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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. A strategy i used to adopt, until i realised that if they won't call one or two patently obvious hits (ie where the usual no feel clause doesnt apply) then sending a load more is just throwing good money after bad. Although maybe thats because the ones i'm used to dealing with can fail to call a 40-mike....
  2. Always saddening when folk cant get their heads around the most simple and basic rule of the game.....
  3. Y'know with all the forum updates recently i'd have thought we'd be able to entice a better quality spambot :P

  4. I agree the e&l is the superior gun out of the box, at least comparing new buys. I just wish i hadnt found out by buying a new lct Also gunfire doesnt charge extra for spring downgrades (although it appears they preferr to chop the stock spring) Edit: also the e&l comes with the magwell spacer out of the box......
  5. Some very tense games today, had a few issues with a plate carrier/plot armour type earlier on but rest of the day was pretty on point. Seen to have found the favour of the leaf gods apparently, spent a good chunk of a fallback game hiding behind a bit of a hedge that had no right stopping as much plastic as it did. Was pleasantly surprised to find the lct worked pretty much flawlessly all day without major issue. Of course managed to lose a mag, the hubris of friction based holders....
  6. Afaik isnt it -1 reputation? I cant say i've ever paid that much attention to how that whole thing works.
  7. probably because this thread works both ways, if something isn't overpriced (like our very recent case in point) then it doesn't get crucified.
  8. waaait a second, is this a mack's first where a seller is annoyed at being called up and everyone else agrees with them?
  9. figured it'd be worth adding to the pile of glowing reviews. ordered a few bits and bobs over the years from ak2m4 thanks to this site's recommendations and as with everyone else always had good fast delivery. last order i had a rocket motor with a bit of an issue ended up contacting pete who sent a pre-paid postage label to return and swapped out the motor for a new one. on top of that he's been very communicative and helpful about the build from a technical standpoint. all i can say is that's about the best customer service you could wish for which is a rare commodity in the airsoft world.
  10. Everythings different yet the same.


    Its weird.....

  11. The issue your fighting is this: https://www.taiwangun.com/en/electric/cm-028c-cyma Same gun, brand new, and without 2-tone if you have your ukara for £35 less than your asking price (from last i checked just before writing). The general (although not exclusive) rule of thumb is ~60% of retail for a secondhand item. This thread for sure is a strange way of evaluating the classifieds, but it can work well if you take it in the spirit of the same kind of banter youd find in your average airsoft safe zone. You are of course free to ask whatever price you like, and you may be able to sell just fine, but at least now you know what you're competing with.
  12. I'd question, without further information at least, the quality of a shimming job when a "lightly skirmished" 2-tone suggests an inexperienced owner. Maybe he had a tech, or a more experienced mate do it, but it's not explicitly stated.
  13. hmmm, think i'm changing my opinion on lct....



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      their reputation was certainly good.


      i mean maybe i've got a friday afternooner on the gearbox but the rest of the elements are still not ideal.


      maybe nuprol's ownership and getting them to make guns for them has had an impact.

    3. Shaydee


      I've heard enough about lemons from both sides to be fair, only ever purchased/used LCTs but had a go with E&Ls and they've both been great. I think the best bet is to lean to whatevers cheapest and that tends to be E&L now that Nuprol have price hiked the LCTs, fire support is no longer my go to for 'premium' AK shopping like it has been 😐


      Can't you just unscrew the hop and push it forward? I'm pretty sure I can do that with my 74u to get at the gearbox without removing the outer barrel, etc.

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i've done a bit of a review which includes photos of the hop unit issue. at least once i get the photos to load.

  14. dear airsoft manufacturers


    please stop using press-fit pins that require removal for regular maintenance purposes.



  15. all we need is the seller to come and tell us which one of us is right now don't worry man, we won't tell
  16. yep i'd wager his subconcious is responsible for the price because it knows he'd regret selling it.
  17. Looking at the description i dont think he actually wants it to sell
  18. Thats the low profile version, so you can get nice and low to the ground when sneakin
  19. lemme sense timeline of events: new player, super excited wants a sniper like all the youtubers buys l96 fires it a bit in his garden, realises airsoft sniping is an acquired pursuit and here we are.
  20. base gun, £330 https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/el-aks-74mn-platinum-gen-2-aeg/ gate titan advances, £130 https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/gate-titan-v2-advanced-set-rear-wired/ cyma mid-caps, £6.63 per mag https://www.taiwangun.com/en/aeg-mid-cap/150rd-mid-cap-polymer-magazine-for-ak74-series-black-cyma?from=listing&campaign-id=19 total: £499.78 standard ~60% of retail makes £300 needless to say i did not spend more than 30 seconds on google finding the cheapest available shop, i have no doubt the total can be had for less.
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