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Everything posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. Just wondering if people would care to list things they get asked often and get tired of talking about, or explaining. I'm thinking of doing a series of videos on my channel about airsoft's most frequented questions, they'll be in the style of video blogs, but I wanted to brainstorm you guys for ideas. If you help me tailor them then they could even serve a purpose on the forums as a pinned topic or something. Some people might find it easier to watch a video than read a wall of text. Might even use quotes from this page to help reinforce points. So far I've thought of a handful of things that need a mention: How to get started: - How to find a local site - What guns to look at/Not look at - Reputable retailers - What you need/don't need for your first game - Things to look out for and avoid; Be mindful of site rules, don't shop at JBBG etc etc. - Understanding UKARA/Two Tone - Why a sniper is not a good starter weapon... - Schools of thought; people playing for fun vs realism, milsim etc - The importance of the basics; Taking hits is more than just a rule, it's the whole game. - FAQs; breakdown of commonly used phrases/jargon, does it hurt etc. anything I could add? - Basic overview of AEGs, GBBRs, Snipers and sidearms - A word on maintenance, or lack thereof. I see too many videos about spraying silicone down the barrel... Whether everything will get a video of its own remains to be seen, I'll have to try and keep the videos short and to the point so I'll probably just sit and talk for a couple of hours, going over everything, and then cut and paste it all into a different order and cut it up into different videos or something, have to see what happens when I get started. After that I thought about doing a series for the regular players, just past the beginner stage, maybe tips on how to improve your game. Things like: - Think things through - Making the best use of cover - When to shoot and when to move - Awareness, knowing the game area, angles of engagement, cornering - Basic tactics - Magazine choice - Lows, Mids, Highs - Looking to upgrade? Part names and functions. - AEG vs Gas vs Spring Any input on any of this would be great, I'm thinking of contacting a retailer to sponsor the series and provide some guns as props or something to help flesh it out a bit so it's not just me sat talking at a camera. It'd be nice if I could work my first channel giveaway into it somehow too.
  2. Decided against playing today, regretting it now =[

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed
    3. Josh95


      Really hope roberg doesnt win the title I hate him

    4. Ian_Gere


      me too - i should have made arrangements to go to skirmish as soon as anzio fell thru

  3. I don't see the point in doing this tbh. The only reason to get a gas gun over an electric one is for the realism and the blowback, but if you're putting a pistol mech into a rifle the blowback is going to be so slight you don't notice, and it's obviously not very realistic lol. If you can pull it off then it'll probably be a pretty sweet technical exercise, but I don't know who would want the final product, or why.
  4. You also don't need to be purchasing a gun from the place you send the form to.
  5. How do the hop and gearbox fit together if the feed tube's in the middle? I'm guessing the hop must be proprietary? I wonder if fitting an SR25 hop would allow you to use other branded mags because of it altering the location of the feed tube.
  6. He didn't seem to do it with any aggression though, it was weird.
  7. Have you ever heard the term, "shameless plug"? Lol.
  8. I didn't really do anything with that either, except throw money at it and scream. I had no idea what I was doing, I bet if I had a time machine I'd be able to fix it in 5 minutes. I probably just squirted oil down the barrel or something, I can't remember.
  9. A G&G MP5 This is just regarding AEGs though, I've had a lot of gas pistols I've never done anything to, and I've not done anything with any gas rifles I've ever owned either.
  10. G&G have a pretty wide range of AKs and I think all of them have a blowback version, I paid £145 for mine and it's one of only two guns I've ever left alone internally. It was just too good to need to try to make it better, and for the price you really can't go wrong. The blowback G&G use also uses redirected air from the gearbox to push the bolt back, so there's nothing clamped to the gearbox as per other designs, meaning there's no added wear on the internal parts, so it doesn't decrease the life of the gun. It is just visual blowback though, you're not going to feel any feedback from it unless you go for a TM, or a gas AK. I agree with two_zero on the whole, I do find that TM get a lot of praise that's no less valid when talking about a lot of other companies, they just get special attention because they were the best a long time ago, because they were the first to do pretty much everything. Their reputation is quite definitively a remnant of their glory days, but that's not to say they aren't good, they're just not better than everything else on offer. The recoil shocks are a very clever innovation and they get a great rep. AEGs with actual recoil. Get one if you can afford it, but if you're mechanically minded, you're never going to get recoil from an AEG as good as from a gas rifle.
  11. Late to the party, but I think the question paints it as being a bit black or white. What I like, is good cover that's evenly spaced, and CQB typically does this a lot better than woodland, by nature of there being mostly man made things everywhere, often including the physical site itself - buildings. I hate the uncertainty provided by thick vegetation, it often comes down to who has the more ammo or the higher rof. I might see someone through a bush, but if I engage, I only have 30 round mags. Even if I shoot first there's no guarantee BBs will make it through, and high cap users can just saw holes through things to hit me. It just feels a bit cheap. Woodland also invariably involves a lot of "Hmm... That guy's just out of range" moments, where opposing forces are just slinging 80 tons of plastic through the air at each other, just out of range, but there's no cover between you or them in order for anyone to close the distance. People know if they move up first they're the one who's going to lose, because the enemy already have their guns up and then can see where you're going. They just need to laser beam all their shots just ahead of where you want to be and you're done. CQB is a lot more about out thinking people, because there's ample places to go and things to do in order to cover your tracks, the cover is generally BB proof so there's no uncertainty, and high caps offer no advantages because there's good cover for reloads, tactics and angles of exposure can be utilised a lot better for getting team mates to protect you on reloads, and it's often single shot only so people have to learn to lead their targets. That said, there are good woodland sites, but I find that they're often paintball sites first, airsoft sites second. Paintball is played in fast paced game modes in small areas with lots of cover, so you rarely get instances where people are out of range, the cover's always good and well spaced/planned out, but airsoft guns have better accuracy, so you can play the angles a lot more effectively.
  12. Want too many things =[

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Steelrain


      Nothing wrong with straight lines anything else f###s with my feng shui ;) I love the look of the g36, but m4's do sound better and more versatile.

    3. two_zero
    4. Airsoft-Ed


      I'm with Marcus on this. If G36s weren't a thing, I could live on that world fairly happily.


      As for what I want though... Everything basically. I'd actually quite like a gas G36, just because its gas lol. Top of my list is a WE M4 CQBR, the new MP5 and I'd kill for an AK PMC and EBR as well =\

  13. 10 years seems a little steep, I've not even been playing for 5 yet and loads has changed. Anything more than 3 might see all their kit out dated at the rate things are changing. Though I guess there being consequences is the whole point of a punishment in the first place. 10 years though =/ I bet there are few people who keep it up for that long even if they're properly into it.
  14. I think the G&G flash hider just slides on and gets anchored by a small grub screw or something. Have a look on RSOV for "L85 Flash Hider G&G", they used to sell all the different variations for each L85 model. As far as I'm aware it's only the ICS/WE one that's been discontinued. I don't know why that one would be and not the rest, but going off how hard they are to get hold of it seems to add up. 100% tan? Eurgh no, got to have some funky two-tone-ness in there to break it up a bit and make it look more interesting.
  15. Apparently it's a clone of the Ares one, which uses the same threading, BUUUUTTTT the threads are seated deeper into the flash hider, so the ICS barrel threads can't reach far enough into it to actually screw together. So in short, it won't work. You could drill it out so the barrel can fit further into it, but if you do that you'll lose a lot of your overall barrel length and it'll end up looking more like one of those fantasy L85 carbines than a proper L85A2.
  16. I'd forgotten about those. I'm just quizzing a mate who I know trades a lot of L85 bits and bobs so once he gets back to me I'll let you know the compatibility.
  17. AFGs would be useless on L85s because of how the weight of the weapon is distributed, it just wouldn't offer anything to the handling. They're also supposed to be mounted pretty far forward to get the best use out of them, and being a bullpup, L85s just leave both your hands too close together for them to help in that way either. It's airsoft so recoil compensation methods are pointless anyway, but I can't stop people using stuff on their guns so I just accept it, move on, and curse them in my head... Anyway though, the WE L85s take the same muzzle breaks/flash hiders as the ICS, and unfortunately the Surefire issue style ones have been discontinued, from what I've heard. So if you want one for a WE you'll have to keep an eye out for second hand ones or buy one made for the Ares/G&G/etc and modify it - rethread it or just drill it and secure it with glue or something, whatever works best for you.
  18. I hated it at first, there's a post somewhere on Facebook where I swore I'd never paint it lol. But it really grew on me.
  19. I think it does, but I don't have one to try it.
  20. BulletForMyEnemy Though the "ll" = two capital "i"s Battlefield 4 WarThunder S'about it lol Gonna be getting: GTAV The Division Rainbow 6 - obviously MGS5
  21. Can confirm there isn't a Real Sword L85. There's ICS, G&G, Army Armament, Ares, STAR and WE... And HFC... Which is a springer, so it doesn't count. Also, here's my two most recent photos:
  22. Finally got a job! It's only crappy warehouse work, and it's only for 13 weeks, but it ought to at least get me out of my overdraft, buy me that WE M4 I've been hampering after for ages, and also get me back out to some games at last! :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. team flex

      team flex

      Well done mate :)

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      Thanks all, but I don't really feel like I've accomplished much getting a job that requires no qualifications or experience lol

    4. jay83


      getting of your ass and working is an accomplishment mate does not matter what the job is. Its a sign your not just willing to except nothng and a first step on the ladder to better things.

  23. There's a pin that goes through where it pivots
  24. Did you not have to take the arm off to change the nub? I don't know how else to do it without it taking hours and being fiddly as hell lol. Also, the Madbull nubs are still huge, and it was a blue rubber that actually gave me the issue in the first place. Back then I was one of those people who thought, "Oh it's an upgrade, it must make it better" which just isn't always the case. Maybe try the stock rubber with the Madbull nub, mix and match etc. It's definitely the size of the nub causing the over hop issue though.
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