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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. i do agree, farmer joe's "you mean people will actually pay to run around my farm one day a week?" business is going to be much more tenable than an organised business renting an old industrial warehouse etc. it's a shame, because whilst the former can hide many hidden gems, i feel the latter is what airsoft very much needs more of.
  2. in fairness, the geometry of a hop rubber, especially the fancier designs like ml, is not a trivial thing to make.
  3. excuse me while i generously apply communism to your our meme in future.....
  4. you don't need a pistol. however, they are fun, and given that's kind of the point of airsoft if you want to run one then that's as good a reason as anyone needs. in terms of which pistol is "best" this depends on the use case. if it's going to be a cqb primary, or a sniper med sidearm, then you're probably better off putting the money into a decent performer like a tm. if it's just a holster filler for the occasional pot-shot or for some mild entertainment in lieu of reloading when your rifle is empty then you can expand the range of options by looking at some of the other brands like WE i'd take a look at whats out there, see if any particular style takes your fancy, then come back and drop us a link to it. even if the specific one you've chosen might not be particularly good there might be a very similar offering from a different manufacturer.
  5. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    he means that because you were getting proper readings when working on your m4 that the chrono was setup for fps. needless to say we all got fooled with that one...... tbh for a pistol you can deal with anything 0.5j and over.
  6. we have an entire classified section-> https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/
  7. technically i have an unfielded makarov. but that's more that i was trying to get a new slide for the old one after a refinishing attempt (mistakes were made....) but when a slide is £75 and the whole gun plus mag plus suppressor was £120 well airsoft financial logic kicked in. so the new one got some of the choice components transplanted immediately but has yet to fire a shot in anger. although at least now i have both grip styles and i'm realising i don't dislike the brown grips as much as i thought i would.
  8. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    ahh so my secret propaganda campaign is working then....... tbh i've owned more makarovs than i've seen in the wild, and i've owned 3..... the WE version is a nice little gat, and i have a thing about small handguns. i wonder if the rarity is due to 007 fanboys picking them up thinking they're ppk's oh aye, you say that now..... yeah, it's a big higher than i'm used to seeing from pistols, but hovering around the 1j mark is pretty respectable for a handgun.
  9. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    Yeah, good to have. I have about 4 makarov loading nozzles, and thats not including the ones in the gun..... In my defence i figured better grab em while they were around.
  10. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    haha, was not expecting that one, no wonder nothing helped..... at least the work isn't wasted, a learning experience is always good. guess that means the original nozzle maybe was good after all so now you've got spares.
  11. tbh, i'm surprised he hasn't. they do legitimately happen and lets face it that's some premium opening clickbait right there.
  12. if by mid-life i'm doing well enough to afford all of that i don't think "crisis" is gonna be the right term....
  13. surely that's a double kill, bb bounces off the first guy and hits the second. then neither of them call the "hit"
  14. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    npas is mostly for gbbr's to get them dialed down to a specific limit, not really much call for using them in pistols as with a few exceptions they tend to be far enough below our power limits. sadly that's the gbb life, part of the reason it's a standard reccommendation not to jump straight into airsoft with a gbbr. i'm struggling to think what else to look at. we've cleared the hop, nozzle, bbu and mag router, i'm assuming you didn't find anything of note in the trigger mech that was worn/jamming. did you mention what gas you were using? if you're using a lower powered gas try higher powered, but also the reverse if you're already using a higher powered gas. a higher pressure gas can drop fps by making the valve on the magazine too hard to open for the hammer setup (essentially light striking). there's also the hammer spring, did you try the bb under the mainspring? only other thing i can think is when you're chrono'ing is the hop turned on? the bb needs a little resistance to help it build up backpressure before it starts moving.
  15. is it bad that the first thing i see looking at that picture is "yep, that sums up ghillie suits in airsoft alright"
  16. what was the quote? "remember the equipment you are using was designed by some of the finest minds our nation has to offer, and then outsourced to the cheapest bidder" which applies to militaries and space programs alike
  17. i'm with @Cr0-Magnon, check it's working first. gas up the mags- check they all hold gas. fire a few rounds (through a chrono if you have one) check it feeds, cycles, and is spitting out bb's with some level of expected efficiency. that's as "working" as any gun can demonstrably be on the classifieds given the way the market for vectors is i'd be surprised if any potential buyers weren't aware of the needs of gbbr's and would be well enough versed in changing seals etc if it's required. i reckon the chance to get their hands on a low milage vector is going to be the heaviest factor here.
  18. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    Float valve=the little plastic valve on a spring that's inside the nozzle, sometimes also called a rocket valve It directs gas forwards down the barrel then closes, sealing the cylinder so it can cycle. this could be the cause of low fps, if the spring is weak/damaged/been cut, or the valve is sticking and not resetting then the valve will close too easily, cutting off gas supply early. eg if you've ever heard of an "npas" kit for a gbbr this is basically an adjustable float valve. there are aftermarket versions- high flow/low flow valves and springs of various strengths, but very easy to totally fuck up a gun by changing them if you don't know what you're doing so my general philosophy is leave it stock. depending on the manufacturer this should have come as part of the nozzle assembly- you'd know if you changed it as it'll be the gubbins that goes inside the nozzle. if the new nozzle came with a new float valve then we can probably rule out that being the cause of the issue.
  19. as i mentioned in the other thread- lets hope this isn't the start of a theme.
  20. goddamn covid. lets hope this doesn't become a theme.
  21. does the barrel poke out beyond the muzzle? if so then an o-ring might sit between the flash hider and the barrel to hold it steady. although by the sounds of it the gun would need to be practically perfect in every other regard for that to really be a notable difference.
  22. i dunno, no matter how much you push the envelope it'll still be stationary...... can't figure out spoiler tags so here's another essay for everyone to scroll past and not read: whilst we are all well aware of the events of Cinderella, her encounter with the fairy godmother and marrying a handsome prince. what is not well known is after the somewhat unconventional events of her youth her life was mostly unremarkable, serving as the roles of attentive wife to her husband who by dint of being a second child never had the chance to take up the crown. however happily ever after only lasts so long and eventually the prince died, a peaceful death but a tragedy nonetheless leaving Cinderella a widow whose common upbringing saw her shipped off out of the royal court to live the rest of her days in quiet solitude. it is here one day, we find Cinderella, time having taken its toll, an old woman sitting in her rocking chair on the porch of a little cottage, quietly knitting while a cat she'd taken to calling bob rested contently on the windowsill. as she's sitting there, her mind idly wondering, she finds herself thinking about time, and how after life seemed to be so much shorter these days. suddenly there's a gentle tinkling noise, subtle, but a noise that nonetheless cut through the silence like a razor and went straight into her mind. there it swooshed it's way through memories almost forgotten to the mists of time until, there. that was it. she looks up "it's been a long time" she says, as if greeting an old friend. "indeed my child it has" replies the fairy godmother "why have you come?" asks Cinderalla calmly. "you have lived a long and exemplary life" says the godmother "your charitable works and your political campaigns to aid those in need have been a shining beacon of hope for the poor of this land. and yet the king has so callously cast you out for fear of some imagined shame it might bring to his house" "the king has his ways, but he is not so bad" replies Cinderalla "that is as may be, but by way of recompense, i would once again like to offer you 3 wishes. is there anything your heart still yearns for?" Cinderella sits there quitely, pondering this opportunity, the wisdom of age tempering the youthful memories seeing the godmother again had stirred. eventually she speaks "the king is not so bad, and my life here is quiet and peaceful, but with time the maintenance of this place has become too much for me and it would be so very handy to pay some local men from the village to fix it up again" "certainly my dear" says the fairy godmother, and with a flick of her arm and a somewhat underwhelming "poof", the world seemed unchanged. silence decended, but not normal silence, this silence was louder than usual because a noise that had been there before was now gone- the creaking of the rocking chair had ceased for it was no longer made of wood, but solid gold. "what is your second wish?" asks the fairy godmother again cinderella ponders getting to her feat and pacing slowly around the room. "you know, i can't remember a time now when there wasn't some creaking in my bones, fog in my sight or pain in my joints. i'd like to feel the energy of youth again, if only for a day" again the subtle flick of the wand, only this time the magic is so much more dramatic as a swirling fog envelops Cinderella hiding her from view. when the fog clears cinderella is once again young, her mind unchanged yet she stood the picture of radiant beauty and youth she had been the last time she crossed paths with the fairy godmother. "and your third wish?" asks the fairy godmother once again the response is delayed, but this time it is not caused by careful contemplation. the funny thing about minds is how like water fills a glass and takes it shape so too does thought fill a body. Cinderella, remembering a long life well lived but with feelings long since forgotten now stirring points to the cat and says "this stray has been my faithful companion for many years, i love him like i once loved my dear prince charming, could you transform him into a kind and handsome young man like you once did with those mice?" "of course" says the fairy godmother the cat, sensing attention half-opens an eye to survey the room. his gaze somewhat distracted when once again the flick of the want, the swoosh of fog, and a gentle "poof" as the fairy godmother dissappears. before the fog even clears clears the cat, now a grown man naked as the day he was born, emerges sweeping cinderella up into his arms with a grace that would ordinarily take years of ballet training to acheive. he stares deep into Cinderella's eyes and leans down as if to kiss her, but instead he gently whispers: "i bet now you're wishing you hadn't had me neutered"
  23. good to know man, glad it was the right solution.
  24. if by forget you mean "develop stress based amnesia" then yes, yes i will forget, ummmm, what am i talking about again?
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