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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. Cheers James, though the stacking of the BBs shouldn't cause the bolt to remain stuck after removing the mag. That'll be down to over lubing like you said.


    I need to look up a take down guide and get it all properly wiped down on the inside. Only thing is, I don't have any gas left to test it anymore, which sucks because it's insanely fun =[

  2. Finally got around to uploading my last video from Anzio:


    I've also done another video briefly going over my thoughts regarding the NAE last weekend, Zero One more generally, and the two guns I picked up whilst I was at Ground Zero:

  3. Ed dunno if your wanting a new cam, the Roam2s are coming down in price, found a seller on ebay doing them for like under 100 with postage from USA its just over 100.

    i have had a look into the reviews and the 2 deals with the issue you have in some of your vids going from light to dark and vice verse. i would buy one right now but im going off for a trip round the world.

    I'm amazed they're coming down in price now that they're no longer being made, you'd have thought it'd go up because there's a lot less supply for demand.


    But who am I to complain? The issue I have is that I'm over £900 overdrawn and until Uni opens again and all the students come back, I don't have a job... So until the end of September, I'm going to be completely broke.


    If they're still in stock once I'm out of my OD then I'll be sure to grab one. I've been looking out for other camera designs as potential replacements as well. If my camera takes another hit then it's done, I can't get a replacement lens now. =[

  4. I did that to someone at a night game once, it was too dark to tell what team he was on and I'd just knowingly walked right into the enemy base and not been shot.


    So I started wondering if all the guys walking around were actually on my team and we'd all just swapped positions somehow. Enemy out there, friendly in the base.


    So I had to make this guy give up his team colours without making it obvious which side I was on. Took me about 5 minutes to get him to do it, and then I just melee killed him haha. It was one of my finest ever airsoft moments. Sucks it was a night game or I'd have had it on camera.

  5. Haha, that's not half as bad as I thought it was.

    50 days out of the circa 700+ the game's been available isn't too bad. Some of the guys at the top of the leader boards have play times upwards of 5000 hours.

  6. For my contribution; took bloody ages, but I finally managed to get my LM4 finished and ready for some CQB gaming. So glad I moved over from the WOCs to this platform.

    Would you recommend the LM4s then? What are the internals like? I imagine they're a much nicer gas blowback platform to run with, but I'm worried about the availability of parts and especially magazines.


    I'm thinking of getting the WE M4 CQB for an L119 project, but do you think the LM4 might be better for it?

  7. Yeah, I kinda screwed it up a bit, eh? I couldn't really decide what I wanted from it. I think ideally it ought to have shown all the sites I frequent in order to be a proper advertisement for the channel.


    A mix of scenarios and engagement ranges, tactics and stuff.


    I thought the heartbeat thing would be cool to build up to a big firefight or something, but that gigantic explosion kinda stole the climax and there's never really any true hollywood style firefights that are loud enough to match the build up I was going for.

    It was only a first attempt after all, and a lot of people have come back with some good feedback, so at least now I know people aren't just saying stuff's good because they're too nice to say otherwise lol. I appreciate the honesty.

  8. I tried the top down mod already and it readjust itself just as easily as the regular hop. It's one piece of plastic away from being top down nodded anyway.


    I twisted the rubber to one side too, and I actually cut a small trough into the rubber where it used to be, so it's definitely not the inside f the hop bucking.


    I don't think the patch is wide enough for me tone able to sand that much of the inside edge away. I don't have the rightsand paper either, or any way of holding it that'd let me sand it accurately enough to do it right anyway.

    Main priority is getting the feeding mech to behave, 'cos that's the one I have to sort if it's ever going to be remotely skirmishable.

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