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Everything posted by Tiercel

  1. A replacement spring is only like £3 on their website, thats not a bad idea actually, would mean less resistance pushing down if the spring works the way I think it works.
  2. I use mine in woodland, but only for clearing buildings in the site I play which are all solid brick/concrete floored buildings, I don’t wanna throw it in the open onto soft ground because I’ll never find it again! I looked into softer primers previously, there was some confusion as to whether they were actually easier to set off or not whilst reading through actual gun forums talking about them. I’m using Fiocci 616s, the 615s are apparently softer but out of stock most places, I wonder if that’s why because they’re more consistent. Will have a look at finding CCI/Federal ones to try. As for the base, from the sounds of it I e got the hollowed out updated version so that’s nice \o/ regarding the mechanism annoyingly I can’t find a nice exploded diagram but here’s a pretty decent takedown From my understanding the of how it works, the firing pin isn’t spring loaded. It’s just the weight on top wobbles around and that pushes a plate down which pushes on the firing pin. So the head has to be smacked about by the impact with enough force to drive the plate down and hit the firing pin into the blank. Which makes me think adding more weight to the head would possibly mean it’s pushing down with more force, or if I shim between the head and plate it’ll push it further with less effort so more reliable detonating? Maybe? Thinking about trying a socket that would fit over the top of it and see if the extra weight helps. Or if I could somehow open up the head, drill out the soft aluminium and fill it with some lead or something.
  3. I love blowing stuff up, grenades are great. Everyone thinks theyre so smug hiding in a choke point. Got a Quake 8 Impact grenade, and it makes me sad that it fails to detonate probably about 50% of the time, which is obviously sub optimal. And embarassing when you get all smug about grenading someone and its a dud. A quick google shows theyre pretty notoriously crap for this, failing to detonate most of the time on soft/woodland terrain and not much better on solid concrete surfaces. However nobody seems to have a suggestion to fix it, beyond "buy a better grenade". Has anybody else got one of these and suffered similar issues, and found a way to improve it? Im using the .209 shotgun primers in the multishot base. Looking at it, it seems like a very simple mechanism. The weight on the end of the grenade head wobbles about and that movement forces the pin down, but clearly with not enough force to set off the primers every time, can see a light dent on the primer but not enough to fire. So this got me thinking, there must be a way to add more force or a better firing pin? JB Weld some more material on the head to make it heavier, so it applies more force? Insert a spacer between the head unit and firing pin so it pushes it furher? A longer/pointier firing pin so it hits the primer better? All of the above? Any other suggestions? Or is it just a crap product thats half the price of a Dynatech for a reason?
  4. Warrior Universal Pistol Holster, absolutely love mine and never need to buy another holster again which is handy when I have an obsession with handguns and have multiple to choose from.
  5. Been there, done that, had 3 years of only having a bike as transport whilst at uni. All year round & winter commuting. Including riding from Cambridge to Cornwall to go see family for Christmas. Doesn’t matter how good your kit is, sooner or later the 70+ mph wind blast will force water in and you’ll be cold wet miserable and end up hating something you’re supposed to enjoy. Same goes for airsofting 😛
  6. Id love a proper Mini14, the thread title got me excited. This doesnt look to be a practical skirmish weapon sadly. Come on Cyma... get on it!
  7. It does feel like it hasnt stopped raining for the past few months, something on the news about it being the wettest February since records began. Everything around here in the East of England is a boggy flooded mess, every field you see is underwater. Ive got better things to do on a Sunday morning than get up early and go out in freezing cold rain, very much a fairweathersofter Been doing it for long enough now to not need to suffer miserable days playing it. Same with motorbikes, anyone who says riding in the winter slush grime mud and rain is anything other than unpleasant is just lying.
  8. No idea, was so long ago can’t remember any names I’m afraid.
  9. Back when I first got into airsoft about 15 years ago, I used to play at a site called Ironfoot Airsoft on a farm in Bude deepest darkest Cornwall, the chap who ran that site also had a store and claimed to be the chap who made/ran the UKARA database. One day in an act of desperation I needed to buy a new gun urgently out of hours as heading off for a game the next day, gave him a call and asked if I could come collect from his store that evening. Had a cuppa in his farm house whilst he looked me up on the almighty UKARA database, which was an excel spreadsheet on his kitchen lovely beige Windows 98 looking tower PC that anyone who went to school in the 90s would recognise. Ironfoot seems to no longer exist, cant find anything on the web about them beyond a few mentions of them in old airsoft forums of ye olde days. No idea what happened to them or the chap running it. He was fairly old back then, may no longer be with us. Looking on google maps at the postcode, I can see the milking barns we used to use as a CQB arena are still there but the farmhouse itself seems to have been demolished.
  10. Too much effort, and cant be quick-swapped between guns. Im not made of money not buying a sling for each toy
  11. Nah, 1 point sling all the way! None of this wierd gun bondage faffery. And I can just drop my rifle, it swooshes down to my side like a proper gucci smooth operator. Apart from the time I forgot I had lent the sling to someone else and wasnt wearing one and just dropped it straight on the concrete ground and everyone just stared at me like I was some kind of mad man... BUT other than that it looks proper cool like.
  12. ASG Devils/Blasters are pretty much my go to choice, theyre cheap and never had any issues with them.
  13. Nobody does mouth to mouth because its disgusting That's the main reason they've tried encouraging laypeople to go compression only, its better than nothing and you have better luck convincing them to do it. Usually youll have a lovely pool of saliva and other assorted fluids at the back of the mouth to deal with, which leak everywhere, and probably a load of vomit too, and some blood if youre doing those compressions hard enough. No way Im putting my mouth anywhere near that, even with one of those little plastic sheet mouth shield things. I would maybe, MAYBE consider it if it were one of my nearest and dearest, but on a stranger? Absolutely no chance. As for the aspirin debate, ideally you want dispersable that'll dissolve on you tongue and absorbed directly via buccal/sub lingual route. Unless theyre deathly allergic to it, the benefit greatly outweighs any risk. None of this nonsense about prescribing or not knowing their history or anything like that. Just ask them "Got chest pain and you look like a grey, pale, sweaty mess, feel like shit? Fancy an aspirin just in case, not allergic are you?" and if theyre not in a position to answer you, dont go sticking things in their mouth. Same as the fling you met at the pub
  14. I pop a bog standard hikers first aid kit pouch from generic outdoors store of your choice in a pouch because its small and Im unlikely to need anything more than a few plasters and maybe a bandage. Anything needing more kit than that can wait til the marshals bring a proper first aid kid. I keep a more advanced kit in my car (or if its an all day game or huge game site pop it in a backpack) which contains a few trauma dressings, tourniquet and IV kit with a bottle of IV paracetamol. I am a registered paramedic so know what I'm doing with them as generally sites tend to be miles away from anywhere, so its going to be a long wait for an ambulance if someone stacks it down a hill and snaps their leg or something, so I can at least get some pain relief into them whilst waiting, plus then IV access already established for the ambo crew to give anything else. However I would probably only be comfortable doing that to my mates who know I actually am trained and know what Im doing, and not just some random Ricky Rescue wannabe trying to stick needles in people. I generally try not to get involved in medical issues on a game day as I feel its not my place to, unless I can see its a particularly bad one or someone is doing something completely wrong (like the site "first aider" who was trying to put a stick in someones mouth to "stop them swallowing their tongue" having a seizure).
  15. Got a 2nd hand Quake 8 recently, its a brilliant easy to use little thing... when it wants to work. It seems a bit 50:50 as to whether itll actually detonate on impact or not, even on hard surfaces its like 75% chance itll detonate, which is less than ideal. Ive heard its a fairly common problem with no real fix. Some suggest using the "softer" 615 .209 primer rather than the more common 616 as apparently theyll go off more reliably, Ill give that a try when Ive got through my current pack of 616s and see if it makes any difference. So on that basis Id probably pick the Dynatex if I was looking to buy one new.
  16. As already pointed out by literally everyone, TM Literally any other brand will be crap and wont work, due to pathetic tiny mags that hold naff all gas, anything with a metal slide is just asking for misery. Ive owned a TM 1911, TM 1911 MEU, WE 1911, KSC/KWA can never remember which one is which 1911, and a Nova Something Armour y Chinese Masterpiece 1911 (yes I love the 1911 and I have an addiction) and theyve ALL been disappointing, but the TM MEU is the least disappointing of the lot. Im led to believe the MEU has a newer gas system than their old classiv 1911, and the MEU mags are slightly large inside allowing for a little more gas capacity. Even then the MEU struggles to empty a whole mag of 20 BBs on a single fill of gas. Dont even think about using it other than at the peak of summer. Or buy whichever one you want and HPA it. Im sure someone will be along shortly to defend WE's honour and say its the best gnu ever (after they replaced the entire internals with upgrades). The WE 1911 is what put me off ever buying a WE gun again Until I got one of their G19s which was a beast. I believe the 1911 was their first/early attempts at making guns and as a result utterly shite.
  17. Suffering from the sleepy trigger issue I've tried every single one of the "fixes" you see on youtube/reddit and not one of them has worked, Ive managed to get it from not working at all to working about 50% of the time which obviously isnt good enough. The only fix I've not tried yet is this one Which is basically "buy a new hammer chassis and hammer pin" which of course are out of stock everywhere in the entire world, the only one Ive found in stock is in New Zealand, who want £40 to post a £20 part to the UK... christ. However I have a cunning plan, my next attempt is going to be filling the hole the hammer pin sits in with steel epoxy and drilling it out slightly smaller to stop the hammer pin from twisting. If that doesnt work then Ill suck it up and pay the £40 P&P, ugh. On the plus side Ive taken it apart and rebuilt it so many times now to try various fixes I can now dissasemble and reassemble it in my sleep.
  18. I use one of these too, biggest advantage is the small size and portability. And that you can also run them off a Lipo battery if you need to do some emergency soldering in the safe zone
  19. Id be tempted to just neatly cut it flat all the way round so it doesnt rip further, wrap it with PTFE And see how you go. Also I find rubbing alcohol to be a great way to lube up hop rubbers, slick enough for a couple of seconds to slide it on, then evaporates and doesnt damage the rubber or risk swelling like actual lubricants.
  20. Eagle6 seems to be the only place I can find in the UK that consistently has good stock of TM spare parts, especially with the amount of bits Ive needed to try and repair my MP7 (with no success I might add ), I need a new hammer chassis and the only place Ive found that has one in stock is in New Zealand. So if Eagle6 doesnt have it, youre probably shit outta luck.
  21. Flat/R hopping was all the rage here like 10 years ago when I first started people were wanking themselves silly over it, it was too much effort back then and its too much effort now when a good maple leaf rubber and omega nub achieve the same results The biggest difference between UK and US airsoft is you dont get stuff like this happening here Also see wankergun/wankergunner High RPS is for people who cant aim and have no skill.
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    • For sale or swap
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    Make: Jing Gong (please see below) Gun/Model: M16A1 Accessories: VN style midcap Condition: Used, good FPS: 275ish Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: yes Price/Payment: £120 ONO M16 I bought for a 'Nam loadout because I was scared of working on an M14 However I love the M14 infinitely more as a gun and now I got over my fear of working on them so have no need for this. Bought this about 2-3 years ago, and never skirmished it because Covid happened. Regarding the brand, was advertised to me as a JG and I have no reason to disbelieve this, however it has absolutely no markings/branding on it so may or may not be JG. Metal body, plastic stock and front grip. I've done some basic work to it, was my intention to be a budget upgraded build, has a Tornado 6.03mm tightbore barrel, a rotary hop unit of unknown brand (probably ASG I think) and an unknown aftermarket red hop rubber. Also appears to have an aftermarket cylinder and piston but couldn't tell you what they are as I did this a few years ago then put it away and forgot about it. Cant remember if I did any other upgrades on it. Is chronoing consistently at 275-ish FPS, seems a little low to me, I believe I put an M95 spring in it as I generally put one in all of my guns to keep it around 320ish FPS for use at all sites I play at (some still have a blanket 328fps limit). Due to being consistent I reckon the air seals are good but the spring has probably been left compressed for a few years and now underpowered, so would probably warrant a new spring. EDIT: Sales bump update! I've ordered a new M100 spring for this and once it arrives will fit and re-chrono it, as I'll be honest, I was hoping somebody would buy this with the intention of doing it so I dont have to but figure my chances of selling are improved if I do it in advance Gun is wired to XT60 connection, but I think I have some spare deans connectors lying around if you want me to rewire it to deans. Feel free to ask any questions. Looking for £120 ONO which I think is pretty fair given these are going for about £160-200 in various retailers I would also consider swaps/part exchange for a nice BFG or any interesting gun, I quite fancy a Thompson or a G3, or a GBB M9, but feel free to make an offer. Not interested in M4s or G36s as I already have one. Im based in Peterborough, would very strongly prefer to meet in person to sell as its huge and weighs a tonne so postage would be a pain. Definitely meet in person for any swaps/part exs unless you're willing to post yours to me first. I am willing to travel a reasonable distance to meet halfway.


    Peterborough, Cambridgeshire - GB

  23. Why would anyone read this thread, and then think "Mmmmm... Im gonna ignore all of that and order from them anyway" Absolute madlads.
  24. Buy cheap, buy twice Internally between all those brands there probably isnt much difference and theyre all much of a muchness... where you will notice a difference is the overall build quality and material of the RIF. I highly rate the Specna Arms ones, as Ive found they tend to be rock solid and dont suffer from the usual creaks and wobbles of long replicas. Cyma are also good value for money. I dont know anything about Double Bell but Id be apprehensive about them, thats the sort of brand Id take a gamble on buying one second hand cheap with the intention of it being utterly crap and replacing everything in it anyway. Quick change springs as already said arent really that useful. Unless youre playing at multiple sites, some of which allow you to run a 400-450fps DMR and others that dont, but in that case Id probably just buy two guns and have one for each, rather than faffing around changing a spring for each game weekend. Most require you to strip the gun down to the gearbox anyway by which point you may as well just open the gearbox up anyway, the biggest advantage is being able to remove the spring from the gearbox before opening it so it doesnt explode everywhere. Opening up a gearbox isnt as bad as it sounds, they only have like 3 moving parts and theres millions of good youtube tutorials on an M4/version 2 gearbox. You can get in line plug in Mosfets that dont require any soldering and just connect into your wiring between the battery and gearbox battery connectors but Ive no idea if theyre any good compared to those you solder new trigger contact wires on etc which would require opening the box up.
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