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Everything posted by Skara

  1. The aesthetic of it, mainly. Don't want to ruin the 933 look. My specna can (and will) definitely be used in tournaments. In fact the first one is scheduled on the 25th and I'm taking the specna with me (unless I can build this new one in time). But for the longer ones (8h+ with a fuckton of kilometres to hike) I'd like to have something lighter, in the region of sub 2kg (with loaded mag and battery) if possible.
  2. Ooookay boys, I'm done with proprietary parts and I'm putting the honey badger for sale on the Italian forums. I'm on the hunt for a new rifle. This is going to be a tournament gun, which means it needs to be compact, lightweight and needs to take M4 magazines. I'll have to lump it around for 12h+. In addition to that, it must be an M4 because I already have plenty of parts for it. So, general list of requirements: ● M4 platform: ● Must have a polymer body to keep the weight down; ● The least amount of weird, weak and hard to find proprietary parts; ● QD 8mm gearbox (easier to work with and I already have bushings/bearings of that size) ● Electronics only if we're talking about a G&G ETU, as I can get a nice Perun upgrade kit/ETU++ and get that nice binary trigger. Not too fussed about the length and weight of the front end, I can replace it with my G&G ARP-9 rail. As far as battery space goes, I'd like to have a stubby fixed stock so I can use whatever battery I get my hands on. Any ideas?
  3. Which is stupid, because you NEED that ring to mount the stock 😕
  4. HOLY FUCKING SHIT I'M SO HAPPY! Fucking finally found a stubby M4 fixed stock with the fucking door! €24 posted from a San Marino retailer! Now, onto yet another handguard for the ARP-9...
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ak2m4


      For 19 euros it's a steal.  I purchased the metal version a while back from AE but it didn't fit on any of the uppers 😞


    3. ziCk_


      I mean go for it but why making ARP9 longer than it has to be? 

      As for delivery, don't worry - pretty much all of my AliExpress orders over last 6 months were delivered within 1 week, bar couple exceptions taking almost three.

    4. Skara


      Because a 5" carbine is called a pistol.

      Also my ARP already has a 9" front end.

  5. Definitely Macks material right there lol.
  6. They should definitely make a Core version with polymer body. Or at least make a polymer upper (with poly rail too if possible) as a spare so I can buy it and have 2 different uppers for mine
  7. Yes, use the classified section. If you are unsure of the price you can always post in the Appraisals section.
  8. The receiver is polymer, but the threaded portion is made of metal and I believe you can replace it, although you'll need to salvage the part from another upper, as nobody seems to be selling spares. It ends up being cheaper to replace the whole upper. I wouldn't worry about it too much to be fair, it looks like it's a G&G thing, my ARP-9 has an Ares M-Lok rail and there's a gap too (but it's much wider than yours, like 2-3mm at least). Also, it appears that Nuprol rails are of a much higher quality than Ares ones.
  9. Nowhere I'm afraid, I ordered it directly from Airtech (paid €18 including postage to Italy)
  10. Quickie before I place an order. What's the difference between TYPE 1 and TYPE 2 AEG pistons?
  11. Mine definitely can, with a 50° ML MR-Hop and Omega tensioner. Haven't tried the stock rubber though.
  12. I would avoid those BFG ten speed style pouches. Just because being elastic they tend to lose strength over time, especially the cheaper ones from FMA/Emerson/Viper/Whatever.
  13. SHS set from Pete acquired, now I can turn my ARP-9 into a proper wanker gun ❤️ In addition, I just bought an Airtech Studios hair trigger thingamajig for the G&G ETU which shortens the wank pull from the current 65 light years to roughly 2mm. Next is a drop stock.
  14. ^^^^^^^^^This. I could say the same about those cunts wearing so much gear (because rEaLiSm) that they need a serious magdump to feel the hit. Also competitive speedsoft is all about teamplay. Whereas the regular skirmish is mostly cunts going their own way
  15. Someone please explain to me the sense of these posts, because I'm confused as heck.
  16. I feel you. But outdoors they aren't an issue at all for me.. It's when the fuckers decide to take a peak in my living room that I go batshit crazy
  17. My dad's knee looks the same, although he crashed while we were on a motorcycle trip. At first we thought the ligaments were gone, but the X-rays showed they're intact. Go get checked mate, hope it's nothing serious
  18. I had really bad luck today. Woke up at 5 AM (slept 2 hours because reasons), met with my teammates and we drove 2 hours near Genoa for a "huge" game with all the clubs from the region. Super hyped, I took 5 guns with me: Specna M4, Ares Honey Badger, Ares Striker, Mk23 and AAP01. We arrive at the site, get dressed and line up for temperature test and chrono. 34.5° body temperature, apparently I'm a zombie or something but whatever. I notice something's off: the chrono the hosting team was using is an absolute piece of inaccurate shit. Tested the Striker: 1 reading at 1.00J, not allowed.. Shit, okay, Specna next. Same, 1 reading at 1.03J, not allowed. I know for sure that they both are well within the 1J limit, but heh, let's try the Amoeba, 0.96J.. Then my teammate who has a stock TM HC M4, 1st 5 readings were between 1 and 0.95J, he passed (lmao). At this point I'm getting tilted, I offer to use my chrono instead but they refuse. FINE, let's play with the honey badger. Pistols, though, weren't chronoed and I was literally the only one not running CO2. I'll let you guess how many people ended up bleeding because of that. We are divided in two large teams, each team has a base and a flag to defend, if one team snags the enemy flag, brings it back to its base and holds it for 20 minutes while still having its own flag, that team wins. Terrain is rough, steep climb for us to get to their base while the enemy has all the advantage in this world (guess where the hosting team was? Lol). Back to us, the game starts, I spot a column of reds who are trying to flank us, I switch to full, pull the trigger and suddenly hear the horrifying sound of a metal rack being chewed to shit. Cool, I get hit, go back to our base, ditch the rifle and spend the rest of the day sniping people with a mk23, with the AAP for close up full auto bukkakes.. Throughout the day I only managed to get a handful of kills, mostly because the people I shot with the mk23 (bar one, who called the hit on a clearly dry magazine), since they didn't hear gearbox winding or piston slapping, decided to NOT call those hits, despite visibly flinching when hit. We eventually manage to steal the enemy flag but the game ends right after. Overall it could have been a really fun day if they had a good chrono. Plugged the battery back in the specna, it clocks in at 95 m/s on 0.2s consistently 😕
  19. It's more about not letting shit into the magazines than reloading faster.
  20. Ares motor died, finally, after 4 years..

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Skara


      I lied.

      The gun somehow came back to life on its own 😕


      i suspect a jam, because when I took the barrel out there was a BB stuck inside.


      Gonna take it apart nonetheless to check for actual damage, at worst a new tappet plate and piston (which I already have).

      If the sector is damaged I'll just swap the whole set with the stock gears from the specna.


      Also installed the SHS HT into the ARP and my club's tech suggested to run the gun as it is until it dies and only then open it up to install the 13:1 set.

      I'm also turning off active braking because it heats up the motor like.....a motorfucker (yay I'm funneeee)..

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      If the other gears are OK then just try replacing the sector only

      & see how it rolls/spins/meshes perhaps


      Std sectors are usually compatible - just if they mesh smoothly

      If the bevel/spur are OK, shimmed OK & meshing nicely

      eg: bevel to pinion, then just look to change sector

      (or as little as possible)


      Also some have said the std SA gears are not that robust

      BUT I don't own one or a SA set myself


      Yes AB is all well & good but heat can increase

      on a ferrite motor, the motor continues to spin - a lot

      Where as on a neodym motor, the strong magnets slow th

       motor much quicker than a ferrite motor


      On "the bench" the ferrite motor spins a lot longer

      The neodym motor slows much much much quicker

      In reality though the spring starting to compress slows them both

      But I feel the neodym motor overspins slightly less in the box

      So on a neodym motor AB is not needed perhaps


      A clip showing AB on & the AB off with a neodym motor



      YES with AB off the motor spins more

      BUT no where as much as std ferrite motor does

      This is a SHS High Speed so it is spinning faster

      But doesn't carry on spinning like a std motor would


      Now as said, ON THE BENCH

      In a gun, in actual use, the spring would slow a weak ferrite easily

      So it is debatable just how big the overspin difference really is

      between neodym/ferrite motors in a working gun perhaps


      But I feel neodym motors only need very very slight/light AB

      to stop them and even without AB they still overspin less


      AB imho should be used to accurately stop the cycle on pre-cock

      or when trying prevent double firing when a gun is cycling too quickly


      When people use AB to prevent double firing it can be a sign of sticking switch, worn COL or most commonly just taking the piss rof


      If your gun does really need AB (for set pre-cocking)

      then don't or at least try not use it, or only very soft AB


      I don't use AB, so any motor heat is purely down to the build itself

      (than reversing the polarity at the motor)


      TLDR again - yeah turn off AB if you can 

    4. Skara


      Yep, already did that on every gun I own bar the Ares as the EFCS allows for fuck all customization. I rarely use semi auto anyway and when I do it takes seconds to turn it back on (at least on the ARP)


      Regarding the Ares gearbox, I have yet to open it. I might do it this Saturday, so I can also figure out a way to rewire the thing to the front. Will make a new status update once I see what's gone and what's still useable.


      Thanks for the help mate!

  21. Mmmkay.

    Bought a Guarder SP90 for the striker, it chronoes at 1.05J on a Guarder SP100.

    One would say "good, it'll drop to 0.9something", right?

    Nope. 0.6J...

    Decided to nip a coil off the SP100, power goes up to almost 1.1J...

    Another coil off, 1.08..

    A third of the spring is now in pieces and finally the bloody thing is below 1J....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skara


      The spring has always gone in the same way, the more tightly would coils at the spring guide end.


      I heard about this theory, but when I tested it (with both springs) the results were the same.

      1.05/100, 0.64/90


      The gun could be creeping a bit, haven't chronoed on 0.2s to be fair.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Specs change but SP90 seems irregular at one end...



      slightly tighter at one end than the other

      so you "should" have got some difference


      compared to a regular spring...

      Element Airsoft Upgrade M155 Grade Irregular-pitch Spring for AEG - 560 FPS  for sale online | eBay

      (which should be same either way round)


      Some other irregular springs are tighter in middle

      AND one of the ends are tighter than the other...


      Honestly the way the spring is fitted can make a difference

      (as said I've flipped a spring to squeeze another 10fps more than once)


      The SP90 or SP100 should just be tighter at one end

      so should have made some slight difference

      BUT like I said specs can change and be a different spring

      or most likely just them qwirky airsoft gremlins


      as said these spring/power stuff doesn't always follow logic

      Probably why Mr Spock doesn't do airsoft

      (his ears would be stinging as easy big target)


      you got it sorted & that's all that matters

    4. Skara


      Yep, I am definitely gonna experiment more with this irregular spring theory. I've heard it in the past but never got to "play" with it.


      SP100 is done but I still have the SP90 and I can always buy another SP100 :D after all it's €7.50, won't lose my sleep over that amount, plus having an extra spring in my spare parts drawer is always nice.


      i just thought it was funny to cut a spring and gain power :D

      Now I can SlAy ChEeTaHs on Sunday :D

  22. Not really, I watch (some of) them because in the sea of clickbait cheetah stuff there is also good content regarding kit. Specifically I'm talking about KM, for as much as we hate him, he does build good loadouts. Unfortunately he does not really share what (and most importantly WHY) he uses. 100% agree. Apart from plate carriers. They are useless and look bad on fat people (me included). Me neither, for the same reason. What's on my belt is the absolute last resort before being sent out of the game. I carry 3 guns when sniping: Rifle Mk23 AAP01 (soon to be SMG'd). The AAP sits on my belt and there is a specific reason for that: it's a quick draw for me even if uncomfortable when I lay down on the right side,but the snappiness and auto capability widely make up for a bit of discomfort. Everything else sits on my chest/sides/back. Bar the mk23, its spare magazine and the gardening shears, the rest is stuff I don't need to access in a pinch (radio, water, BBs, gas).
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