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Everything posted by Shamal

  1. It's the old marmite debate in a different format. I like both. 🙂 I didn't know that about the player pack. 👍 Regards
  2. Hi 👋 I would echo what @Merchant Lordhas said. it's a festival weekend. Camping,good food,cold beer and a fun and friendly atmosphere. plenty of carboot type of side stalls selling whatever you need at a good price and sellers open to offers. I've picked up some great bargains. The main arena is brilliant. Food outlets,competition stalls where you can put your aim and reactions to the test and big names selling new gear and showcasing the latest toys. There is a kill house where you can run the course and register your times for chance of winning a prize and also a shooting range with reactive targets out to 80 meters to tune your gun and get your sights sorted. Oh and as an added bonus there are the games.you can take them as seriously as you like or play in a more relaxed,casual style. Your choice. Missions and objectives for the weekend are all explained fully in your player pack. Saturday evening there is a night game which is great for tracers and lasers or you can just chill out in the arena with a cold lager and listen to the live music and just talk Airsoft untill the early hours.😊 Regards
  3. ‪When I asked what body wash they prefer to use in the shower, 8 out of 10 women said: "How the hell did you get in here!"
  4. Cool. That's great making it a family thing. 🙂 Enjoy the day👍
  5. Valiant Dorchester by any chance? Regards
  6. Fuck! That's a bit of a coincidence you saying that Mr Helmet 🤔😂
  7. Well funny you should say that cause zero one always have loads of help yourself baskets with patches and other tat. Lol
  8. Seventh year for us. Team Diamond Dogs. Bravo.
  9. Viper double zip multicam.comfortable and very hard wearing. Good ankle support and you can tie them as tight as you want and because of the zip they are easy to get on. Good grip as well. Regards
  10. Dress code. I was called into my manager’s office over the weekend because of my dress code. He told me that I wasn’t allowed to wear pyjamas for work. So I replied “everyone else does” To which he replied “that’s because they are patients".
  11. Allotment mystery. Over the last three weeks, I’ve discovered someone has been dumping soil on my allotment. I have tried to catch who’s doing it, but have had no joy. The plot thickens.
  12. Is that one something special then cause my night evolution which is exactly the same cost £60 new. 🤔
  13. Nice! But I see you have picked up some attitude from first pic 😂🤣
  14. Hi Paul 👋 Well I say 'top marks' for having the drive and the right mental attitude to want to get involved.👍 Over the years I have seen quite a few disabled people who have the drive and determination to get involved and get so much satisfaction from playing. It seems like you are planning ahead and I hope you get to that facility you mentioned to hone your skills. Also having a knowledge of teching is a great skill to have and one which may help others near you. I'm sure you will get out on site and do some games soon because I don't think you will let your disabilities stop you. 😊 Have you got any buddies that are into Airsoft? Regards
  15. Kick a man when he's down why don't ya 🤣
  16. Dan Dare ray gun. 5 years old. Sparks everywhere and frozen finger after blasting thousands of Mekons. Kept me from being abducted at bedtime. I hope the older members on here know what I'm talking about otherwise Im looking like a grade one,card carrying nutter.😜
  17. State of mind. Did you know keeping fish in an aquarium is good for your mental health and has a calming affect on the brain? It’s because of the indoor fins
  18. I split with my ex girlfriend 4 years ago because she wouldn't stop counting. I sometimes wonder what she's up to.🤔
  19. Viper dual pac jetster boots and arse detection holo sight. 😉
  20. A very philosophical friend asked me "What is Earth without art?" I just looked at him and said "Eh?
  21. Teacher asked the children what their Dad's did for a living.All the typical answers came up... Builder, fireman, policeman, salesman,etc.Joshua, a kid with a blond mop of hair, was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the Teacher asked him about his Dad. 'My Dad's an exotic dancer in a gay bar and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he'll go out to the back lane and have sex with them for money.The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some colouring, and took little Joshua aside to ask him, 'Is that really true about your Dad?''No,' said Joshua, 'He's just resigned as the PM but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids.
  22. Yep share ya pain on that dude. I think i posted before about the six foot seven mobile portaloo who gave me a 'friendly' pat on the back while screaming "Move move move!" I moved all right,straight on my face! He wasn't so mouthy when I got up and launched a particularly venomous verbal tirade upon him. But I noticed he was always bringing up the rear. Wanker! Lol Regards
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