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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. I have a mate called Sam who was filming in a more Scoutthedoggie style, so I just used his camera footage, cropped it, and stuck it in a corner.


    Then sometimes I just zoom my main camera in, and do the same thing. So it's the same footage, just zoomed and cropped in editing.

  2. The 2nd sear is VSR compatible, the spring guide stopper is VSR compatible too, but the 1st sear - the thing that the others sort of sit in at 90° is unique. Tried an ASPUK VSR one and the back end of it is different.

    Seems alright though, I can't see how it can really be under that much strain. Do they often break? =/

    The stock 2nd/piston sear doesn't even have a mark on it yet either, spring guide stopper is the only thing that looks like its seen better days. The cylinder cuts into it each time you cock the rifle, so I've got a replacement by PDI, but it's slightly fatter and the gun won't close once it's fitted because the groove that sticks out the side for you to grab it, sticks out too far and catches on the body as you close it up, stopping you being able to close it properly.

    The trigger box is metal though, and it seems well enough, though ideally, I want to keep all the parts alive as long as possible, since spares are limited. No after market trigger boxes fit and I can't find anywhere that sells the one it comes with, so yeah. Bit limited.

  3. I've put ASPUK parts in the cylinder so far - piston and spring guide - seal seems alright. I've got two springs that run around the 400fps mark and it seems pretty consistent.


    Bolt pull isn't too bad, but pushing it forward is a pain in the arse, you end up pushing it down and away from you, it pivots on your forward hand and the strain it puts in your arm is ridiculous. With it being so massive and heavy, it can be hard to handle without bracing it against something. So an easier bolt push would be nice to have. Though probably not worth paying that much for...

    In fairness, the stock cylinder probably would stand up to a fair amount of abuse with a 500 fps set up, but I think I'd rather upgrade everything anyway eventually, so I might as well start somewhere.


    It's a shame the X-Fire set isn't black, 'cos I fucking hate having a massive shiny silver bolt...

  4. I thought i got a good deal on these gloves.........BUT after one day at sandpit they now look like this!





    I've got a genuine pair, they were only £25, came new with the original tags on them as well.


    I had some fake ones prior that were £15 and both the fakes and the new ones have torn inside the thumbs, but not to a great extent, it's only something you'd notice if I pointed it out. They both have some odd little round things on the finger tips as texturing though, for grip. On the fakes they all came off so easily I thought they might've been stickers. On the real ones they're still there, but they've worn down.


    I actually think the fake ones are significantly more comfortable, but the real ones are real :rolleyes: and they do look cooler without the daft shiny, fake carbon fibre knuckles.


    All in, I use the real ones, not the fakes. So take from that what you will. I've had them for about 6 months now as well, and I skirmish more or less every week.

  5. I can't believe they ever thought all these restrictions would be taken well, are they utterly retarded?


    "Hey guys, get an Xbox, it's more expensive, spies on you and stops you doing things if you're not online, or the camera that you can't turn off sees more than 4 people..."


    "Errm... No? I'll get a PS4 and be restriction free!"


    I heard that all the media features are US centric as well, meaning they're useless to us in the UK.

    Their lack of foresight is disturbing, it's like they're an arrogant teenager or something, "We'll get sales! We're a next-gen console ffs! We have fanboys!"


    I can't wait to see how hard it flops and forces them to change everything, their media announcements on release ought to be good fun.

  6. I can't decide if I like the XCR or not, it looks like a Frankenstein gun, bit of AR, bit of FN, bit of H&K, it's one of those things you look at and think, "Is that actually a gun in real life?" and I think it's that thought that turns me off about it.

  7. <_<

    It is satisfying though, having the second camera pointed out so much stuff I was unaware of before, and I felt like Sherlock Holmes using the second camera to hear what was going on in the church, I'd have had no idea I'd got a gun hit on that guy if it weren't for the second camera haha. It was awesome comparing footage of the same game, the fact that I featured in it gave me a point of reference to help sync it, and from then on it was just like, "Oh, I wonder what the enemy were doing at this point... *looks at other screen*" haha love it.


    If only I could find a way to get a live feed... It'd be like playing Ghost Recon or something, but in real life :P

  8. This one I uploaded yesterday and I'm quite happy with my new grasp of Final Cut Pro X, I'd been using iMovie prior and I think Final Cut lets me do some more interesting stuff. Something satisfying about seeing myself, and what I'm seeing on screen at the same time:


    Let me know what you think, I'm always looking to improve and don't forget to subscribe if you like the videos, there are over 40 to go and look through on my channel, as well as playlists organising them all by the sites I've visited.



  9. Back at The Stan for some more CQB, these are the highlights from a rolling defence game, some nice pistol action, first time out since I got my Glock:


    Perhaps not the greatest video ever, but I'm sure I broke some records. Even got it shared on No Nonsense Airsoft's Facebook page, run by Jai and co from Scoutthedoggie's videos:

  10. Thought I'd make myself a topic, posting all my updates in the status section never really seems to get much attention, now whether that's because people don't look there, because people do but don't comment, or if I'm just ignored because you're all bumders, remains to be seen...


    I'll still be posting them there too, but having a topic doesn't hurt. I think having the videos embedded on the page instead of just being an unappealing link ought to at least entice some people enough to watch them a bit.


    So I'll start with my top 5 best videos, in my opinion, then I'll post new ones as I upload them.


    Tactical badassery from me, 7 kills to one life and the site is epic, check this one out:


    Some tight CQB and my thought process throughout, took me a while to collect my thoughts well enough to put this one together. My biggest fear is coming across as a bit of a know it all douche, I recognise others will know more than I do, but this is me, my thoughts, my actions, simples:

  11. Sorry, all this sear stuff gets me confused.


    The piston sear and the spring guide stopper both fit, the 1st sear doesn't.


    If you scroll through all the comments then most of these questions have been answered with photos or links attached as clarifiers. This is my first ever spring rifle, so you can't expect me to get everything 100% correct. Take everything with a pinch of salt, back track for clarification and ask if you can't find anything and I'll do my best.


    Mine is still shelved at the moment, until a full set of internals have been made by PDI or Laylax, or even ASPUK, I'm not going to bother touching it.

  12. Has anyone heard of The Mighty Jingles?


    'Cos I just found him as he did a video with SideStrafe on WoT, so I went to check his channel out, and I found this:

    Don't you play at Combat South, Marcus? Recognise anyone?
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