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Everything posted by Shamal

  1. Back in the dark ages when we were boys, 'Rah' was our favourite utterance. Said in an adolescent husky voice and accompanied by the stroking of an imaginary catweazle type beard! Bizarre!! Regards
  2. I've got a pulsar spoon,I think that's what it is. Early LCD? Nice watch but not very bright.
  3. Busted! You're goin' down sunshine! ๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™‚๏ธ
  4. Good man! Bite the bullet,take the bull by the horns,throw caution to the wind,let the devil beware when the Angel's move the clouds,faint heart never won fair maid and stuff like that. Have fun.๐Ÿ‘ Regards
  5. Hi Matteo. There is life in us old dogs yet Matteo! Welcome to the pleasure dome.๐ŸŽฏ Were you the barman in Benidorm....๐Ÿ˜‰ Regards Yes I know Benidorm is in Spain. Lol
  6. I guess it's really all about size and contents of balls! ๐ŸŽฏ Regards
  7. What the heck is a 'discord server'? Is it an out of tune waiter or summat'? Regards
  8. Haha yeah for the good of all airsoft kind! You legend lol Regards
  9. Wow! Does that come with extra muscles or shoulder rigging wires? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Regards
  10. Thanks ๐Ÿ‘ Regards
  11. Shamal

    Pre Loaded Mags

    Thanks guys. In the grand scheme of things I guess it's not too heinous a crime. I shall carry on loading with love then ๐Ÿ‘ Regards
  12. Shamal

    Pre Loaded Mags

    So I'm in the habit of loading my mags the night before a game.this saves time and wastage on the day and leaves me more time to drink coffee and mooch around. Question is though, if on the way to game, I'm stopped by plod for whatever reason, could I be in trouble for having loaded mags in my range bag? Regards
  13. Dont cha just love it . Josh,28,was into hobby when he was younger!!!!!! Man I'm feeling old now! Lol Welcome Josh .enjoy. Regards
  14. Never had a prob with my amoeba 013. Three years and still going strong. Did snap the battery box off once by doing woodland gymnastics! Regards
  15. That looks ok.you have movement forward and back. Is that some sort of packer under rail? Is that sorry for the hurt you are gonna cause? Lol Regards
  16. The silencer on my tm mk23 virtually eliminates all sound.its amazing.i can use it in garden with no worries of windows slamming and young children being dragged inside! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Regards
  17. Apart from recognised airsoft venues I think you can shoot on private land with the landowners permission and making sure no projectiles leave the boundaries of said private land. Regards
  18. Ok thanks will have a look ๐Ÿ‘ Regards
  19. Could it be anything to do with trigger not being blocked from moving because as you say something is worn on it? Regards
  20. We do the tunnels on a regular basis and also Kingston prison Portsmouth although that is on hold for moment. We still have Dorchester and Gloucester prison though. I've been to bravo one /the grange Birmingham couple of times. Think site fps must be 350 none of my gats would have got through at 330. Regards
  21. Hi Rogerborg Might be a bit late to the party but if you have a disposable flint lighter and take the flint wheel out carefully you will find a lovely little spring under the actual flint. May be just your size. If not always handy for bit box Regards
  22. Crikey! Like getting blood out of a stone! Lol Regards
  23. Hi. Above gat wont go on to safe. Good in semi and no probs full auto but switch to safe and it fires in full auto. Any ideas on cause?๐Ÿค” Regards
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