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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. tricky one. there's an argument to be made that by participating in airsoft you're willingly consenting to being "assaulted" by other people using their pews as would be normally accepted for the requirements of gameplay. for example we accept that merely being on the field be that as a marshal, a dead player or just standing around means possibly getting tagged by either mistaken identity or some random flier. if that's not enough we take it for granted that if we retreat to the safe zone during gameplay that nobody will then shoot us the understanding being that we're only happy to be shot at when on the playing field. exactly when that line would be crossed into non-consent would be personal for every individual, although in terms of a legal precedent there'd need to be a court case to decide how many rounds under what circumstance would break that line. of course what nobody wants is for something to have to go as far as a court case seeing as that'd be awful PR for the hobby. this is why i take exception to those characters who say things like "shoulda worn facepro" or "man up it's just a bb gun" to justify various dickish actions (like shooting in the head unnessecarily), as if disliking being put in unnecessary pain is somehow a character flaw. i'm perfectly happy to accept that sometimes you're gonna get hit somewhere it stings, but i'd like it to happen only as frequently as random chance or my own actions (eg presenting only my face as a target) provides for.
  2. it can be too easy to fall down the youtube/reddit clickbait hole, just remember that the internet is a wonderfully effective filter for bringing up only what generates clicks, and for airsoft what generates clicks is the shit the majority of players hate. it's no different to regular tv shows being filled with crime shows or films with violence and death, for some reason humans want their entertainment to feature the extremes that they don't want to see actually happen to them. and you don't need an airline for any of that to have unfolded, hell lacking an auto switch probably helped in this situation by reducing the *ahem* "justice" that the first player was able to dish out.
  3. for those sites yes. i picked those numbers mostly to highlight the potential for the case rather than being strictly representative.
  4. dug up the old spreadsheet: if we assume that the site limit is 350fps (1.14j) for non-MED then using 0.5g bb's: a 440fps (1.8j) dmr is going to need 12.94m MED a 500fps (2.3j) bolty is going to need 20.28m MED so for the sake of argument if a given site has a 10m MED for 1.8j then a DMR gunner using 0.32g is going to be hitting less at his MED than a rifleman could point blank, but if he used 0.5g (the heaviest available) then he'd be hitting slightly harder. needless to say these are token values using a simplistic drag model, and it'll vary depending on what a given site's limits and accompanying MED's are. ofc it's worth pointing out that whilst in this example we're assuming the MED limited users are perfectly honest and also superhumanly capable of judging exact distances, accidents and kicking mustangs do happen, so needless to say one's protective equipment should be tailored to accommodate the worst possible scenario. tbf, chrono's that measure velocity are perfectly servicable if you know the weight of ammo going through them. direct energy measurement is only needed to catch the ".2's honest guv'" crowd
  5. Yeah, it depends on the dmr limit and the med, been a while since i looked at the calcs but iirc a 0.5g out of a 2.5j bolt action at 20m was something like 1.3j, but take that with a pinch of salt.
  6. you could just not over-volume it? although tbh, i've tended to find aeg's are in-general less sensitive to over-voluming than other platforms. on something like an hpa it's a dramatic difference, but fortunately comes hand in hand with a platform that lets you easily adjust it to get it perfect.
  7. can't say i agree there, the 2 aren't comparable. a heavier bb might carry more energy at range, but it will never have more energy than it starts with. and if it's an acceptable level of owch for a pew to hit with [accepted non-MED energy level] then it doesn't matter if that level is delivered point blank by a 0.2g or 0.4g, and any range beyond that both will have less energy. ironically there's a case to be argued against using them for dmr's when a heavy enough bb could carry enough energy at the MED distance to exceed the equivalent limit for a non MED gun.
  8. that's the great thing about airsoft, there's plenty of room for folk to approach the same problem with different angles, lets folk bring what they're good at.
  9. because it turns airsoft into a point and click adventure tbh, the heavies in a standard assault role isn't the norm mostly for cost rather than performance reasons, they work just fine but firing loads of them gets expensive fast....
  10. afaik the crazy jets have a hybrid cut so it can run in an aeg hop unit using one of the hot shot buckings. that's one way of doing things, but tbh i'd just go with the good ol' macaron with a zci (pdi 6.01 if you're feeling flush and really have the rest of the build dialled in). the r-block the maxx has works just fine with the macaron, so don't need the omega nub with that combo.
  11. tbh, if it were me i'd probably just replace the unit wholesale, but then i have a nasty habit of doing that to basically everything. the curse of absurdly high expectations.....
  12. Does sound likely, im guessing its a proprietary unit given the gun its in.
  13. Give it a go and see. You dont want to go higher than the axle of the sector else it'll start reducing the stroke (with inevitable feeding issues)
  14. worst thing that could happen is either the spring or the tappet plate breaks and that's not the worse thing in the world to replace.
  15. true, but for a given level of tension a softer compound will do a better job of gripping/spinning. i guess if you're limited (in lukes case by the customer) in terms of what you can swap out then it makes sense that a given platform will struggle. dialing up the pressure is one thing, but eventually there comes a point where it's too much. recall working on a bolty that was a literal knife edge between hopping perfectly and jamming, like you thought about possibly breathing in the general direction of the hop adjustment wheel from 20 miles away and it'd jam kind of sensitive. however yes, for the most part you can get a lot of guns to lift the heavies with sufficient effort.
  16. you could try a softer compound? go with the 50/60 degree? other option which i've done, more for gbb hops but in theory it should work for an aeg is a little square of aeg hop rubber as a shim.
  17. That sounds like precocking timing to me. Wouldnt be surprising, swapping motors is gonna mean the system runs different so you gotta dial in the settings for a specific motor/gear/stroke/spring combo. Eg if it overruns by 20ms that might be bang on for a motor that takes 40ms to cycle from a standing start but swap to a motor that takes 35ms and it'll be different.
  18. ahh, sorry my derp, i thought you were meaning taking from the face of the fin...... yes taking from the bottom of the fin same way the dsg tappet plates are would help.
  19. i can see where you're going with shaving down the tappet, personally i'd be looking more towards increasing the tension on the tappet, take a couple of coils off its spring kinda thing. issue with shaving down the tappet is going too far and goodbye feeding. short-stroking won't really help the nozzle timing, especially teeth off the release side as it'll be releasing the piston even earlier relative to when the tappet is released. hence i tend to lean more towards taking teeth from the pickup side. although granted it will help if the problem is pme rather than tappet timing.
  20. this in semi or auto? 27k+13:1+11.1v does sound like it's sailin for pme territory... pme would usually only manifest in auto so unless it's double tapping in semi you shouldn't be getting issues between motors. the only other issue aside from pme is if the tappet plate just ain't keeping up with the rest of the box, ie the gun's firing before the plate has time to close and losing air. usually an auto thing but given the warheads pickup rate i suppose it ain't out of the question for it to happen in semi.
  21. most motors tend to come with pinions, and the majority of the time folk tend not to care too much about having the exact right pinion matching the exact right gears. easiest way if you care for such things would be to try and match motor+gearing brand. i'm a big fan of the maple leaf macaron+omega nub combo, ran it in many pews with excellent results. tan is fine for general use or green if you're the kind of lunatic who needs to be able to lift 0.48g at 1j...... iirc some specna units have the nub built into the arm? i'll let owners confirm that though. bushings versus bearings, eh, i've never really paid much mind. bushings are going to be able to take more punishment and won't fail catastrophically like a ball bearing can, but bearings can be better for speed. some folk even mix and match with bushings on the sector then bearings on the idler/bevel gear. shimming would be worth doing only if you feel like you can do it well, otherwise leaving it stock will be a relatively safe option. gotta keep good track of em though, nothing likes going walkies like a shim...... the combat union design is pretty slick, it has a steel clip that slides in as normal (no actual tension just a neat fit) then a grub screw to lock the clip in place and a collet that screws in and locks the barrel absolutely rock solid. that said, lot more space in an ak reciever to have a chunky unit with all that stuff on it, wouldn't be to easy to pull off in an m4.
  22. i'd assume the selector plate teeth aren't lined up quite right, very common issue thanks to the rube-golberg setup the v3 box has for a fire selector. one thing i find helps is to insert the gearbox with the reciever lying flat on the left side, let gravity hold the components in place whilst your sliding it into position.
  23. think it's cos folk don't realise that it's an intentional feature and is there for a specific reason, given the majority of pistols from other brands use the silent type valves you can expect folk to think that a valve that spits gas and liquid at you when filling is some kind of failure. i do agree it's a good feature when you know what it's supposed to do and how to use it, tbh i'm surprised it hasn't been copied that much.
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