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MZKaleem last won the day on March 22 2013

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM Mk18 NGRS
    TM G17
    ICS L85+UGL
    WE MP5A5
    FNX .45
  • Loadouts
    AOR2 kit.
    British Army - Afghanistan
    Met Firearms Officer (WIP)
  • Sites
    Red 1 Airsoft - The School
    Reforger Airsoft
    The Mall
  • Gender
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  1. Yeah! I don't get to play very often, and for no apparent reason, use different loadouts everytime I play (trying to get my moneys worth out of all my kit lol) But I am just outside of Watford so have played at Red 1 etc from time to time, just don't have the money to go often at the moment. If I go again soon, it'll likely be an evening game and I'll probably be wearing the police kit or AOR2 kit, so if you see me, lemme know
  2. My latest loadout. Met SC&O19 impression. Next things to buy would be matching trousers, a newer MOLLE Aegis vest, CS/PAVA holster, Bluegun X26 Taser + X26 exo holster... Currently I'm wearing: Firearms cap, Ex-Police Navy Blue shirt (was strangely difficult to find), Aegis vest (carrying radio, training baton, cuffs and 2 glock magazines. Had my drift camera on my shoulder to act as a bodycam), Cheapo spray pouch on my belt (to be replaced), Replica Safariland for Glock 17, drop leg STANAG Pouch. Just running my TM Recoil as my TM G36 is old and runs terribly. In future I'm looking to modernise the kit, so will have my fingers crossed for VFC's MCX to be released at some point and for MOLLE Aegis carriers to start popping up on ebay soon. Really fun kit to put together and not very common.
  3. that's a really interesting shade of green, not seen it before. What brand is it?
  4. My latest AOR2 Loadout. Still a few bits here and there to get but mostly completed and I'm super happy with it right now. Gear: FMA Maritime with Howard Leight headset Allwin AOR2 uniform OD green TMC 6094A (Spray painted to my preferred shade of green) RG TMC D3CR rig on top ACM Safariland holster Usually would have my boots on, but they were still muddy. Guns: TM MP7 GBB TM NGRS M4/Mk18 build (Not pictured) TM Glock 17
  5. Thank you to Jedi_Master for the sales cleanup! :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      Leave the OP as editable and Rule # Once sold, edit as Sold? Or possibly to PM a "mod". Perhaps they have to PM a registered user that is only used for those particular PM's for example "PMSold" could be the registered forum user and it only takes PM's and then locks the threads. 


      Most PM's come up on emails so whoever has access to it, they can change it up without bumping threads?

      Or create a Sub-Forum for Sold items, once sold it is moved into a sold items forum which doesnt re bump the thread

    3. Jedi_Master


      Yes, auto bump when using the [SOLD] message option. Hopefully that stimulates members to leave feedback on each other which is useful for us all when buying and selling.  Similarly, would not really be beneficial to delete sold items because then you cannot see what a member has previously been selling. I will just lock more of the older sales so no bumping. (It is all a learning experience)

    4. Albiscuit


      fair points :)

  6. If you have any of those paracord bracelets or anything lying around, you can unthread them and get a decent length out of them. If not, £4 for 100ft of paracord isn't too bad a deal. And once you have 100ft, you'll never need any again.
  7. Thanks! Just added a WE MP5 to the list too lol :') I actually don't really like M4s too much, so I originally started off with G36s (Had KWA, JG, SRC and a TM since I started), they do have their flaws, they're rather ugly and chunky but in my experience due to their design they are tanks, and have almost 500 round hi caps as default, which is why I think JG G36s make good beginner/rental guns especially at only £90 from Taiwan Gun. I've not broken one yet except the SRC which was a bad gun to begin with (my personal experience with it anyway).
  8. Just got my WE MP5 GBB from Ed on here. Started putting together a very vague ARV loadout. Not really put much money into it just yet, so it is what it is currently. Will hopefully develop properly and be more accurate over the summer.
  9. Knackered SRC G36K, ICS L85A2, CYMA AK105, KJW KC-02, KJW P226, A&K Minimi, ICS M4, Cybergun FNX .45, Faulty KSC Glock 19, TM G36C, G&G AK5C, CYMA M14 SOCOM. Phew. I have no money but at least I have a good choice of guns to pick from, right?
  10. Spaz, I can't say I've seen that uniform in use around here, but looks ace! Not exactly a Loadout picture but just took all my gear out of the cupboard. Probably gonna have to off load some of it in near future though
  11. Just got this today second hand. I'll probably repaint it as it's not my kind of thing personally. The SUSAT on there probably gives away that it's gonna go with some MTP for a Brit Kit.
  12. If you do want the name and all, what I did was hit the quote button so it shows up in the reply box, copy the entire quote including the name/date etc, and just paste it into your sig. worked for me at least.
  13. Cannot afford a UGL, nor can I find one. Just got a TM M320 though in a swap for my MP5... It's not permanent, but i will be using it tomorrow lol. I expect my wrists to be broken this time tomorrow as it weighs an absolute ton..
  14. You must be pretty close to me then too; it's less than 10 mins from me (I'm in between Ricky and Watford area.) I'll keep an eye out and say hi if i manage to get to Red 1 any time soon.
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