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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. Cheers Ed, I'll look into those.

    Have you seen (The Mighty) Jingles, and his WoT and War Thunder videos? I quite enjoy them. Same goes for QuickyBaby. The two often live-stream together, usually pretty funny to watch. Since I started watching QuickyBaby, I feel I've started to play a bit better. Hell, I out-right copied one of his Centurion 7/1 tactics, and won the game for my team! :lol:





    I've not heard of those channels, but I'll take a look.


    I always wanted the game to encorporate modern tanks as well and I think if I played it I'd want to do historic battles.


    SideStrafe has played War Thunder a few times, though he's probably the most terrible pilot ever lol, the arcade control mode looks horrific.

  2. I've been going to bed watching SideStrafe play WoT on YouTube for absolutely ages now, I have a Mac so I can't play myself, but it's enjoyable to watch and SideStrafe has great commentary.


    He also loves the British tree, despite being Canadian/American, so he gets points for that too. I think he's actually written a book about video game strategy and shit, so he's a cool guy to listen to, and he inspired me to start doing airsoft videos, it's how I actually discovered him.


    He plays loadsa other games too, but his WoT videos are the best imo, they might help you become slightly less crappy Hugh haha, take a look:



  3. my two newest babies:




    Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    Marui MP7A1 GBB (BEST GUN EVAR FOR CQB) and a Marui HK416D - as yet untested as I only got it this morning but the ROF for a stock gun on an 8.4v NiMh is staggering as is the trigger response in semi... so much so that I cannot get it to lock up in semi no matter how fast I pull the trigger!

    I think I might have to buy an MP7 now. Dear lord.

  4. Can't say I find that all that appealing. I don't think guns look too great when they're 100% covered, there needs to be some stuff left alone, stock, grip, hand guard, mag. Perhaps only paint those bits and keep the rest blank, or vice versa.


    I get that they probably asked for it to be fully covered, but yeah, just looks wrong imo. Especially on a non-tacticool AK.

  5. Well you certainly won't get a dispatched email.. :P

    Ahaha I already made that joke on Facebook lmao.


    I've actually had a dispatch email from them though, so they are in stock, WOO!


    Now, holster holster holster. UKMC Pro, you are teetering over the edge of Ed-hatred.




    UKMC Pro have just called to tell me the holster has been discontinued in coyote tan, not black though, ooooohhh no, that wouldn't rub it in Ed's face enough <_<


    This is getting stupid now, is there anyone else on this earth who's had stuff like this happen to them more times than me? Every bloody time I order something one of the items is out of stock or no longer being made, it's like my MEU CO2 mags last year, my Contour camera lens this year, the barrel for my sniper barely a week ago, it just goes on and on!


    I'm going to order the Level 3 version now, which had better not have been discontinued as well. Then I'll spray it tan, since it only comes in Black for some reason.


    Why do places still list items if they don't have them anymore? Makes me rage.

  6. A WE Glock 17 Tactical. I think it's a Gen3. I actually asked them to get me a Gen4... But I guess I can live with it considering I got it for £85.


    As well as that though, I just ordered a Level 2 CQC Serpa Blackhawk drop leg holster for it, in coyote tan; by Tariq's excellent shout out. As well as 3 spare mags from ProAirsoftSupplies. Who will no doubt email me in the morning to say they're out of stock, as that's what tends to happen with most things I buy these days.


    I'm astounded at how good this Glock is though, I'm officially over my grudge against WE, this thing is phenomenal. 70 shots on one gas fill, 4 lots of 17 and then some, it even locked back on the last shot every time and everything. Seventy. Freakin'. Shots! TM can bugger right off.

  7. How long was it before your's started slam firing? Mine's been close a few times, the bolt hasn't locked back properly, but an extra tug put it right.


    The steel PDI spring guide stopper that I ordered does fit into the trigger mech with a bit of hammering, but the gun doesn't fit around it once it's in, because the lip that stick out for you to pull it out is too big and catches on the inside of the body.


    Going to get the saws out on it next time I've got them handy. My trigger sear, the one that actually holds the piston, is still completely fine, there's wear on it but I'm fairly confident it's not going to fail all that soon.


    Being able to order direct from Ares is reassuring.


    In other news, my hop unit can't lift .43s, I have to dial it on so much that it blocks the barrel.



  8. I probably shouldn't this month, but I was just about to buy one myself... except I'd forgotten - my 'kin UKARA has run out because my local site didn't renew my membership when i paid them over the phone, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    I'm sure they'll sort it if you remind them.


    Are you there this weekend for the free member's day?

  9. I just ordered, from Fire-Support:


    A 590mm x 6.01mm TBB for my L86.

    A PDI VSR spring guide stopper for my hunk of sh... I mean, Ares sniper. It'll probably not fit, but I can always return it.

    3000 Madbull .43g BBs

    1000 Guarder .30g BBs

    3700 Excel .20g BBs - because Fire Support are adamant that when they tested the L86 my local site are selling, it was 300+, but when I tested it with Blasters, it was 240fps... If ammo can account for 60+fps I will poo myself to death. But hey ho, I'll prove them wrong at my own expense if they won't believe me.


    From Landwarrior:


    A WE M&P with Tan lower frame, for a mate

    A mag for it

    Some gas for it

    A speedloader for it

    A hi-cap for his M4


    Our next trip to the pub ought to be good haha.

  10. You're right about what the hop up nub does ^_^


    Though "traffic" isn't a word that fits the sentence if you use the common definition. I can understand how you could have got traffic if you're using a translator though, as it can be a business term meaning to trade with, or swap. Swapping your hop up does make sense.


    Otherwise, it all makes sense, well done, I wish I could write French as well as you write English, it makes me feel quite ignorant at times.


    Anyway though, I'm thinking of buying the PDI version of the spring guide stopper from the last link, it's basically the same except £6 less lol. I just need to understand more about springs first. I want to buy as many things at once, from the same place, as possible, to save money on postage.

  11. Inside my hop, I've added hop up nub from an AEG - the little rubber piece that pushes down on the rubber.


    One of these: http://www.airsoftgi.com/images/pic-034-bb-hop-up-rubber.jpg - the little black piece.


    I have to unscrew the hop adjuster screw until it's almost completely out of the gun to avoid shots flying high all the time, so it works well. Though I've only tried it with .3g bbs and I'm only shooting a little over 400fps. If you use heavier BBs, or run the gun at a higher fps, it might work differently.


    The piece I'm worried about is the spring guide stopper, one of these: http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/4913/guide2nn0.jpg the red piece, it looks like this when it's out of the gun: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/controlpanel/shoppics/DK-PT-SGS.JPG


    I would buy the one in the last link, but I'm not sure whether it will fit or not. I'll have to take the gun apart again and get some proper photos of it to compare them. Though it is meant for a VSR, and since the trigger sears fit, I imagine that piece will too.

  12. If you can find the Ares upgrade kits, then feel free to try one, I can't find any in stock anywhere in the UK. I'd quite like to give the CO2 conversion kit a go as well.


    I was going to get a PDI barrel for it just the other day, but the shop were out of stock =[


    As for the hop, with mine I have to have the screw so loose it's almost falling out, otherwise it over hops everything - I put a hop up nub from an AEG in the hop unit to give it better lift. It seems to have had the desired effect, and then some lol.


    Your English is very good by the way.


    And regarding the sears, I'm still struggling to find anything that I know will fit. The trigger sear from a VSR will fit, but the one it comes with seems pretty decent as well.


    The part I'm worried about breaking the most is the spring guide stopper. The piece you can pull out of the trigger mech to get the bolt out without taking the trigger mechanism off. But I'm not sure if any other ones fit.

  13. Fire-Support emailed me to say that the barrel I wanted for my sniper was out of stock =[ despite their website saying they had 2 when I placed the order.


    So I've cancelled the whole lot now. Need to find somewhere else that sells all the same things, as I like to avoid having to pay for postage multiple times.

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