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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. I never used to see L85s until I got one.


    At first I wasn't planning to Afghan it up, or even get Brit kit, I just thought it was more interesting than an M4 or AK.


    Now half the people on my site have them lol, probably because they're sick of being shot by mine haha.

  2. Yeah, that was a funny game lol.


    Me and Alex having a tense as fuck 1v1, with Craig just razzing around in the background in a DPV Jeep.

    I'm there sneaking around and then, "ZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWMMMMMMM"

    *Poos self*

  3. 1v1 sniper duels on an empty server are the most intense fucking things ever.


    Surround sound fucks with your head, you get scared to move because the footsteps are freaky.

  4. Y'know what? I'm just going to stop commenting.


    I read this thread as "Oh look a zombie thing, that'll never happen, let's have fun for 10 minutes"


    What I got was, "Hey look, I'm feeling like a pedantic douche, let's all point out every possible flaw in everything Ed's said for the past 3 days"


    I KNOW IT'S FLAWED, you could point out flaws with everything everyone has said, as the whole point of zombies is that there's more than one person can ever deal with. Guns, swords, bombs? It doesn't matter, you can't kill them all, your perfect plans will always fall apart in the end.


    Otherwise zombie movies would be the most shit movies ever because it'd just be a load of people sat in a bunker until they starved to death.


    Stabbing zombies in the face would kill them, no? Whether with a knife, a fork, a sword, a fucking spoon if you stabbed hard enough. You could even punch them in the face until their head's came off.

    If they died slightly ahead of a door, they'd slump into it. Zombies coming through would stumble on them, fall in the door as well, positioning themselves perfectly for me to stab them all in the head.




    I don't care that it wouldn't work forever, I don't care that there are better tools for the job, I don't care that I'm not trained or that apparently, stabbing zombies in the head with sharp things is really hard to do (it isn't btw, have you never seen a zombie movie?)

    Now everyone stfu, or I'm going to edit all your posts to just look like you're coming out of the closet or something.



  5. In the situation I set up in people's minds, pretend I had said I had a "1 to 3 foot long, metal stick, with a pointy end" instead of a katana.


    I don't see why it matters that it's a sword and I have no sword training. I wouldn't be swinging it in a doorway, I'd have held it with one hand on the actual handle part, and my other on the back of the blade near the tip, as a guide. Then when I'd lined it up with a zombie's head, thrust it through it's face, severing the spinal cord and rendering it a motionless sack of meat, in my door.


    At the distance you use a sword from, and using my forward arm to aim it, missing it would be impossible and having been in high adrenaline, potentially life threatening situations before, I think I'd do alright keeping my cool. Especially with the knowledge that keeping my cool would keep me alive and massively increase my survival chances.


    If swinging were required, so what if I dulled the blade or was shit at using it properly? It's a metal stick. It's going to fuck up whatever it smashed into, whether it hits sharp end first or otherwise.

  6. Well, in that case PUG...


    I'd just stand no where near a doorway with one of my large metal poles with a screw driver on the end, after having extensive, weapon specific training!

    (Officer, problem?)

    Ain't no zombies getting through around that area then!

    Airsoft guns vs 28 Days Later style rage-zombies? You are fucked my friend.

    Walking Dead style, been rotting for a few months, you'd probably have a fair chance against them. Though, not as fair a chance as you might get from, say... A hammer. Or really, anything else.

    W... Wait a second... I think there's a glitch in the Matrix! D=

  7. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=not+sure+if+meme&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=TP6sUc68Laqu0QWjv4CIDg&biw=1280&bih=581&sei=Tv6sUfv_HenV0QW1toGwDg#um=1&hl=en&authuser=0&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=not+sure+if+joking+or+serious&oq=not+sure+if+jokin&gs_l=img.3.0.0l5j0i5l3j0i24.160947.163074.0.163969.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47244034,d.d2k&fp=a10a04a5587ca0d7&biw=1280&bih=581&facrc=_&imgrc=Q1SbVHj-gRUg6M%3A%3BZfY8Gby34gIGWM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fiheartguitarblog.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F05%252F1w58.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fiheartguitarblog.com%252Ftag%252Fnot-sure-if-serious-or-just-joking%3B600%3B450


    So you're telling me that an ultra sharp sword isn't capable of cutting through rotting flesh (or anything else apparently) unless the person holding it has been trained? It's a slashing weapon... Yeah, and what? Last time I looked they have pointy ends. Next you'll be telling me I need training to stab someone with a screw driver.


    Care to let me attack you with a sword whilst you amble towards me at 2mph? I'm fairly sure you'll realise it's not going to go well for you, even if I was a 2 year old, short sighted toddler.


    I'm fully aware that to use it properly takes skill and training, but hacking shit up sloppily is insanely freakin' easy and zombies are hardly elite warriors from Feudal Japan.


    Unless I missed that movie?


    Also, unless you're autistic and have to take things literally by definition of your condition, I think it's fairly obvious that I mean for them to be killed ahead of the door, so they fall into it on the floor and pile there.


    Not to magically hover upright in the center like Jesus on a cross.

  8. I'm fairly sure that anyone can kill something with no functioning brain, with a sword, without training.


    Also, I chose a door because it limits the number that can get to me at any one time, plus every time I took one down, it'd make getting through harder for the next one.


    If you need training to see the tactics of that and be capable of utilising a sword to aid you, then you'd have to have been immensely dense beforehand.

  9. I probably could to be fair, but there's no guarantee that the same set of parts would work as well in the Ares.


    Plus, the best thing about the ICS for me is how easy it is to take apart for tweaking. The Ares is the most pain in the arse AEG ever to take down, arguably even worse than dismantling a Version 2.


    The way the hop, barrel and gearbox are fitted together is all different too, so I'd probably not get the same results.


    Also, the trigger is really nice on the ICS, they made it entirely mechanical to better replicate the feel and pull of the real one, apparently. But I really like it.


    Lastly, all the parts for the ICS are stocked at Fire-Support and everything is an easy drop in replacement for any time anything breaks. So that maintenance factor alone gives the ICS the win in my opinion. I can keep mine up and running for years. I could completely replace every single internal component that has a part to play in the firing mechanism for less than £150.

  10. It's just a very generic 3-9x50mm scope, I think it's made by BSA. It's also got an extended sun shade made out of PVC pipe.

    The third adjustment turret on the left is actually fake, the guy who made it was working off a reference photo where the scope had a 3rd turret for parallax adjustment.


    Why he didn't just buy another scope that looked closer to the actual thing, I've no idea =/

    I might actually put my .338 scope on it for some added, snazzy reticule illumination. Not decided yet.

  11. Yeah it's pretty solid Marcus, I've dropped it down stairs before, my LLM was fucked over monumentally but the gun was fine. Dropped it on concrete before at The Asylum as well, it landed barrel down and bounced back up a few inches before slamming down in its side. Not a mark on it, sights still configured, still shooting the same.


    Like a rock.


    It is all made of stamped steel so I'd expect as much.


    I've got a Gbase ACOG with red dot from Fire-Support now, picked it up recently for about £130.

  12. Nah you're right, it is a bit messed up. It's non-functional as well, so it's not the greatest copy ever, but it's the best I'm aware of up to now.

    I'm pretty worried about the fire selector markings coming off and stuff too, think I'll have to be careful with it and avoid rain...

  13. G&G are apparently re-releasing their L85s soon, not sure if they've made any changes to them, but it might be worth waiting to hear more about it before thinking of buying a current gen one.

    There's also apparently another L85 AEG in the works, I've heard rumours of one being produced but I've no idea who's making it or when we'll hear the low down, so I'd say hold your horses for the time being.


    If you want to get the most accurate to the real steel L85 out there though, then the Ares is definitely the only way forward. I've contemplated getting on myself just because the things that are wrong about mine get to me sometimes... The RIS doesn't sit on the gas block right, and the plastic furniture is the wrong shade of green... Both are as they should be on the Ares. But oh well. I'm not selling what I've got now.


    In fairness I think I got lucky with my ICS, I've been asked to look at numerous others, owned another one myself and had two ICS L86 LSWs which share the same internals and they've all been a bit lemon-esque. Air seal issues and poor stock fps, so although it pains me to say it, ICS might no longer be the best choice.

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