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Everything posted by Shamal

  1. I have the we gbb mp7. Scary as hell down the tunnels.lol
  2. Sorry to hear that terrible story. I have had a IMAX b6 clone for three years now.i knew it wasn't genuine when I got it. I use it regularly and have never had a problem with it. That being said I am never more than five yards from it when charging and keep checking temp of charger and battery Regards
  3. Hi I have been a paid up member of UCAP for years now. As far as I know I don't have a UKARA number. I also pay a subscription to UKAPU. how would I know what my ukara number is? Regards
  4. Hi Adevis welcome back fella. Anywhere near gear of war? Regards
  5. I'm sure you and your dustbins will love it Alex.just to echo what people have already said,we are a friendly bunch of deluded misfits living out our private realities.lol Have fun fella🙂 Regards
  6. I'm still playing. Coming up 67 now. Age is just a number.i play as much as I can.may not be as fast as the younger lads but i can still walk fast lol. Go for it fella.you have years of gaming in you yet🙂 Regards
  7. Sounds like a Russian anics skiff a500. Mine holds 28 rounds and fires 177 pellets or 4.5mm bearings. Regards
  8. I'll back Tackle up on that. Component shop. Great guys and they dont want to get you off phone within 30seconds.buy all my batts from them Regards
  9. Hi smiling dutchman. Yes it certainly is a fun weekender.hard work due to the size of the site but great game play.always a wonderful atmosphere and the night time socialising is a bonus. Cheap(ish) beer and loads of food outlets. More stalls than you can shake a stick at and some amazing bargains to be had in used gear. Give me the heads up on here if you are going next year and I'll buy you and GAMBLE a beer 👍 Regards
  10. Me and my stepson went to last sunday game.great day. Missed the legendary lunch though lol. They will return.......
  11. Thanks for welcome GAMBLE 👍 Yes it would have been my fifth year there.😥 Missed a lot of action this year as we all have but onwards and upwards Regards
  12. Hi everyone. Just thought I would introduce myself. Nigel is my given handle but go by shamal. Have been pew.pewing for bout seven years now.love it. Shame the nae is cancelled this year. Roll on 2021. Regards
  13. Hi Lewis b2k Have been to the Grange live couple.of times. Really good indoor cqb venue in the heart of brum.
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