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  1. Haha
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    alxndrhll got a reaction from benno996 in Indoor CQB Gun's N' Gear   
    Truthfully I've never found the colour of anything I'm wearing/using to make much of a difference. The only time it might have any degree of impact is in notably dark areas, but not enough to feel forking out for an entirely separate kit would have made much of a difference.

    Torches/tracers are useful to have, I think the biggest change I have between CQB/woodland kit wise is my face pro. I run herosharks and a delta mike lower face pro thing for woodland (sometimes Peltors if I can be arsed, getting shot in the ear isn't my favourite). I've recently picked up a Dye mask to use for CQB, more so because I'm less confident running mesh eye pro in CQB and everything else fogs up on me.
    Edit: Not intended in any way as a recommendation/advice to go pick up a Dye mask, given lockdown I haven't had a chance to play games with it yet. Post more served as a nod to the fact your eye/face pro in CQB may need some consideration versus woodland depending on what you usually use.
  3. Haha
    alxndrhll reacted to Alimcd in Making the Novristch Ssp1 a Little Less Shameful   
    (Looks around the room to check for hamster) 
    They can’t ban both of us

  4. Thanks
    alxndrhll got a reaction from GeorgePlaysAirsoft in Have You Hpa'd in the Past and Left it Behind?   
    Obviously depends on what you wind up needing to have your PSI set to, and just how much hosing you're doing. I've personally never managed to empty a single 48/3000 in a day so I'm struggling to see how you'd be able to churn through a pair of 68/4500s. Not to say you couldn't, but I dread to think what the ammo bill would be if you were to do so 😅.
    I will caveat that by saying I run HPA largely due to the ease of maintenance and the ability to set my FPS and have it sit there consistently. I use the MTW because of real steel compatability. I don't make much use of many of the other 'advantages' (read as, stupidly high rate of fire) and predominantly only fire in semi unless the surrounding foliage sees fit that I need to briefly switch.
    I believe @Adolf Hamster had a HPA'd MG42 at some point so he may be able to shed more light, but I could be entirely misremembering.

    I'll also say I ended up doing a u-turn on my eventual conclusion at the end of this thread.
  5. Thanks
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Cr0-Magnon in Indoor CQB Gun's N' Gear   
    Truthfully I've never found the colour of anything I'm wearing/using to make much of a difference. The only time it might have any degree of impact is in notably dark areas, but not enough to feel forking out for an entirely separate kit would have made much of a difference.

    Torches/tracers are useful to have, I think the biggest change I have between CQB/woodland kit wise is my face pro. I run herosharks and a delta mike lower face pro thing for woodland (sometimes Peltors if I can be arsed, getting shot in the ear isn't my favourite). I've recently picked up a Dye mask to use for CQB, more so because I'm less confident running mesh eye pro in CQB and everything else fogs up on me.
    Edit: Not intended in any way as a recommendation/advice to go pick up a Dye mask, given lockdown I haven't had a chance to play games with it yet. Post more served as a nod to the fact your eye/face pro in CQB may need some consideration versus woodland depending on what you usually use.
  6. Haha
    alxndrhll reacted to Adolf Hamster in New Rifle Day   
    your eotech is on backwards.......
  7. Haha
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Alimcd in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    I think you might have a bit of a problem bud, dare say you might need an intervention before long. Not from me though, I entirely support it.
  8. Haha
    alxndrhll reacted to AlphaBear in THE TM MWS thread   
    Stop worrying about things. It’s fine. It’s a GBBR. You are gonna drive yourself crazy over things you don’t need to worry about. Lol. When it breaks then worry. In the meantime just enjoy it. Not that we can play at the moment. Meh! 
    And did you buy it from new? If so nothing to worry about. The MWS is awesome out of the box. Simple. 
  9. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from gunbod007 in Ra Tech Npas   
    It's the black one you've be looking at for the MWS. Both work, but evidence seems to suggest the black one holds adjustment better.

    For reference, taken from the document you were linked in the MWS thread yesterday (the fact you reference that very section in your post in the MWS thread has me somewhat baffled by the question being here):
    'FPS Moderation
    Best bet is an NPAS (allows the user to control the amount of gas that goes to propelling the BB, therefore controlling FPS).
    There’s one silver WE version that also fits the MWS and a black MWS version. They both fit in the MWS but the black one holds it’s adjustment better.
    The silver WE one needs some fettling with wet+dry paper to prevent sticking in the TM nozzle.'
    As a sidenote, you really don't have to create a new thread everytime you ask a question in the MWS thread and don't get an answer within 15 minutes. You don't have to reply with a justification, I get it, new toy and want everything to be perfect, must order everything possible which could resolve any possible issue as soon as possible. We've all been there, but cool your jets and take the time to read the information you already have. Your best chance of getting answers from folks who know what they're talking about in regard to the MWS is in the MWS thread, just be patient. And yes, I answered it here rather in the MWS thread so I could type this paragraph out before the entirety of the 'Gas Guns' section is new threads asking about the various MWS issues and queries.
  10. Haha
    alxndrhll reacted to Adolf Hamster in Cyma Cm.621 Upgrades   
  11. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Misery in Cyma Cm.621 Upgrades   
    FTFY 👀
  12. Haha
    alxndrhll reacted to Adolf Hamster in What have you made?   
    Good work brother, the pervasive fitting of m4 stocks onto not m4's is a plague that needs stopped at every opportunity.
  13. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Cr0-Magnon in Airsoft Apathy (First World Problem Content)   
    Definitely a pretty unique situation (though I can't relate to the whole 'needing partners permission thing'), I dare say that the fact you have permission takes half the fun out of it. But with that aside, perhaps you've reached the chosen land that so few of us ever reach, you're simply happy with what you have and don't feel like you need anything else. Which leads to the question of am I actually just content with what I have, or have I grown bored of that side of the hobby... escalating to is the hobby still for me.

    Lockdown and the inability to play has my brain doing an extremely irritating dance of trying to figure out what it is I actually want out of my RIFs, if you're truly just at a point where you're content I envy you to no end!
  14. Thanks
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Speedbird_666 in Airsoft Apathy (First World Problem Content)   
    We so often end up in a situations where we justify luxury spending that 'because I want it' doesn't feel like enough. My spending pattern is definitely more 'see something I want/like, can I afford it?' versus 'I have x amount of spare money, what can I spend it on'.

    If you've found something that takes your fancy that's ace, but don't force it would be my advice. With any luck the money isn't going anywhere, just enjoy the process of trawling through stuff knowing the funds are there if something catches your fancy 🤷‍♂️.
    I've definitely fallen into the trap throughout the various lockdowns and tier changes of spending money on crap I don't need to try and cheer myself up a bit, the way you've prefaced this would imply you don't get the opportunity. Sounds like you've earned that money, and congratulations on the promotion... now make sure you make the most of it .
  15. CoolAF
    alxndrhll reacted to Speedbird_666 in Airsoft Apathy (First World Problem Content)   
    @AlphaBear It's a slippery slope though - first it will be 'just' a spring, then new gears, a Titan and then a plethora of Prommy parts. Forget Covid, TM Upgrade-itus is real and symptoms start as soon as you open the damned box - your bank balance will have a 99.9% mortality rate. And just as soon as finished with one gun...you will hear a calling....'buy a TM SCAR'....then it all starts again.....😜
    Nail on head I think.
    I also feel guilty for thinking about spending so much money.
    That is, until I found this in UK stock:

    Yes, yes, it's another AR. But its a sort-of M653/M733 Fixed carry-handle AR with proper slim hand guards. Made by E&C so the gearbox will be decent and only half my budget. Old Skool is cool again, right?
    As a slightly...*ahem*...'portly' gentleman, me dressing up like a Seal Team 6 'operator' would be somewhat akin to lipstick on a pig.
  16. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Speedbird_666 in Airsoft Apathy (First World Problem Content)   
    Definitely a pretty unique situation (though I can't relate to the whole 'needing partners permission thing'), I dare say that the fact you have permission takes half the fun out of it. But with that aside, perhaps you've reached the chosen land that so few of us ever reach, you're simply happy with what you have and don't feel like you need anything else. Which leads to the question of am I actually just content with what I have, or have I grown bored of that side of the hobby... escalating to is the hobby still for me.

    Lockdown and the inability to play has my brain doing an extremely irritating dance of trying to figure out what it is I actually want out of my RIFs, if you're truly just at a point where you're content I envy you to no end!
  17. Haha
    alxndrhll reacted to Alimcd in Airsoft Apathy (First World Problem Content)   
    With £500 you may even be able to afford some of Avenger’s second hand stuff
    (Looks around, sees this isn’t Mack’s)
  18. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from GeorgePlaysAirsoft in Have You Hpa'd in the Past and Left it Behind?   
    Hi folks,
    Just a general canvas on peoples thoughts who have run HPA as their primary means of powering their RIFs and subsequently decided it wasn't for them.

    I've been running HPA as my primary means of powering my RIFs for a fair while now (I honestly can't remember exactly how long), I frequently go back and forth on whether it's something I can be bothered with. Since around October-ish I've been going round in circles as to what is the right decision for me and I just can't land on an answer.
    The biggest element to consider with HPA is the cost of getting into it, that's largely seen as the most painful bit. I have several tanks, a scuba tank, a few regulators, a hand pump with appropriate filters, lines so a fair ol' amount of investment before we even get to the RIFs that lot powers. Over the years I've found I'm much less performance orientated and have started to become much more interested in the GBBR side of life (I've tried many of them before, most recently an MWS which I very much regret parting with). I'm aware the easy answer here is 'why not both', which is something I've pondered on a lot... ultimately that falls with both systems being pretty finanicial investment heavy and with the lay of the land where it is at present I already feel I'm perhaps a little over invested in the hobby.

    So the question, has anyone out there felt like they were in a similar situation? Did you sell up and move to a different platform? Did you regret it massively? I'm aware it'll all be personal preference at the end of the day, but hopefully a bit of thinking aloud might give me some clarity.


    P.s. Yes, I'm sure having not played for month isn't helping... but it seems like as good a time as any to take stock.
  19. Haha
    alxndrhll reacted to Davegolf in Have You Hpa'd in the Past and Left it Behind?   
    I had a Polarstar FE, great bit of kit performance wise, but I grew tired of storing and lugging the required kit around.
    Why do you think you can’t you be bothered with it?
    There are many factors to the why and what, and I feel I’ve gotten exponentially faster and more ruthless in gun building/ditching in search of my ‘perfect setup’.
    Sounds like you’ve been mulling for a while, I’d say write down your factors and which gun/setup ticks the relevant boxes because as you say, you’ve been going round in circles, easily done when there’s too much to comprehend - so write it down then you can look at it in a table format or something.
    For me, effective range and first hit probability are top of the list, seconded by ergonomics such that I can get on target fast, thirdly stealth.
    I like being active, so camping / sniping is out.
    I like ranged shots moving in and getting up close to the action, so DMR is out. Assault rifle it is then.
    To that end sorted AEGs give up nothing to GBB or HPA.
    The only exception is noise.
    I recently built a stonking AK, love it, but cannot get the motor any quieter.
    Recently (on the grand scheme of things) C02 stocks have come about, so now I’m into an F2 build.

    So I think maybe that’s an option??

    EDIT: haha literally as I wrote this you answered Albiscuit and essentially sound like me
  20. Haha
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Davegolf in Have You Hpa'd in the Past and Left it Behind?   
    The element you've hinted at is one of the larger reasons, namely the sheer amount of stuff you need to take with you for a game. I need the HPA tanks (varies based on the site/format of the games), batteries (because assuming you've not running a mechanical system you still need batteries) and then regular gas for pistols. The idea of just needing a few bottles of varying gas and I'm set is very appealing... and freeing up that space in the house. Airsoft tat takes up a bunch of storage room, HPA equipment ramps that up even more.

    That aside, not having to run a backpack/getting rid of the line was freeing while I was using my SRS. I wouldn't ever put it down as a huge con when playing, because I tend to agree that you don't tend to notice it all that much. However, I did find it much easier to throw myself around a bit once it had gone... though that could be entirely psychological in terms of no longer running around with what is for all intents and purposes, a bomb on my back (is that something I'm allowed to say?).
    Sniping made me realise I don't actually care all that much about raking in 50 'kills' in a day, very much landing on the 'quality over quantity' side of the fence. While minimum engagement distances very quickly got annoying.

    GBBRs feel like a nice middle ground of not using an AEG (nothing against them, I just don't like the sound... and tend to prefer being able to tech on my own equipment, AEGs are never something I've been comfortable working on) while also giving me the freedom while playing that HPA can take away (though it's not until you stop using it that you realise the affect it has).

    For reference, I like my replicas to look like replicas so the MTW Aero stocks are something I was interested in but have since changed my mind on... and the CO2 stocks while decent restrict how you can set your length of pull/which stocks you can use... which is something that bothers me more than I'd like to admit.

    Apologies, I'm waffling. I sure this all sounds like my mind is already made up. We all know the benefits of HPA, so it's just trying to figure out with of those benefits I'll be missing out on, and how much I'm likely to miss them. It's very easy to say 'I'm less bothered about consistent performance these days', I imagine that's something I may well eat my words on should I decide to rejig where I'm at.
  21. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from sonofsammo in Sig Sauer McX Virtus   
    I swear I read an advert in the classifieds of someone selling one of these really recently but I can't find it for the life of me now. Seemed like a very honest summary of it in terms of the reasons they weren't entirely happy with it, and why they were looking to part with it.
    TLDR seemed to be they didn't feel the price was justified, they felt the externals were lacking especially with slop throughout. Regrettably I payed less attention to comments on the internals/performance.
    Fingers crossed I'm not going mad and someone else saw the same ad I'm referring to, but a seemingly honest run down with warts and all showing from someone trying to make a sale seems about as close to unbiased as I've seen of late.
  22. CoolAF
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Alimcd in Lockdown Boredom   
    Another MWS is all I'm looking to pick up at this point. Very much regret selling the one I had, textbook case of not knowing what you have till it's gone. Alongside the constant ticking in my brain of whether I can really be bothered with HPA anymore or sell up that side of things and treat myself to that Zenitco GHK AK I've been eyeing for a while but can't justify unless I have a bit of a clearout. Decisions, decisions.
  23. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from EDcase in An Interesting Take From a 'Real Steel' Perspective   
    I imagine many of you have already seen this, popped up on my 'recommended' front page and it piqued my interest. My overall take away is that if the attitude of real steel companies can shift from 'looking down its nose at' to 'we can see the benefit' it'd be great for the hobby as a whole.
    I don't personally take a lot from some of the benefits Lucas puts forward (though I do share the sentiment that I'm more into the gear side than the RIF side), it's very much a pastime for me... and I imagine many here given the practical application of 'training' outside of airsoft in this country is somewhat limited to my knowledge). Nevertheless it's pleasant to have someone involved with the real steel world not just mocking the hobby/sport/whatever we do is.
  24. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Eulenspiegel in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    See's Macks is 'hot'. "Is this it, has something happened that may cure my boredom momentarily?"

    See's someone grumbling about Macks, while the thing they're grumbling wasn't actually on Macks. Thus causing a bit of ruckus on Macks, while still referencing the thing that wasn't on Macks.

    Booooooo, I'll put the popcorn back in the cupboard.
    Anyway, I imagine it'll be entirely ignored but I might suggest it'd be easier the sell the RIF itself with 1 or 2 mags at a cheaper rate and sell the rest of the mags separately. Ultimately depends on how much of a 'rush' there is on completing the sale, but had it been a RIF I was interested in I'd probably look at 8 500 round hicaps as a tad excessive to the point I'm paying for things I don't really have a use for. Food for thought 🤷‍♂️.
  25. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Keithlag in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    See's Macks is 'hot'. "Is this it, has something happened that may cure my boredom momentarily?"

    See's someone grumbling about Macks, while the thing they're grumbling wasn't actually on Macks. Thus causing a bit of ruckus on Macks, while still referencing the thing that wasn't on Macks.

    Booooooo, I'll put the popcorn back in the cupboard.
    Anyway, I imagine it'll be entirely ignored but I might suggest it'd be easier the sell the RIF itself with 1 or 2 mags at a cheaper rate and sell the rest of the mags separately. Ultimately depends on how much of a 'rush' there is on completing the sale, but had it been a RIF I was interested in I'd probably look at 8 500 round hicaps as a tad excessive to the point I'm paying for things I don't really have a use for. Food for thought 🤷‍♂️.
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