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Everything posted by Tackle

  1. If I had to guess (which I do lol), I'd think it was one of those head & shoulder jobbies? #me too, just to slow the soviet hordes rolling through Germany, at the time it was quietly considered futile given the apparent size/might of their forces, but seeing how they've performed in Afghanistan & more recently Ukraine, I think we might have made them really work for it ?.
  2. Just had a look at imperium airsofts "ROE", & their ghillie rules definitely should be adopted by other sites. https://imperiumairsoft.com/airsoft-rules/
  3. Appreciate you don't want the fuss of multiple sales, but unless your prepared to take a big hit on the value, you'll likely struggle to find someone who has use for it given how varied it is.
  4. I'm mixed, I think I'd like it a lot more if it didn't have the brass bit sticking out. Do we know what that's for ?🤔
  5. Lol yep, but if he'd taken a telling off & stopped being a bellend, he probably wouldn't have got banned. That's the difference between those of us regular people who can get carried away in the excitement of the "heat of battle"😉, & the ever-growing masses of the self entitled who can't accept they could possibly be wrong, whether it's acting like a cnut at an airsoft site or discussing how many genders there are 🤣
  6. Understandable, last time I was there I remember at one point taking baby steps with one hand out in front of me, so 'kin dark. It was when I put my hand on another players head who was crouched down, don't think he appreciated it when I said "while your down there"🤣
  7. Seem to remember either imperium or invicta battlefield, both in Kent, have a rule that limits the number of gillies per side AND can only be used in conjunction with a basr. https://imperiumairsoft.com/airsoft-rules/
  8. Welcome, now I get your unusual username 🐲
  9. Unfortunately it's all too easy these days for a wrongdoer to scream "foul", & Unfortunately I've known a few disabled people, some since childhood, that will play on this, in much the same way that some use the race card to their advantage, which again I've witnessed firsthand, in one job in particular. @OrlithNightfire , if you personally witnessed his poor behaviour, theres not much more to discuss, he went against site rules & got banned, end of.
  10. Just a posh word, essentially if the temperature is too low, or borderline too low, it remains in a more liquid state, so doesn't perform as well. Metal bodied guns are more prone, literally because they hold the cold compared to plastic slides & bodies, hence why TM kit is plastic, very realistic plastic I'll add, & they will perform well when other brands struggle. the perfect combination is a TM gas pistol for the summer, & a c02 pistol for winter use (or even an aep if its only an occasionally used backup)
  11. Exactly. I've got loads of slings, some knockoff & some high end real steel, but even those were ebay auction bargains, money saved on the extras means more for gats, which I'm pretty tight about too lol🦆
  12. Technically the s/h price is kinda OK when compared to the manufacturers rrp, £169.98😳, but ffs its not even real steel, its a sling, made specifically for lightweight airsoft toys. The day I ever consider paying more than 20 quid for a sling is the day I get locked up in the nuthouse 🤪
  13. Generally no, BUT, Could be a vorsk qc thing, could be venting due to ambient temperature or rapid firing, or the two combined, but venting usually occurs forwards out of the barrel, not rearward over the hand🤔 As has been said, if its new return it, ideally for a refund, or upgrade to a TM, you'll not regret it.
  14. Nah,I'm just pissed that nothing happened after his first VERY moody post, but we have to play nice until we know otherwise. I worry a wee bit about rushing in, but at the same time it sucks if someone gets scammed if we hesitate. If any of us get it wrong, the god mods can reinstate them.
  15. We had quite an intensive run of them, alongside the spammers, but seems to have been quieter recently, but everyone needs to remain on their guard & if you see, suspect, or God forbid, get turned over yourself then holler, we can only call ourselves a community if we work together.
  16. First sales post the guy put up for a ump was initially written in German & seemed to indicate he wasn't in the UK, whereas this one says London ? @Alex89Type please enlighten us to the issue, if hes a scammer he needs to go ?
  17. Awesome, links would be nice🙏
  18. To clarify, this is now primarily hpa, not gas ? If this is the case, you need to move/re-do the thread in to the hpa section, it'll suck if somebody buys it thinking its gas, only to find it can't be used without a full hpa rig.
  19. Not daft on your part, the sites are making a very common assumption that any snipers will be running at or close to their maximum limit, whereas your out of the box sniper is only doing close to the aeg limit , which would seem unfair. Best thing you could do is explain this to the site, give them a call & see if they'll allow you to run it with a different contact criteria, explain its running at aeg levels & until you get it upgraded, it's more about practicing the field craft than getting long range kills.
  20. 🤐Tune in next week when I try to teach my gran to suck eggs🤣
  21. @Alimcd has done some lovely stuff with KC02's, if you need any info holler👍
  22. Tackle

    Tokyo Marui AKM

    @Max-Harvey the timestamp rule isn't in place YET,but it is being discussed as one of the possible ways to weed out scammers. @Doc94 while max is correct, if your prepared to rectify your pictures ,it will be appreciated by most of the members, it goes some way to prove the kit is in your possession & allay members fears. Thanks
  23. I'd like to see them in all the hospitals, but that's a whole new rant thread I think😡
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