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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. Hope it works out, never tried the s-hop myself but i get the principle, if you're meaning the rtv gasket stuff surely that's gonna be too soft? I remember that stuff having the consistency of jelly. Honestly for a pistol? Either rubber (i tend to go for green- nice and grippy and pistol wont get the round count to wear out too soon) and whatever key fits most appropriately. Give it a decent barrel and feed it good ammo and that's all it'll ever need. You can get some stupid levels of accuracy/range out of pistols but there quickly comes a point where the limiting factor is more the ability to shoot well enough to make use of it.
  2. if you mean the difference between say a decepticon and autobot bucking? it's the shape of the contact patch, forget which way round they are but one is more triangular and the other is more square, realistically the difference is most likely 90% marketing. the key is meant to apply a more even pressure, similar to how for example the omega nub is for an aeg. the different sizes/shapes will be to fit different pistol designs, for example if a gun has a wider or narrower, longer or shorter window for the hop arm. it's useful when combined with one of the ml buckings (or buckings of a similar style), as it means the whole patch gets pressed down rather than just the middle. the whole idea behind the ml products is you get the same result as the s/r hop without any of the associated hassle. by all accounts the S hop tends to have a very short lifespan, and whilst R-hops last longer these days (thanks to off the shelf products like the ml stuff) they tend to have limited use. the only advantage an R hop has is the ability to have different compounds for the feed lip and hop patch, so a soft patch for spinning heavy ammo combined with a hard feed lip to hold a seal at higher fps. however for the autobot/decepticon this can be solved with the metal c-clip they come with
  3. indeed a simple solution to the problem. problem is, at least for the sites i play at, nobody has a bloody clue that they exist or what they mean.
  4. also worth noting that spies generally don't receive the favorable treatment that regular soldiers do when they get caught.... i can see the point you're trying to make, but as tackle pointed out better than i can there's a lot of body language that goes into it. sure if your hand isn't up (or sometimes even if it is- terrain dependent) you might expect to catch the odd round to the noggin while wandering across a live play area, hell even marshals get the occasional ping despite the high vis. and this is the crux of the matter- do we want to open up on literally anyone who isn't hand in air yelling dead man walking every 3 seconds or do we want to have some judgement in the matter that someone who's acting the common practice of being dead is in fact dead (or at least, not playing)
  5. it is, exactly as common a practice as not having your hand up the whole way back to the safe zone and instead relying on people seeing you're not walking the same as you would if you were playing.
  6. that's the whole debate in this thread- wether it's a tactic that should be used. my issue with it, is say later on someone gets a dead battery and has to walk off, next thing you know they're getting lit up because everyone remembers the shenanigans you pulled earlier and assumes this guy is doing the same thing. i don't have an issue with performing the flanking maneuvre, as you say it wasn't restricted in the game rules, hell if it had been me i'd probably have been sprinting (ok, "tactical waddling") out the front gate and finding a sneaky hiding spot the moment the whistle blew. the issue i have is in intentionally betraying people's trust in a game that relies on trust. indeed, it's a very human problem and no site is immune, it's what's been really pushing me out of the hobby lately as there's just no consistency, can't rely that the thing you do to have some fun and unwind won't end up doing precisely the opposite.
  7. it does sound like you're on the right lines. i don't know enough about that particular model to suggest if things like sears etc are worth considering. can't really help with the cylinder head, sounds like it might just be on there real tight?
  8. the demeanour is the thing, if you're giving the impression that you're not in-play, for all they knew maybe you'd had a dead battery/ran out of ammo/other reason to leave the site and did you the courtesy of not peppering you as you left. at the risk of turning this into a wider debate, and acknowledging i'm as much a perpetrator of the *ahem* "amended" playstyle in response to others playing (usually involving the selector lever), this is a big problem in airsoft in general. i've seen plenty of characters who, for example, will play perfectly honestly up until their first "non hit-taker" whereupon they immediately don their own plot armour and add to the issue, opening the door for others with a higher bullshit tolerance to start considering the option. it's why it can only take a couple of arseholes to completely ruin a game day- because otherwise decent players will resort to indecent tactics in response, multiplying out until the end result is an uncontrollable shit-show.
  9. hmmm, sounds like that's a bit over the line for my liking.
  10. if you went around them isn't that just a standard flanking maneuver?
  11. I was referring to the semi auto version rather than the pump version, that thing was spewing just as much plastic as any other bb hose.
  12. You could try shortening the barrel? There's also potential to shim the float valve yourself, not the easiest thing to do but an alternative to an npas.
  13. it's not as bad as the "semi auto" one that was out a while back. cant remember who did it but that thing was just hosing down every corner with a shower of bb's. and yet people would lose their shit if you rocked up with an hpa running 3 round burst.....
  14. Who the fuck is this guy? You people are acting like he's one of the lads or something....... J/k, welcome back dude, although the effect of this is now spoiled by the lack of text size changing on mobile.....
  15. Best of luck with it, hopefully my paranoid side is wrong, that things too shiny to not be on the field.
  16. It's a tricky issue. It is entirely possible this could be some very simple tweak required. I've seen folk get epic deals on "boneyard" guns that ended up a 10s job with a clearing rod to sort. Likewise there could be a broken part (especially if its a proprietary part) that will be a bastard to replace/fix. If there was some info as to what the problem is (low fps, poor/no feeding, inconsistent hop, etc) then it'd make deciding which is which a lot easier.
  17. that's a lot o' schmeckles for something with an unknown problem. sure if it's something simple to fix then it ain't so bad but for all the info given this thing could be wrecked inside.
  18. That's only going to make his problem worse? Edit: ahh yes i see, shorten them so he can wear shorts instead, side bonus of being a smaller target to hit.
  19. that'd be the first place i'd look. could be a rougher finish/size difference making it bind up in the mag a bit more. used to have no end of trouble with feeding until realising the problem was the ammo, switched to geoffs and never had a problem since. whilst this can be done, it's oh so very easy to fuck it up and end up with a rough/poorly sealing surface on the feedlip. i prefer just changing rubbers to something like the PDI W-hold with standard nub, not as good as the maple leaf for the heavy stuff but can handle up to the .32g range well enough.
  20. there's russianarmyshop? similar kind of range as grey shop. not ordered clothes from there but i think a few mates have picked up the occasional bit from there.
  21. mine wasn't that bad. if you had a freshly filled magazine, a nice warm day, then at least 3 or 4 bb's would come out of the barrel before it ran out of gas.....
  22. there's not really a lot to write about other than "it's bad in every measurable way"
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