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Everything posted by M_P

  1. They probably just sell them as a higher capacity mag than they actually are.
  2. Considering murdering my brother. Bought the biggest KFC ever on the agreement he would carry it to the car, he went and left half of it behind.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. b1n0gHo5t


      don't think they do a boneless bucket..wish they did as i took down a 12 piece and it was Meh would sooner eat Mcnuggets

    3. M_P


      Or was it called a boneless banquet? Can't even remember lol. The colonels bucket was the best cause it came with special fries but they got rid of it after a month.

    4. b1n0gHo5t


      it was there is one called that yes lol i may try a bucket from a different kfc store..the one i went to ended up dripping with oil at the end which was just vomit inducing & their fries...why do they suck so hard

  3. I think there's been a bit of confusion over the use of the word. People don't refer to the system performance or anything when they say shit, I think it's more to the fact that they don't feel it's a proper gbbr or see the point in it as it's not very realistic.
  4. I'd say some sort of warranty although it's a bit unrealistic. If I got someone to fix my gun and it broke within the next couple of games I'd be a bit pissed off. At the same time though a tech could just say it's not his problem anymore.
  5. The GHK gbbrs are proper gbbrs using a realistic system. This is the ghk conversion
  6. google 'airbana airsoft map'. They had a map of a lot of the sites, they may have one for shops too.
  7. It's the same GBB 'gearbox' as in the g&g cm16 gbbrs I believe.
  8. Doens't look like you're the only one
  9. I'm in a similar boat to Ed, I'm gonna stick to a few WEs until they all die whilst keeping a couple of AEGs. Then later on I can reevaluate once the TM and GHK have been around for a while so how they perform is more well known. A safer and probably more boring option but ultimately more sensible.
  10. I think it's more of an issue of the mags keeping up with a high rate of fire than actually affecting it.
  11. A-tacs fg. Easy to get in the UK, and not as common as MC/MTP
  12. You're local shop is staffed by morons it seems... It'd take a higher power spring fine but a prometheus 6.03 and firefly hop set would benefit you much more.
  13. Personally I'd just leave it alone to be honest but up to 328ish would be fine, mines at something like 340 I think. Not to say my power upgrade has had any adverse effect, I just don't think the bother produces a big enough return to bother taking it all apart- a bit of a ball-ache on the scar. TF, the gearbox cases can take it is what I was talking about when I said 450, with stock internals (gears etc) it won't last long at those levels though. The point I was making at the time is that they are upgradable guns which some people don't realise.
  14. Isnt that a second one? Why two if you don't mind me asking?
  15. Is Project Luther dead then?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jcheeseright


      I think BAC killed both projects on it's own, just by being such a massive shambles

    3. AK47frizzle


      There was an entire sub forum dedicated to it... not 1 post on it ever... apart from devastator's.

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      Pretty much, yeah. None of us involved in it have mentioned it for ages.


      I think BAC shook people's faith in the concept of an independent system to the point where finding support for a new one just wouldn't be there.


      We're still sat on all the planning stuff though, so if there ever is an opportunity to implement an alternative system, we can just pick up from where we left off.

  16. In another thread you have previously said that you're anti ukara but ok.
  17. Baz is a fan of the buy anything club and anti ukara, so probably making a point/dig at others because they accept it. You're right though, not the thread for it.
  18. As Monty says the only thing worth having in that budget is a double eagle tri-shot. Save up a bit more, you'll be much more satisfied.
  19. Pretty much yeah, I've also had a couple of G&p aim points. They're shit.
  20. You'd be surprised. I'm a big g&p fan but their optics are awful, probably just re-branded clones to be honest.
  21. Try pulling the charging handle back slightly.
  22. G&P ones are nothing special, I'd go for a clone.
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