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Everything posted by Cannonfodder

  1. Re listed from last month. Is it just me, or is £100 still a bit steep? Also that fps sounds a bit suspect https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/item/12514-cyma-l96-two-tone-blue/
  2. Looks like young Hitler going through his moody goth phase to me
  3. I love animals too, especially when done on the bbq 😁
  4. No mate, I'd say about 95% of them including mine. I'm waiting for the day one says they have a good sense of humour and enjoy long walks on the beach
  5. Not a joke, more of an observation. Is it me, or do most introduction posts on social media and forums read like bad Internet dating profiles?
  6. What do a Gemma Collins's knickers and a BMW have in common? Both often contain a massive cunt
  7. ^^^^This. Especially when our defence was given on the basis that we'd be self policing. If as a community we're seen to be condoning, or encouraging, people to break the law our defence could easily be removed
  8. But neither the OP or his father have a defence. The OP isn't old enough and his father isn't an airsofter
  9. No. His father would still need a defence as he's the one buying the RIF. What he does with it afterwards would be nothing to do with the shop
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