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Everything posted by Shamal

  1. The vet just informed us our pet goat won’t be able to have offspring. Honestly No kidding.
  2. My mate slippery Sid got sent down last week for something he didn't do....... He didn't wear gloves.
  3. I went to a fancy dress party with a Durex on my nose. The host asked what I had come as. "Fuck knows" I replied.
  4. And you found a perfectly good gun laying on the ground. Some guys have all the luck. πŸ˜‰
  5. All the excitement has left him drained. He's gonna sleep for a week lol
  6. Hey don't start all that blubing.you are a roughty,toughty Airsoft man now.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š Regards
  7. Bloody hell mate I'm getting sooo excited for ya and I'm not even going. Lol. Enjoy πŸ‘ Regards
  8. If you are not sure then do a u turn.
  9. Don't leave it too long though cause I don't know how long I got left πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  10. I could supply names of 20+ positives just in my small circle of acquaintances. Come on down one year you will love it and it would be nice to meet youπŸ™‚πŸ‘
  11. As a player that has been going to the naf/nae for many years I can honestly say that I have never seen or experienced any jacked up or inebriated players. I've never witnessed any aggressive or volatile behaviour on the field or for that matter anywhere on site. I've seen more at smaller sites. I can only speak as I find. All you guys that hate the event for whatever reasons,have you actually been and experienced bad behaviour?
  12. Shamal


    Welcome back.πŸ‘ That hooked one looks like a shortened Westland helicopter rotor πŸ˜‚ Bloody scarey though lol. Regards
  13. Well my boy got sent home from school yesterday because the boy sitting next to him was smoking. I was straight up the school to confront the teacher. He said "To be fair,it was your son that set him alight" doh!!
  14. All guns that go out on field at the naf are checked for chrono tags. I have been random chrono checked in game before as have plenty more.
  15. Cloning machine. To whoever stole my cloning machine, I hope you are pleased with yourself.
  16. I bet the anti gun lobbyists love seeing this sort of arguing. I can see the headlines "Airsoft events rife with drug taking and alcoholism" Paints a pretty picture don't it. 🀦
  17. It's the old marmite debate in a different format. I like both. πŸ™‚ I didn't know that about the player pack. πŸ‘ Regards
  18. Hi πŸ‘‹ I would echo what @Merchant Lordhas said. it's a festival weekend. Camping,good food,cold beer and a fun and friendly atmosphere. plenty of carboot type of side stalls selling whatever you need at a good price and sellers open to offers. I've picked up some great bargains. The main arena is brilliant. Food outlets,competition stalls where you can put your aim and reactions to the test and big names selling new gear and showcasing the latest toys. There is a kill house where you can run the course and register your times for chance of winning a prize and also a shooting range with reactive targets out to 80 meters to tune your gun and get your sights sorted. Oh and as an added bonus there are the games.you can take them as seriously as you like or play in a more relaxed,casual style. Your choice. Missions and objectives for the weekend are all explained fully in your player pack. Saturday evening there is a night game which is great for tracers and lasers or you can just chill out in the arena with a cold lager and listen to the live music and just talk Airsoft untill the early hours.😊 Regards
  19. β€ͺWhen I asked what body wash they prefer to use in the shower, 8 out of 10 women said: "How the hell did you get in here!"
  20. Cool. That's great making it a family thing. πŸ™‚ Enjoy the dayπŸ‘
  21. Valiant Dorchester by any chance? Regards
  22. Fuck! That's a bit of a coincidence you saying that Mr Helmet πŸ€”πŸ˜‚
  23. Well funny you should say that cause zero one always have loads of help yourself baskets with patches and other tat. Lol
  24. Seventh year for us. Team Diamond Dogs. Bravo.
  25. Viper double zip multicam.comfortable and very hard wearing. Good ankle support and you can tie them as tight as you want and because of the zip they are easy to get on. Good grip as well. Regards
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