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Everything posted by Groot

  1. Groot

    CA Stoner

    This advert is COMPLETED!

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    I want one. Simples



  2. As a little use backup sure.. As a main gun, AEP's struggle. If you upgrade them, they break quickly. Especially if you are going to be spamming semi. Range in CQB wont be your concern but you will notice the lack of power in woodland. TM MP7 GBB are freaking awesome or a nice tuned Cyma MP5 would be a great option if you want something for both.
  3. I remember when it was £10 walk on and £8 for a bag of 4000bbs It seems to have trickled up £5 every few years and now the average I see is £30 without lunch. I think £25 with lunch is about the fair point personally.
  4. Don't need any of that hippy dippy woke bullshit. I'll tell ya! Propane till i die! Me and the MWS boys
  5. Bruh, HPGAY! You don't understand me...
  6. I watched it.. Some parts were mildy funny but.. bruh... meh.. Also they had pump and bold actions, firing in semi... Literally unplayable
  7. Hello Before you waste any money on it at all be aware of what you have got and if it is something you are actually going to keep. I ran mine for a bit then sold it, it just wasn't good enough. The MP7 AEP is great if you want a very quiet, close up gun.. That is about it. ( Other guns like the Gas TM Mk23 do it better ) What it does not do well, is rapid fire semi/auto ( put ... put .. put ) or handle power upgrades well. Both will end up with the AEP exploding and you having zero access to spare parts. I personally would do what i did. Solder some wires and a dean connector onto the existing contacts and then a fake PEQ or similar to hold a 7.4v lipo. You can get small batteries that fit into the existing area but are a chore to get in and out i found. PEQ on an MP7 look boss anyway. Giving that it functions well. You will have a neat little gun that is excellent, if you do not want to be heard but aren't going into a heavy fight. ( Mk23 does it better ) The power mentioned before is about 260-280 but range is ok. It just take an age to get there. The GBB TM MP7 on the other hand
  8. Proof of postage is worthless He will post you a brick. It will be weighed and tracked and then claim you are the fraudster. Leave all threats on the table until you either have your goods as you sent them or a cash replacement. Paypal is often used against the seller in this type of situation.
  9. I will be honest. With that abomination of a paint job. You are going to need to lower your pricing.
  10. That cunt nozzle aims for the face. Helmet isn't going to help thats unless you go full Mandolorian
  11. Saw one of your sales on Negative Airsoft. Wonderful endorsement. Can you confirm the same level of quality with this sale?
  12. After the car crash of a 2021 game. People are really stupid enough to go again? Honestly, how low is the expectation of airsoft players these days?
  13. 1) Helmets look baller! 2) Are only useful if you are playing CQB and have any fear of hitting your head on something. Then they do obviously offer protection for your squishy internals. /Fin

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new



  15. Could be a new gun with a new weathered paint job.
  16. I am going to generalise but since covid i have found every site i have been to a little lack luster. Our local site.. The late the great Combat South ( pours drink ) closed. So we have tried lots of other sites and have not yet found one we would go back to regularly. We have had some fun, don't get me wrong. Sadly the effort most sites seem to be putting OR equally the lack of staff they seem to have these days seems fairly noticeable. I am no Combat South fan boy ( Love you Russ ) . They had some games that didn't work and honestly most weekends were a rinse and repeat of tried and test scenarios. But it was always delivered to a high standard, the marshal's were visible and engaged. They also provided a high quality lunch. (Which i do not understand why other sites who are now charging upwards of £25 a person, do not provide something so basic. Well not without an additional fee. Tight asses) I am hoping that as Covid fucks off, that competition for players returns and the the sites start upping their effort. Or i'm just jaded and overly entitled.... Or due to the great sites being lost to housing developers that the glory days of airsoft are dead. Or because today's airsofter seems to be weak, whiny and scared of being drilled full auto. Or its the speed softers fault. .......... it is speed softers fault
  17. Radius the gear box and do not put in too big a spring and you will be fine. If you are planning on going DMR then you are putting stresses on a box that it was never designed to take. So other than going for a good brand of AEG it will or will not split
  18. How dare you!! It has been carefully modded for authenticity!
  19. The title makes less sense than I do after a few tequilas but someone has already beat me to posting a video of Sir Cuntly and his magic sniper hits. The only airsoft player who seems to have an infinite range, perfect accuracy sniper rifle, not affected by environment or weather.
  20. I would risk assess the chance of me being caught vs the saving on some nods. No, No .. I would 100% buy it. There is no question around it.
  21. I think i'm mostly gutted i didn't get the chance to buy some discounted NODs
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