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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. I have high hopes for it. At first I thought they might be turning into CoD and releasing games on a timetable every year, except it being every 3 or 4.


    But now I'm starting to think they're working on it so it can be optimised for the next generation of consoles. Which means we ought to see 60 frames per second gaming and at least 50 player severs on console, which is only ever going to be awesome news. I think they'll at least match the success of BF3, if not improve on it.


    I think I'll aim to get a gaming PC instead of the next gen consoles though, 'cos it's plain to see that the new consoles still aren't going to come close to a well set up gaming PC.

  2. I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and say there was an ICS Turbo 3000 motor involved...? I've got one of those league tables too: Systema Parts 0* - CYMA stock parts 1, Cyma stock parts 0 - Prometheus Parts 1 (sector gears)


    Nope, Systema Magnum high torque motor's pinion gear sanded itself down to the point where it no longer worked.


    ICS stock gears have barely a mark on them. But the gearbox is now full of what looks like iron filings because the angle the gears engaged at was never quite right, so that's why I've bought the gear set too, aside from that I'd like to upgrade to high torque gears anyway.




    * Plus a red card for obstinate failure to follow the rules - no, apparently Systema V2/V3 gears are not the same as everyone else's - the bevel gear is slightly too wide.

    Have you considered that a good dollop of grease may have been the solution to both these issues? I know that airsoft aficionados recommend cleaning the excess grease out of gearboxes, but, as a matter of principle, all things being equal, more grease = less friction and less corrosion.


    That doesn't sound very promising, do you reckon the bevel won't fit then? I hope it does... Though as someone pointed out on Facebook just now, I don't have an allen key small enough to replace the pinion gear, or locktite the new one on...


    As for more grease, I forget how the parts interact in a V2/3 gearbox, but in the ICS L85 'box no amount of grease is going to make the slightest bit of difference to how the cut off lever or anything work. I'll have to show you next time we get to a skirmish together, if that ever happens again haha.

  3. Since my L85 unfortunately died today, sort of... The pinion gear ground itself smooth whilst the gears have no wear on them whatsoever... (so that's Systema parts 0 - ICS stock parts 1)

    It also decided that it'd fire full auto on single shot, despite my best efforts to stop it. Not a lot I can really do about it either, so I'm hoping a new cut off lever will fix it, if it doesn't I'll try a new trigger box and if that doesn't work I'm going to have to get the hammers and files out or something. All sounds mad, but if you know how the fire selector, gearbox and trigger interact on an ICS L85 then I can assure you I know what I'm doing lol.


    But yeah, despite the gears being fine and ICS parts seemingly being better than Systema ones, I've decided to fully upgrade the gearbox with Systema parts.


    From Fire-Support:



    1 X Systema PINION GEAR for Turbo and Magnum Motors - Replacing mine that died today. Think it's because it didn't quite mesh with the stock gears, so to avoid it happening again, it actually makes sense to get Systema gears to go with it.

    1 X Systema Flat Gear Set I ( Torque up) for Gearbox V - I hope these are compatible. They look the same as the stock gears and aren't all V2 and 3 gears essentially the same, bar build material/quality?

    1 X ICS L85/L86 spring set - Last weeks night game saw a lot of rain and the rust on my gun is clearly visible both inside and out. Makes it look awesomely weathered, truth be told, but I don't want my tappet spring to bust, or the cut off one either.

    1 X ICS L85 Cut off lever - Hopefully this'll solve the 'firing in auto when on semi' issue. Fingers crossed.

    1 X Prometheus Shim Set - Just because.

    1 X Systema Cylinder Head v2 Gearbox - Again I hope this is compatible

    1 X Systema Air Nozzle for M16A2 and M4A1 - And I hope this is compatible too...


    But I guess the worst outcome is that I'll have to send some stuff back and try the V3/AK parts for compatibility and if that doesn't work the parts must be proprietary.

    Either way, if it all fits, I ought to have a gearbox good for a heavier spring. So when I do get the L86 I would've bought today had it not been terrible when I tested it - as well as me needing the money to revive my baby - I'll have a noice high fps gearbox rigged up and ready for it.

  4. Yeah, aspects of BC2 were definitely more fun, sniping especially.


    I think vehicle explosions were done better as well, not to mention destructible environments and the freakin' awesome Vietnam expansion. If you could go prone I'd probably have gone back to it lol.

  5. Yeah I think the same, he's a total tool bag, to put it kindly.


    All his videos that ever get to me are the ones where he talks about being slated by his competition, like Jarek, who he then goes on to slate through the rest of the video.


    I've never seen any other YouTubers press a hate filled agenda onto him, the guy just has issues. It's also terrible business practice to bring emotions like anger into your advertising channel on YouTube! He's a total arsehole retard.

  6. No Tariq, it attaches to rail & barrel


    You've actually just proved them right lol, the bottom part of the RIS has been removed in that photo, Tariq's right. I was just going by what the guy said in the sale post on Facebook, I didn't really look into it too much.

  7. I think it'd look better with the C rail on it, Ian.

    Especially if you're going to add an EOTech with EOLAD. It'd look too high if you keep the K rail.


    With regards to the Masterkey though, I saw a rail mounted shotgun for sale on Facebook somewhere recently, it's a bit old Vietnam style looking, looks like an M37 Ithaca to me, but you might be able to paint it or make it look more modern somehow.


    Here it is:



    It's a single shot one and he's after £180 for it =/ Might be worth just forgetting about it.


    I've added you to the group but the request is pending admin approval, so you might not be able to view it straight away.

  8. Quick question to the Battlefielders (3), I seem to be crap as an infantryman online (1/25 K/D), However I seem to be the best, bar none in tanks (19/1 K/D averaging about 5 enemy tank kills for every 1 I lose), is this a noob or frowned upon thing to use tanks (along the lines of M203's in COD)? or is there any way that they are used that is frowned upon? (Xbox 360)


    Rather ironically on the flashpoint series (dragon rising, red river) I'm an extremely accomplished rifleman achieving headshots with relative ease at 250m-300m with an ACOG (400m+ with the sniper scope), but absolutely useless when in vehicles.

    Personally I prefer flashpoint as a series, I hope they do another one which use the best points of both.


    I'd say I was a bit of a self proclaimed boss in tanks as well, I freakin' love the T95. I'd say it would be considered a noob tactic to just whore the tanks and never venture anywhere on foot, but I personally don't care. I don't understand people saying stuff is a nooby thing to do because it bags you easy kills.


    If it kills people, use it!


    The only exception is using frag rounds in auto shotguns. You're just a gigantic cucking funt if you do that, especially if you're one of those people that have it as their dog tags and boast about having a million kills with it...

  9. I have all the weapons, not too bothered about getting all the weapon attachments and camos. Especially since some of them are down right impossible...


    It's still my most played game and I only just reach rank 50... All those Level 100 people must be actual freaks.

  10. Neeeeeccccrrrrooooooo-pppoooo... Hang on.


    *Gets defibs out*


    *Revives the thread*


    So, who's still playing this? What do you make of all the new DLCs? Looking forward to End Game? What about BF4 and the next gen consoles?

  11. It's illegal for teachers and students to get emotionally involved?


    I thought that was just for all the secondary school teacher incidents or something, not generally. Though I can see where it might cause issues... Better grades and stuff, potentially.


    I was going to guess that she was your legal aid in court or something...


    'Cos you're just sooooo obviously a criminal lol.

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