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  1. CoolAF
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft reacted to Impulse in Anyone who enjoys sniping, might I recommend a gym membership? I just played my first   
    If you've worked out in the past and work hard, yes. At least for me, the weights I'm lifting have gone up fairly rapidly so far (though I know it'll start plateauing, it's inevitable) and the difference this skirmish day was noticeable. Started MMA and BJJ as well as the gym about a month ago, so I'm feeling a lot better.
  2. Haha
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft reacted to Cr0-Magnon in Had a stinking cold all weekend and in my boredom watched one of the recent Novritsch   
    @GeorgePlaysAirsoft - Thought you may pop up to re-use your favourite picture 👍
  3. Like
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft got a reaction from Tactical Pith Helmet in if anybody knows of any games taking place on boxing day in "the south" please let me   
    @Tactical Pith Helmet sorry for the late reply. picture the scene: its lunch time at whatever airsoft site. numbers are minimal due to the obvious clash in schedules and only the legends have appeared. you produce a wicker picnic box from your boot, containing 1) a thermos of soup 2) a pork pie and piccalili sandwich 3) a stilton sandwich 4) just the right amount of sloe gin to ensure you are safe to drive come the end of the game. it is fucking brilliant. you get home and watch worlds strongest man on channel 5 eating liquor chocolates. alas, airsoft sites have conned me out of this future, and for that i will not forgive them. george
  4. CoolAF
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft reacted to clumpyedge in Lots of drama, I know, but what the fuck?   
    @Cr0-Magnonpersonally I couldn't care less if I am filmed but the way the marshal knocks the camera down (some say assault, I would argue he didn't give his permission to be filmed) but I agree with your point, people sign to say they are happy (how that would stand up in court I don't know) to be filmed or photographed by the site but players strapping cameras all over them is a different matter in my eyes especially when they are mocking or belittling people in clickbait titles (again more directed to players, not the one as the matter of discussion for this thread)
    @Skaraprobably realized hes come across like a complete bellend.
  5. CoolAF
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft reacted to Shamal in If anyone orders an InvaderGear UBACS, order a size UP. Extra Large my arse 😅   
    My wife asked me other day "does my bum look big in this?"
    "Yes" I replied "but to be fair it is a small bathroom"!
    She didnt observe minimum engagement distance.redness is just about gone now. I did call my hit though. YEOWW FUCK!!
  6. Like
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft got a reaction from Sawyer in UPS Sending me forms to import a Toy AK dust cover... yay. This isn't a restricted it   
    I had to do the same. Would urge you not to list any of your UKARA or demonstration of defence, less they start asking for UKARA to import parts. The form almost implies that you should. Attached is the form I completed, minus my personal deets, for when I imported some parts. Cheers! RIF DEC without my deets.doc
  7. Like
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft reacted to Shaydee in Does anyone know a good source of information on russian kits? Looking at recon/scout   
    In comparison to the older generations they're a bit stiffer material wise and the stitching ,etc, isn't as good - it's a 500D sort of nylon-y stuff, as an entry level Russian getup I don't see it as that bad to be honest, though there's certainly better (I spent a bit too much and moved to a partisan harness soon after). I had no issues when I used my newgen at Berget for a long weekend and other game days, a lot of others have no qualms with them either. I think a lot of the 'bad rep' (if you can call it that), comes from people getting a newer gen smersh and a cheapo grey shop gorka and going 'Hey look, I'm FSB now' or 'Check me out I'm Kapkan' and the hardcore guys getting all riled up - typical internet stuff really.
    The newer generations aren't really used (they've seen some use in Syria and the like at least from a few reference images I've seen) and they've been overtaken by a lot of other rigs (TT MK2 copies, the 6SH) - though there's a boat load of different kit that has been used by different Russian units over the years.
  8. Like
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft got a reaction from Wesley44 in can u help me please I joined this and a second site were I paid 10 to become a membe   
    You can get a two tone it not will have to wait till you/we can get skirmishing again
  9. Like
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft got a reaction from GAMBLE in Reached a 100 for my Community Reputaion, which apparently is Good! 😎 Thanks to @Geor   
    Dont take it personally guys - if you had a sweet SMLE i'd like your posts too 😁 
  10. Haha
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft got a reaction from Sawyer in Ares airsoft. FUCK. YOU. You useless piece of trash company. Can't even make a proper   
    Would advise against getting a fourth
  11. Haha
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft got a reaction from BibbsOnTour in Ares airsoft. FUCK. YOU. You useless piece of trash company. Can't even make a proper   
    Would advise against getting a fourth
  12. Haha
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft got a reaction from RobHedley in Ares airsoft. FUCK. YOU. You useless piece of trash company. Can't even make a proper   
    Would advise against getting a fourth
  13. Like
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft reacted to Philby21 in Unpopular opinion (not meant to upset, more promote discussion) - If you're looking a   
    Personally I tend to use airsoft for fitness as well as fun - but a 200 acre site in the North Wales hills will do that for you!
    That and mowing three lawns totally about a third of an acre and on the side of a hill help too, especially pushing around a non self-propelled petrol lawnmower after first dragging it up to the top of the flaming hill (which is higher than the roof of the house).
    Unfortunately the recent month and a half of little activity mean I need to start getting back out again very soon as I've put on a bit of weight (think dad-bod not morbidly obese).  Sadly my age doesn't help too much either, although my brain still thinks I'm in my early twenties my body is painfully aware that I'm in my late forties!!
    As for losing weight and keeping it off, I subscribe to a very simple formula: eat less and move more.  Works for me!
  14. CoolAF
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft reacted to Lasbrisas17 in L-fucking-MAO. Complaining about people being mad right after popping 4 in the face a   
    Such snowflakery, next we'll argue using bfg's indoors because it might hurt someone's ears because they chose not to wear hearing protection. How about shooting someone's eyes because they aren't wearing full seal? Go play laser tag or nerf.
  15. Like
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft reacted to Rogerborg in L-fucking-MAO. Complaining about people being mad right after popping 4 in the face a   
    >" Completely unnecessary shots imo"
    Necessary in order to play the game that we're all there to play at that site.
    The Depot is a very-CQB site, and the engagement ranges are coming down all the time as they add more and more cover.  Jet was playing the site the way it has to be played.
    It's also characteristic to hear a lot of adrenaline fuelled expletives and unnecessary-but-polite apologies, but it's all forgotten about within seconds.  Everybody who plays there knows and accepts this, or they stop playing. They're always over-booked, so it's clearly not a problem.
    What was out of order in that video was the high BFG near the start.  He'd been told very clearly not to do that, while standing right next to the marshal giving the briefing.
  16. Like
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft got a reaction from Rogerborg in L-fucking-MAO. Complaining about people being mad right after popping 4 in the face a   
    This always happens. People bitch about getting shot in the face, frame it as a safety issue, then admit to doing it themselves 'if its the only target' as if that somehow makes it safer. 
  17. Like
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft got a reaction from Lasbrisas17 in L-fucking-MAO. Complaining about people being mad right after popping 4 in the face a   
    This always happens. People bitch about getting shot in the face, frame it as a safety issue, then admit to doing it themselves 'if its the only target' as if that somehow makes it safer. 
  18. Like
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft got a reaction from Lasbrisas17 in L-fucking-MAO. Complaining about people being mad right after popping 4 in the face a   
    Its cqb - you will get shot at very close ranges. Wear full face protection. Sometimes it hurts and you see red but if you are routinely getting angry past a few deep breaths and a count to 20 you NEED to find a new hobby!!!  Chap at 3.30 or so who is bleeding from the face is a total gentleman and many could learn from his cool as a cucumber shit.  😎
    But he should also wear full face too
  19. Like
    GeorgePlaysAirsoft got a reaction from CES_williamson in Been looking for urban sites but just been offered a 50 acre plot of woodland, though   
    Ill do an overnight stay for a good urban site but for a woodland site even less then an hour away would have to be a special game or something. 
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