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Everything posted by Tiercel

  1. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3370145 Enjoy! Remote claymores... - set it up somewhere waiting for enemy to walk past your hiding spot - frantically click the detonator remote - nothing happens - by this point theyve seen you and shot you anyway - claymore goes off and lightly spaffs a small ineffective cloud of BBs at empty space
  2. Speak for yourself I love my novelty 3D printed iron sights Got them made in glow in the dark material for use in the dark corners of The Mall and they worked brilliantly, and most importantly made me giggle like an immature schoolboy which instantly makes them worth it. My vote for most useless airsoft accessory, and potentially a spicy take, is MOSCART launchers on guns or standalone... utterly pointless, just dead weight. A big light shower of BBs that dont travel particularly far. If youre close enough to actually hit someone with one, may as well just give them a cheeky little double tap instead.
  3. When did double eagle get good? All I remember is them producing £30 springer shotguns. I wouldnt touch them with a bargepole, but maybe Im just out of the loop.
  4. Sounds very much like tappet plate as thats the only bit the nozzle is connected to. Do you have a sector gear delay chip too? If not could be that the gear isnt retracting the tappet plate back far enough for whatever reason.
  5. I cant remember whether its G&G or G&P that use some proprietary parts in their M14s, though I think thats more around the mag & hop unit. What youll probably need is like the below, a barrel that has 2 notches in it rather than the standard 1. As the M14 hop unit is a different length to most others. Or if youre handy with a dremel, any barrel will do if you dremel your own notches into it I use a Modify Hybrid 6.03mm barrel in my Cyma M14 and Im very happy with its performance.
  6. Got it back together, found the missing spring (it was somehow wedged behind the trigger assembly, fuck knows how it got there), firing at a sweet and consistent 343-345fps on 0.2 with the hop fully off, which is perhaps a little too close to the limit for my liking, not much margin for error if the site chrono reads higher than mine. However I really dont want to take it apart again so guess I'll find out next game day. Annoyingly turns out its a 6mm gearbox and not 7mm so the bearings I bought dont fit. All the google results for Cyma M14 gearbox say its 7mm but theyre too big. But I also dont care enough to open it up again just for new bearings, maybe if its running hot on site and needs a spring snip/change.
  7. That is exceptionally impressive, and what Id love to have. But I have neither the time, patience or skill to do that myself, nor the budget to send it off to him to do 😛 I'll settle for a "good enough". Found some Prommy V7 high speed gears, and theyre £90 from HK, JFC. New plan is to simply get it working again and have fun shooting it at people. And then when it breaks reconsider what I put inside it 😛 Got a new POIM piston head, some bearings, and a Guarder V7 bearing spring guide as the stock plastic one looks like utter garbage. That should be enough to at least see how it does at a skirmish and then when something else inevitably breaks I'll figure out what I want to do with it.
  8. Must be having an absolute giraffe! https://www.socomtactical.net/jg-mp5k-aeg-201t/ £150 brand new, with 12 month warranty. Or if you really really want a tacticool version with rails and stock, £170 A handful of plastic midcaps and NiMH batteries doesnt make a gun of unknown age, quality, and condition, worth £30 more than brand new.
  9. Looking through the classifieds, and there seems to be too many to list! What on earth has happened to make 2nd hand prices go absolutely mental? Or has everyone had some kind of collective psychosis and believe their "highly modded" (read probably badly done and shagged out, everyone thinks theyre a tech, with no warranty) Cyma/JG/other cheap chinese gun that you used to be able to pick up for like £100 brand new is now worth £200+? Like this guy: £180 for a JG MP5... What?! Theyre about £140 brand new And this guy must be having a stroke £255 for a CYMA AK?!!!!! One that retails brand new for £170! I miss the good old days where you could pick up a 2nd hand Cyma AK for about £70, maybe £100 if it was a really nice one. Is this another weird side effect of Covid and all those Chinese factories being closed down for ages, everything short of new stock so the 2nd hand market has gone mental?
  10. Finally stopped putting it off and took the gun apart. Considered just swapping the hop rubber and see how we go, and not opening up the gearbox because I hate it. Glad I did though as I found the problem, piston head O-ring has zero compression at all! Unsure why as it still appears to be in good condition, just... shrunk? Did the ol' "put it around the cylinder and heat the cylinder with a lighter" trick to expand it slightly, and a slather of silicone grease for good measure, and now getting a really good seal. But as I dont know how long that bodge will last Id rather just replace the lot whilst Ive got the gearbox out. Annoyingly my local store has no suitable parts in stock. But does mean a chance to shop around for upgraded parts to replace it with. It seems the only available aftermarket piston is the Prometheus one which goes for about £30+ if you can find it in stock anywhere, dont really wanna pay that much for just a piston Thinking of just slapping a new piston head on the existing piston as it seems solid enough. I know the piston & cylinder are unique to the gun, but are piston heads a one size fits all? this seems like a good a choice as any and says itll fit a V7, but the same item on another store says "V2/3 only but might fit others". Might replace the cheap nasty looking bushings with some nicer bearings too whilst Im in there. Anything else worth doing? New gears? Motor? I dont really know much about gearsets, dont plan on using full auto ever just want a nice snappy semi auto, but not locking it to semi as I have a fear of the gearbox locking up from spamming semi too fast and needing a quick blast of auto to unlock it. Also turns out I already put a Modify 6.03 TB barrel in it, which Id forgotten Id done. As well as an ASG Ultimate cylinder head. Fitted the Macaron & omega nub. Will be nice to see how it shoots once Ive gotten the piston head sorted. Also, lost that tiny spring, pinged off into the ether as I was trying to put it back on. One cannibalized clicky pen later and it works just fine 😛 (yes I will of course be replacing that spring with a proper one just wanted to test it actually fired once I'd put the gearbox back together to check it fired)
  11. I alternate between propane and then the occasional spurt of green just to keep some lube flowing. Sure you can put silicone oil in the propane adapters but Ive got no idea how much of that actually ends up in your mag, pretty much everyone uses Colemans Fuel propane, usually £15-20 a bottle from various places online, quids in if you can find a place doing 2 for £20 or similar deal. The bottles are huge and last forever. You can also hit up your local B&Q/Wicks/Screwfix/generic hardware store and buy a can of blowtorch propane, just make sure it has the right threaded neck for the adapter, and that it is pure propane and not a propane/butane mix (should say very obviously on the can what it is). I dont remember why you shouldnt use butane, I think its something to do with either lacking the same power as propane, or potentially destroying your seals or something like that. And if youre a total cheapskate and really want to maximise your gas, you can refill the Colemans bottles off of a big 25kg bottle that will last your entire airsoft life but there is the chance your life in general will be cut unexpectedly short if you cock it up and blow the can up in your hand, so probably dont.
  12. Holy necrobump batman. How did this gun get on for you in the long run? If you still have it, or however long you had it especially after fitting the 150% recoil spring. Similarly Id like a 120/130% one perhaps to minimise stress on the gun, but they dont seem to exist, seems to be 150% or nothing. Asking because my MP7 has developed the dead trigger for apparently no damn reason. Was working fine, put it away after a game and a year later when its actually warm enough to run a GBB again, it has a dead trigger, ugh. I've tried trimming the sear spring and sanding/polishing the secondary sear as per the Rogue video and its working about 80% of the time but thats obviously not good enough. Next step Im thinking is to fit a 150% spring as that seems to have solved your issue? Annoyingly most of the guides to fixing this are several years old and full of now dead imagine hosting accounts or have since been deleted so half the guide is missing.
  13. I'll keep an eye out for those barrels when they come back in stock. Annoyingly I cant remember what it was firing at, or if I replaced the spring it came with I assume I must have as its not firing at 4-500fps like most China guns out of the box. I generally stick a M95 spring in everything and find with a tightbore and decent air seals it puts out somewhere in the region of 320-330. Time to pick up a chrono again. Turns out returning to airsoft is almost as expensive as starting it in the first place
  14. Having issues with my CYMA M14, sometimes feeds and fires perfectly, sometimes doesn't feed at all, sometimes BB dribbles out of the barrel and only flies about 2 meters before dropping to the ground. I bought it brand new so no previous owner mystery tinkering, only thing I've done to it is fit a mosfet (dont ask me what, it was years ago, nothing fancy just a basic one for snappier trigger response on a 11.1 Lipo). It worked fine for half a day at NAE 2021, then started having these problems, I couldnt be bothered to fix it because taking the M14 apart is a hateful experience and havent been airsofting in ages due to work so forgot about it until now. Went airsofting at the weekend and remembered how much I love the M14 and I want it to work again. So figure rather than just blindly taking it apart and replacing things I should have a vague idea of what Im looking for first. It cycles and dry fires perfectly every time, so I figure the problem isnt likely to be inside the gearbox itself. My initial thought is its perhaps the hop rubber/unit having some kind of issue, or potentially the nozzle perhaps not sitting/aligned right. Where to start fault finding? I also figure that whilst I'm in there, I may as well start upgrading some bits and (hopefully) only have to take the gun apart once. I'm a fairly competent DIY gun fiddler, but I've been out of the game for so long Im not sure whats good anymore. BACK IN MY DAY, everyone just went for a guarder clear hop rubber and that was that. Now theres hundreds of choices and colors and degrees. Whats the thoughts on replacement barrels? Again being old and not up to date I'd just slap a 6.03 tightbore in it and call it done, but now there seems to be loads of different options, but also struggling to find one in full size M14 length, they all seem to be the SOCOM length. So talk to me about whats worth replacing/upgrading in the Cyma M14 whilst Im in there. What I'm looking to build is a as close as possible to 350fps woodland rifle lifting .28s out to a decent range.
  15. If I had to go for a Chinese brand, Cyma is probably the one Id go for. Their AKs are brilliant for the price, dont know much about their MP5s but theyve really upped their game in recent years so if its a new model Id be happy to give it a go if it were me. Are Classic Army still around? Might be showing my age a bit now but for a while they were widely regarded as some of the best MP5s you could get and for not a lot of money either. Just had a quick look and theres still a few retailers selling them so might be worth a look.
  16. You used to be able to get a much easier and decent deal from Polish stores before our glorious overlords decided to strip away our EU rights. I dont think Id bother importing from Asia to save a few quid, the amount of horror stories you hear of peoples parcels being seized/hundreds of pounds in tax and fees added/vanish/have to post back to Asia for returns or warranty/end up on the Evergreen for 6 months... its just not worth it.
  17. Not been able to find much info on them, Reddit seems to think they're mostly proprietary internals with some APS2 compatible internals rather than VSR. Not a whole lot of upgrade options out there. Though they do say it uses AEG hop bucking & barrel so you could slap a better hop rubber in it easily and see if that offers any gains. Beyond that probably not much you can do, apart from your basics like making sure all air seals are good and everything is nice and clean, light and lubed.
  18. Pick up a new hobby for wet days Anything properly waterproof is going to be hot, sweaty and gross to run around in, anything not hot sweaty and gross isnt going to be waterproof. Playing in the rain is rubbish, your eyepro turns into a wet mess of not being able to see anything through wet fogged up lenses, or water droplets clinging to mesh, and was that a BB hitting me or a large drop of rain? Most heavy woodland sites youll have enough tree cover overhead from the rain anyway that standard gear will be fine, just pack a change of dry clothes to go home in, or find indoors CQB sites. Ive done a few game days on wide open sites like old airfields, quarries etc with no overhead cover and its just been a totally miserable experience that most people packed up and went home by lunch time. Dont forget to waterproof your gun as well, getting water in the electrics and shorting out your trigger contacts etc can lead to a frantic scrabble to eject the mag and pull the battery out because it wont stop firing full auto. Snow is good fun to play in though!
  19. Tl;DR nobody cares, just like spraying your two tones black. Over the years Ive been doing this I reckon Ive bought well into triple digits of various toy guns from here, I think I've maybe once been asked for a UKARA number to which I gave them my several years out of date one as I dont bother with UKARA anymore due to not buying brand new guns. Same with selling on here, I've never bothered asking for UKARA because I cant be bothered to go through the hassle of trying to validate it, do you look & sound like an airsofter and have a track record of posting on here? Cool, I reasonably believe you're an airsofter and that'll do for me. Nobody who wants to commit C R I M E S is going to waste their time trying to buy an airsoft gun from here, when they can just go to their local Cash n Carry dodgy market stall and pick up a CO2 pellet pistol for £50 with no questions asked.
  20. Giving it a miss this year, gone fore the past 4 years and last year was possibly the worst sportsmanship I've ever seen. My theory is that its all the Deltas moving onto Others because we keep kicking their ass and sucking the fun out of it Will probably be back next year, maybe. Its just starting to feel not fun, spending half an hour lost in the woods, only for some HPA drum mag to arc 200bbs onto you from the bush theyve been lying in waiting for someone to walk past.
  21. The amount of re-sprayed former two tones for sale in the classifieds probably answers your question. Is it an offence? *vaguely non-committal shrug noises* does anyone actually care? *more vague shrug noises* Are you actually likely to be caught and prosecuted for doing it? As long as youre not being a dick with it probably not. Do you want to be the trial case in court that decides on the precedent for this issue? Definitely not. Theres only about 3 cops left in the UK, 2 are stuck outside Downing street and the 3rd is busy dealing with someone who said something mean about someone on facebook. Theyre not going to be checking peoples toy guns to see if theres orange under the new black. Dont be a knob and bring it to their attention, and it wont be an issue.
  22. Some great local reccomendations there, was what I was hoping for rather than google and see what 1990s notepad looking websites some of the sites have and hoping for the best, look forward to giving some of them a try, ta!
  23. Recently moved to Peterborough, cant seem to find any decent sites for love nor money. So what is there around here? Any recommendations from long term locals? Dont mind if its woodland or CQB, just want a good sporting experience! Don't mind driving for a bit, though probably not more than an hour or so each way because Im too old to be getting up early on Sundays anymore!
  24. https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/angrygun-mp7-qd-silencer-for-marui-gbb-mp7-gen-2-version The proper MP7 style QD suppressor is what Im rocking on mine, and I love it. Does it actually silence the gun? Maybe ever so slightly? I find it changes the pitch of the snap it makes rather than silences it. But who cares when the MP7 sounds so awesome, the loud snappy crack of it firing quite often makes people go "WTF is that?" Though its not quite as satisfyingly noisy as my mates B&T MP9
  25. Yeah Im fed up of sites basically charging for UKARA, Ive yet to have mine at a site that didnt charge some kind of fee for it, usually a "well UKARA is free but in order to prove it you need an annual membership at our site which is £X and we wont stamp your UKARA form til you pay it" But hey its minimal cost and whats the point in fighting it when youre not gonna win.
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