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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Most likely the COL (cut off lever, the thing that disconnects the trigger trolley in semi auto when the sector gear does a complete cycle) is not working properly. Could be anything, from it being broken to the screw that holds it in place being too tight or the spring being bent/broken/missing.
  2. Even more bollocks. Whoever told you that sniper rifles have to be expensive should be thrown down a cliff. They actually require very little to perform and most of the mods are DIY jobbies. "you need an expensive barrel" no you don't, as long as the stock one is straight, clean and seals well with the hop rubber, it's good. "you need a r-hop" no you don't, a maple leaf rubber does the same shit but costs €10 "you need a big ass spring" no you don't, if you know how to work with Joule Creep, also FPS means fuck all if the rifle isn't consistent. "you need a SRS" absolutely not, you don't need to drop €500 on that shit. It's good, but a cheap cyma VSR with some upgrades and tweaks will do the same, for less than half the price. Do you need a fancy expensive KMCS? no, you just need a BDU in a pattern that blends in well with the environment, and a couple cans of spray paint to adjust the colours. Fuck leaf suits btw, they're shit. In case nobody told you, home made ghillies are dirt cheap. As for sidearms, a STTI MK23 with a couple of DIY mods and €20 worth of Hadron parts is the way to go. Also, you upgrade as you play. No need to dish out serious amounts of money right at the start.
  3. Bollocks. Sniping is just as expensive as any other "role". It's not harder, it's not easier, it's just different.
  4. Yup screw is still a hair too long, I've already chopped it down by 1.5 cms, need to remove another 5mm (make it 6/7 to be 100% sure), the screw is long enough to thread onto any gun anyway, I will SS the sector (1 tooth, 2 tops, leaving the piston intact) whenever I install the new barrel and change spring to compensate, it will be used both on 11.1s (when spamming semi in cqb) and 7.4s (when playing woodland). I had issues with the G&G etu, I'm pretty sure the trigger microswitch is fucked, after installing I pulled the trigger once in semi and did a 25rnd burst rather than binary it was a really old battered unit and the trigger switch was meh. so new ETU unit. Or Perun V2/Gate Titan. I can use the wanker blade trigger on all three options so it's just a matter of finding one of the three in stock at a human price.
  5. We can't play because of restrictions, but we can go on the field and maintain it, so that's what we did. We restored one old trail to an area of the field we haven't really used in a long time. We're going to do maintenance until we are allowed to play again. Next week i will bring the ghillies with me, so I can start crafting them.
  6. 28.5 rps on a 11.1, without a mosfet and with the stock tamyia plug. After lunch I'll install the etu trigger and Perun upgrade kit and see what happens. Then whenever G&G stops being lazy, SSG1 blade trigger goes in for maximum wank. Next week the ak2m4 order will turn up as well, providing two nice ZCI barrels (247mm and 260 for my other specna). Fixed stock is being a cunt though, quite a lot of wobble because of the short receiver end. Might wrap a couple layers of tape to ensure a snug fit.
  7. Skara

    Gg Arp-9

    I gotta admit, it took me a minute to decipher lol
  8. Skara

    Gg Arp-9

    2nd buyer just paid via PP F&F -.- I explained him to never do that again... So yeah, everything sorted, gun's getting posted on Monday morning And yeah, bbs staining the barrel was a new one for me too.
  9. Skara

    Gg Arp-9

    Still way more than the €180 I paid for it So, it appears that I have just sold it for €230 posted. Selling it was a mystical experience: There's this guy who contacted me yesterday asking for the usual pictures + video proof. This morning he accepted the deal of €230 posted, then started acting like a cunt, trying to get the price down because "you used black bbs in the video, they stain the barrel, i want a discount" and all that kind of bollocks. I tell him to sod off, 3 hours pass and he contacts me again from 4 different telegram accounts. Same guy, I now have 5 shitty paypal G&S payments from the same fucking person. all promptly refunded. Now I think I have found a more sensible buyer, let's see what happens.
  10. Skara


    Obi-Wan Nairobi can't be beaten really.
  11. So I was working yesterday, surveying a building.

    This little guy showed up, my instrument has a built in laser pointer. (visible in the picture, right next to Mr. Cat)

    Could've been a 1h job, it ended up being 2 hours :D



    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      somewhere in italy "what the hell is this survey report all about, makes the property look like the surface of the moon!"

    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Well what do you expect - cats are natural predators


      Lucky it was only one cat that turned up...



    3. Shamal


      I think Skara just wanted to show off his tool! Lol


      But that place needs some work done I think.

      P.s nice nice bit of kit though.👍


  12. It's called momentum and it's mostly why engineers (and to a limited extent us surveyors) hate architects with a passion
  13. Even under the harness so you can keep the shirt tucked in and not go mad because the edges flop above pouches As an alternative, this:
  14. Wear a sweater lol. Seriously, though. Wear a lightweight jacket or something slightly loose, so the bb loses all its energy before reaching your skin. Even a standard field shirt will protect you more than a UBACS
  15. Skara

    Gg Arp-9

    The gun is €210 new Add 60/70 for the drum and another 75 for the three CA X-9 midcaps. Inside the box I have replaced the spring, piston and nozzle as they shanked themselves, then changed the hop rubber. Was thinking about €250 for the whole package. Thoughts?
  16. Nop, I'm not using the forum attachments anymore. also @Sitting Duck I've been using the BBCode option for ages and it has always worked, until now -.-
  17. As per title, I upload pictures via Imgur and the link they provide for forum boards [img]inserturlhere[/img] doesn't work anymore -.- Am I retarded? or is there something wrong?
  18. I need to get my hands on one.
  19. Hey Look, we can't play anymore in Italy :D

    But we can riot and break into shops without the slightest hint of punishment :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skara



      Took the time to read the new law. It only mentions contact sports, since airsoft is definitely NOT a contact sport, I can play whenever the fuck I want.


      (bbs aren't a means of contact between players btw)

    3. MiK


      So that means you’re not gonna go plunder some pew pews for us all ?? :(

    4. Skara


      It's a rollercoaster lol.

      Club's president decided to not play until a new decree comes out.

      Considering we've had 3 different decrees in 15 days, there's a high chance of us being able to play next week, or diving straight into another full scale lockdown :D

      God I love this country :D


  20. Could be. Maybe it's just me being fed up with proprietary stuff. And wanting a less common base to build a wanker gun onto The more I look at it, the more I want it.
  21. I really like it. So shiny Please kill me now.
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