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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. give the cops something to do when they're bored?
  2. but the lack of vent holes in the handguard, whatever is going on with that siderail mount and the filthy capitalist suppressor arent?
  3. agreed, he'll have a 3j spring in the gun as soon as he gets to the hotel...... edit: damnit, missed a perfectly good opportunity to make a joke about italians and speed limits
  4. oh our rules are staying the same for now, but there were some groups advocating much lower fps limits due to a combination of being bored and dislike a particular youtuber's playstyle. didn't really go anywhere but like i say was something to do with the lockdown boredom. but it was mentioned that at least we don't have to deal with the whole gel blaster thing like you guys, although it's fascinating seeing that there's more to it than what myself (and possibly a fair number of other folk) assumed was kind of like wet nerf.
  5. yeah the contact patch looks to be a lot longer than the sub 10mm patch you see in airsoft, but then with harder bb's you can add pressure to compensate. tbh this topic is rather interesting, i know you lads down under have some crappy rules to deal with, kinda interesting to see how you're getting around it. ironically our own rules have recently been the subject of some debate if you have a few hours and a tub of popcorn.
  6. i mean that's not as bad as i thought it was, but when i mentioned longer barrel i'm talking the 400mm+ length you'd see in something like an f2000. of course if you're increasing barrel length you're gonna want to increase cylinder volume too (duck's the expert on exactly which port type to use for which barrel length). as much as i hate to say it but i think you're really using the wrong gun for this.....
  7. when you say 9mm king arms you're not talking about the stubby m4 with an mp5 adapter? because eliminating piston slap/barrel pop on a setup that short isn't going to happen.
  8. interesting, in theory it would make more sense for the hop to stay at the start of the barrel, round is travelling slower so you're not getting an impact force. looks like quite a long unit though so maybe it's spread out to compensate. technically having the whole barrel as a hop would be least damage to the projectiles but you need real consistency and a known ammo weight/energy to make that work (i vaguely recall someone mentioning something like that in paintball). unfortunately curiosity aside i don't really know of any techs who'd match up the skill and the willingness to take on such a project, but maybe some folks in the community might have some better options than that. i don't know enough about the mk23 specifically to say what parts might need changed and wether fabricating replacements would be a viable option. however if your dream is a mk23 esque theme then perhaps a converted usp? not quite the same thing in looks or performance but maybe close enough to cut the mustard given it's already known that standard gbb's can take a conversion.
  9. 7-8mm Forgive me for asking but can these things hit the broad side of a barn if thats the state of ammo consisistency? While i'm asking do they still use a hop unit or is it more like less messy paintball? As for the conversion indeed a tricky one, there is scope for larger stuff in airsoft like the old marushin 8mm stuff but nothing really current. I can forsee a fair number of problems around the likes of nozzles etc. I'm not as familiar with the mk23 as i am with the gbb stuff but there may also be an issue with nozzle stroke as well as diameter (compared to gbb's where the stroke is way overkill for actual feeding because of mimicking loading a full size cartridge)
  10. But they do change the aoe, which may or may not be what you want in the box. When you say a quiet build what do you want? Because your expectations will define what you should be thinking about. There are really 2 main sources of noise: Piston slap/barrel pop Gear/motor noise The first can be dealt with to some extent with a longer barrel, as long as you can properly volume (or to the extreme under-volume at the expense of some accuracy) This has the side effect of reducing piston slap too. The gear noise you're talking perfect shimming and matched gears, but the motor is still going to make noise depending on the quality (balance etc). After that as @Asomodai mentions it's a case of fundamental gun design, a bullpup with a polymer body and the gearbox nestled in your arms is gonna be quieter (to the person who isnt firing it, as the shooter your ear is right next to the gearbox) than say an m4 platform that has basically bugger all sound insulation. Tbh if you want true silence and a carbine kit on a mk23 isnt what you want then there's no substitute for hpa. However true silence has its limitations, even when your gun makes practically no noise the guy you just hit is either gonna whisper where you are to his buddies as he heads off or he's gonna beeline his way back to you from the nearest spawn.
  11. the reason it expires is simply that people quit the hobby. all things considered £25 a year is a drop in the ocean compared to the level of spending this hobby sucks up and to my mind it is worth it for the benefits of adding legitimacy to our hobby. the issue is that for airsoft specifically, is there any other alternative? this cosplay malarkey as has been mentioned is pretty shakey and afaik (read: citation needed) the re-enacement memberships are supposed to be limited to stuff that's relevant to that particular group (ie if you're a ww2 re-enactor it doesn't cover post 1945 kit). i can see why some shops are folding to it though, for them it's a case of survival. arguably the current situation should merit some extensions to current ukara memberships because not everyone had the chance to renew last summer/autumn during the 2 days we were allowed out to play.
  12. i'd probably advocate for a hip/belt mounted hard shell or WAS type holster. although tbh if you're used to/like chest mount then go for it. fabric holsters as have been mentioned have a nasty habit of dropping mags for kicks, the 226 for sure is susceptible because the first time i ever ran a pistol i ended up spending about an hour hunting for my 1 226 mag on the field. drop leg can work, but you want to try and mount it as high as possible, i've heard it described as "you'll be needing to either remove the top strap from the holster or give up on having kids this lifetime", but it will still feel a bit clunkier for running full tilt. my personal preference is left shoulder mounted, but you can't really do that with something as big as a 226. if you have a proper good holster you can get away without a lanyard, but it's up to you if you wanna still risk it. havent ran a lanyard in years and not lost a pistol yet.
  13. you've got the internal mosfet haven't you? i'm not entirely sure if you can drop in normal trigger contacts to those cyma boxes but i'm sure duck will. but my preference would be for a "normal" mechanical trigger run to an external mosfet. contacts are cheap enough got and a simple gate nanoasr is easy enough to chuck in with a bit of soldering.
  14. what do you mean by a bit missing from the underside of the barrel? if you mean the lighter profile of the frame that's only holding the recoil spring then it's worth pointing out the hi-power is exactly the same. or if you mean the lack of chunk that is added by the need in more modern designs to have rail systems for flashlights and such?
  15. so if tony robinson is indiana jones, who are we getting to play the inevitably Nazi villain? i kinda wanna see hugh laurie have a crack at it.
  16. forget a tangent, the direction this thread has taken is approaching normal (meant in the angular sense of 90° from tangent rather than "ordinary")
  17. i was meaning more a time-team reference, although tbh it could be kinda funny.
  18. must be a tough piston to have survived so far, but i'd put good money on something like the rack giving out before long.
  19. you mean the grip safety with the beaver tail designed to specifically solve the issue of hammer bite?
  20. bond isn't meant to be a believable character, he's meant to be a super badass hero who always takes out the over-the-top villain. it's like saying Indiana jones would be more believable if he was played by tony robinson..... bond isn't meant to be a believable character, he's meant to be a super badass hero who always takes out the over-the-top villain. it's like saying Indiana jones would be more believable if he was played by tony robinson.....
  21. you get the kindling i'll go grab the stake out of the shed just on the first page going with the budget and not a 1911 or glock constraints:
  22. i know right? i mean it's not like there wasn't a perfectly servicable retractable stock already available for the mp5 or anything.....
  23. it was going so well until we passed the pistol grip and it all went downhill from there.....
  24. that is definately a way of looking at it. my spending hasnt stopped entirely but it's definately at a lower than usual level. it is pricey, but imo it's only marginally less performance than a fusion engine (mainly in the realms of rate of fire) but makes up for it with a lot of ease of use and versatility. certainly for any kind of accuracy build it would be my main choice.
  25. use your tempered patience to go for an f2, you can thank me later
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