again and it was about this time last night when things got... busy.
  7. Just in case there's any other AFUKers in the area, myself and a bunch of the other Outcasts will be playing at Reforger Airsoft on the 6th of August. https://www.reforgerairsoft.com/ I've been a few times before, and it's a pretty good site. Would be nice to see some of you lot there too. Don't let the "Outcasts" thing fool you, we're not serious players. Just a bunch of dickheads who enjoy playing together. All the gear no idea.
  8. Fucks sake. I worked in QA for over a decade and never thought of that 🤦🏼 Signed out, cleared browser cache. No joy.
  9. Ban me! That all went off before midnight, right?
  10. It's still going for me. I haven't left many reacts today. Maybe this is a hangover from THAT thread last night, where I did leave a lot of reacts. No warnings/restrictions showing on my account.
  11. Le sigh. Non hit takers? Meh, kinda just a thing. Whiny players? Same. Weekend warriors? Same. Slow ass fuggers between games? 🤬
  12. If they have their hand up they're dead. If they shoot me after that, and obviously haven't respawned, well done you're off for an early shower. If they're on the other team and don't have their hand in the air they're getting shot. Oh, you're already dead? Sorry, but you should have had your hand up. Your own fault.
  13. Will do, will hit up the other Outcasts too. I know Gamble still plays there occasionally.
  14. Is this new? I don't feel like I've added many reactions today. Have I been put on a naughty step without knowing it? Or is it just Pith's awful joke breaking the code 😉
  15. Sigh. Fine! I'm come try Skirmish Wycombe again. But I refuse to enjoy myself!
  16. Actually this brings up a good unspoken rule: Don't get your hotdog out.
  17. That... that seems awfully specific 🤣
  18. Not a rule where I play, but if I team kill I take the hit myself 🤘
  19. Like is it generally frowned upon if you get too close to enemy spawn because it is spawn camping? Yes. Should you call hits if your own team shot you? Yes. Does ricochet count as hits? No. How do you execute a knife kill, and does it only count if the enemy hasn't noticed you and if you do it , or can you engage a enemy around a corner and try to land a stab as they try to shoot you or is this not allowed? Depends on the site but it's usually a light tap to the t-shirt area, with a suitable larp safe melee weapon. It counts if you manage to do it and you're not dead when you do it. Trying to stab someone with a larp weapon around a corner could be viewed as blind firing. Most larp safe knives are still "pointy" to a degree, thrusting it wildly round a corner, hoping for a melee kill is pretty dangerous. You could knock off eye pro, jab someone in the ear, who knows what? I wouldn't recommend it.
  20. Hope all is well, dude. Nect one should be in about 3 months time.
  21. I feel this thread is in need of a timely BUMP.
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