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Everything posted by Tiercel

  1. Straight to the media playing the racial victim card and wanting some compo, rather than being more concerned that their son is waving a toy gun around in a manner which ended up with getting a visit from the armed police. My parents would have beaten me to within an inch of my life if I was responsible for a visit from the police, let alone something that results in a raid by the armed police. As for police not knowing what a two-tone is, would you want to take that risk as a police officer? "ah its only a toy gun being pointed at me Im sure, its got a bit of colour on it" Admittedly its America rather than the UK, where everyone and their mum has guns, but oh look... a two tone gun with a bright yellow slide. And its a real gun.
  2. Recently treated myself to a semi-new build as my current system was being bottlenecked by cheaping out on an i5 rather than i7. Except my current i5 was like 2 generations old now and I couldnt buy a i7 of the matching generation anywhere. So needed a new motherboard, decided to switch up my storage too as I was running a mish-mash of old hard drives and SSDs of varying sizes. Decided to go big or go home, not cheaping out on any components anymore so jumped straight up to the i9 rather than i7. Probably complete overkill but at least I wont have to upgrade again anytime soon. However the absolute best thing I did was upgrade my monitor from a bog standard 1080p somethingorother, to a 1440p 144Hz G-sync monitor. Cost almost as much as the rest of my PC combined but my god do games look good now running at 140fps and I didnt realise how big a jump in quality it was from 1080p to 1440p. Also replaced my ageing corsair H1500 headset with a new Steel Series Arctis 7 which are phenomenally good and comfy. New build: Asus ROG PG278QE G-Sync monitor MSI Z490A-Pro motherboard i9 10900KF CPU 32GB Corsair Vengence RAM GTX 1080Ti GPU 1 x 250GB Samsung EVO 970 M.2 for boot drive (god damn these are fast, absolutely worth the upgrade, you push the power button and you're already at your desktop) 1 x 2TB Crucial something or other SSD for games library 1 x 2TB mechanical HD for mass slow storage
  3. Short answer; yes. Longer answer; you get what you pay for. They sell some branded stuff, and if you buy branded itll likely be the same as if youd bought it from anywhere else, except it seems more expensive from them. However its the cheap "SUPER ELECTRIC POWER HIGH SPEED M4!" for £24.99 that will be utterly cheap garbage shite. Theres also loads of reviews slating them for piss poor communication/customer support/service.
  4. Very much looking forward to seeing this open, a stonesthrow from where I live and Ive been craving some kind of indoors CQB shootypew since the Mall left a hole in my heart.
  5. Ahhhh got it, works perfectly! Thats where I was going wrong, I just assumed youd have to have the bolt back! Ta
  6. Love mine to bits, its a stunning performer. However I wonder if anyone has any suggestions, Ive never been able to adjust the hop unit on mine, I know youre supposed to lock the bolt back, push the trigger forward, and the adjusment wheel moves into a useable position. However my trigger wont push forwards. Im reluctant to take it apart because it looks like a ball ache and the standard hop position seems perfect for the .28s I use but it would be nice to adjust it if I needed to.
  7. Got bored of my old dad car VW Passat. Whilst it was a perfectly good functional unit of car, it was terribly, terribly dull. So I treated myself to this :3 Jag XE R-Sports. Absolutely love it. It is however completely impractical for airsofting as the boot is big enough for about 2 bags of shopping and there is no way Id want to take it up the absolutely dire off road paths most airsoft sites have. Just means Ill have to buy that Ford Ranger Ive always wanted as well to go airsofting in
  8. Looks very promising, cant wait to give it a go. Cant see any issues with the rules really, other than full auto indoors is a bit unecessary really. Like everyone else has said, auto outdoors and semi indoors seems like a sensible and non-complicated way of doing it. Bios only, fine, bios have come a long way since I started 10 years ago and they were shite back then. Theres plenty of decent bio options now. < 0.32 only? Fine, again no real reason to be using anything higher than that in CQB either. No you dont need .4s in your sidearm
  9. Anyone using "puff dino" green gas? Is it any good? In my quest to spend as little money as possible I need BBs and gas. I want .28 bios, and green gas. Usually using Nuprol 2.0 however the only site that sells .28 bios doesnt sell Nuprol only sells Puff Dino and Abbey stuff. And the site that sells Nuprol gas doesnt sell .28 bios. I dont want to pay for two lots of P&P if it can be avoided! Puff Dino seems relatively cheap, about 3/4s the price of Nuprol. Is it going to be garbage? Im struggling to find any info on it on google.
  10. Where else are you going to put your lasers and flashlights and scope cams and selfie cams for all that SICCCCCCCC footage of you not taking your hits and screaming at people for cheating?
  11. Yeah Camden tube station has some kind of wierd 1-way system at peak hours when its exit only. Mornington Crescent is the next stop on the northern line and about a 10 min (lazy) walk from there. I believe the exit-only hours are something like 4-7pm weekdays and 1-6pm weekends. Which is ridiculous really, but I'm sure it makes sense to one of the TfL Tsars whos paid far too much money to do nothing.
  12. Its my local store so I pop in there in person on occasion. Prices are higher than most, but then again they've got to pay for London real estate. Friendly and helpful staff, the chap who does their upgrade/repair work is always happy to have a chat about what upgrades to buy and will happily go rummage through their pile of bits to find what you need.
  13. Used GR25 for £420 or brand new for £310 Im not sure a handful of midcaps and unbranded scope really boost that value
  14. On a slightly different tangent, but still dreamers none the less. Something that as a seller really fucks me off big time: People messaging me with stuff like "wats the lowest ull go?" That is not how haggling or bartering works - you make me an offer, you dont ask me to name my lowest price. I think Im already offering things for a reasonable price, Im not going to suddenly say "oh go on then mate, you can have it for a fiver." Generally anyone who messages me this I assume theyre either not a serious buyer, or simply going to make a ridiculous lowball offer.
  15. They weigh a tonne, dont really do anything, the shells cost a fortune and will leak. But man they look cool. And great for clearing a hallway
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