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Tactical Pith Helmet

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Everything posted by Tactical Pith Helmet

  1. Only £160 for a useless vest? Sobs in Russian kit collector....
  2. A man who was wrongly accused of masturbating on a bus, has won a £5000 pay out by the police. I bet he splashes out on something nice.
  3. Micro plastics and this crap are everywhere. We can't even get asbestos out of schools, let alone deal with this crap. Bloody disgrace.
  4. Use your red/green colour blindness to your advantage by becoming a cyclist.
  5. I'm familiar with the RS version, anyone know anything about the G&G version? Any known faults etc? These look great for WW2 games and they have a far better sight set up than the previous SMLE. https://www.kingsofairsoft.co.uk/product-page/g-g-le4-mk-i-eu?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Products&utm_campaign=120202585076020626&platform=fb&placement=Facebook_Desktop_Feed&utm_id=120202585076020626&utm_term=120202585079680626&fbclid=IwY2xjawH1Vc9leHRuA2FlbQEwAGFkaWQBqxcVTSgFYgEdRPaUKYhzCbEI9qxEAtkoHXyoRQCqVT8S70xYw7mK3H5-oe7SKgizPtxr_aem_QY3ElpGzQuI3XAeaQZKUTg
  6. I'm 5'11", 32" waist, 40" chest and I wear a fair bit of Russian gear at 50-5. You reckon 46-5/6 would fit OK?
  7. Off to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. tomorrow.  Kit in the van and Giger counter ready. 


    Only missed one game, but I'm looking forward to this one even more.  The effort put into the props and site are terrific.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LMKipper


      Ah I was really tempted by this - enjoy!

    3. Anonymoose


      Where does this take place?

    4. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      @Anonymoose near Mildenhall in Suffolk.  It also happens at Gunman Alpha near Reading.  I'll finish the write up and post pics when they're up.


  8. I'm not watching I'm A Celebrity. If I want to watch a load of talentless twats eating bollocks and eyeballs, I'll go and stand outside a Greggs.
  9. On my way to a lot of it. Gunman Alpha and Bravo are the destination!
  10. Chap I knew years ago was a factory race team mechanic for Norton. His Commando was stupid fast. The compression that it ran at was amazing, but we all ran old parallel twins with about 15% dope in the tank. Another bloke I often met at the Pod had a Battle of the Twins class drag bike that was tuned to the point of fragility. They really are still a great real world roadster, especially with a knife edged crank and modern bearings, valve seats, ignitions etc. Hope you enjoy many miles of fun riding the old girl!
  11. I tend to sit in a traffic jam on the M25 whenever I go to the place...
  12. I've been amazed at the amount of crud that new barrels contain. Getting one truly clean requires a fair bit of force and a very tight patch sometimes.
  13. Modern classic; albeit a bloody silly one. Love it!
  14. Always fancied one, but I've never been able to switch between left and right gearboxes. Bloody horrible memories of hurtling towards a bend with no engine braking or back brake on a borrowed mates B40, in the snow, just a denim jacket and flat cap turned backwards for protection. IIRC it's the same engine as the Atlas and also pre-isolastic?
  15. It's hard to message when your knuckles are sore from being dragged along the floor all day long.
  16. I fucking told the garage I worked at that I had a nut allergy. They still sacked me when all the wheels fell off.
  17. I'm sure there's a Namsoft game at Battle Lakes next year. I think that one was cancelled there this year? I've only heard good things about the site and I live bloody hours (and hours) away!
  18. My attempts to develop an artificial testicle have been shambolic.
  19. Vouch for Sarah, she's a solid seller.
  20. If you think that I'm driving four or so hours, and even dragging the Mrs along, to play airsoft with a bunch of fellow fanatics then you're sadly unmistaken... 😅 Seriously, we did similar with a Farcebook group for mature players a few years back. We all wore DPM and '58 pattern, and used 'interesting' gnus. Not knowing the site we didn't do too well, but many laughs were had and I ate the biggest breakfast of my life so far in a B&B before the game. Had an interesting discussion on arthritis meds at lunchtime too. Memorable day. Even got to sample Milton Keynes roundabouts on the way home too.
  21. Fifty quid from the first three birthday cards today! I love being a postman...
  22. Fantastic filmsim this weekend.  


    Writeup forthcoming if I ever wake up tomorrow after the six hour drive home.


    Du ban GI!

    1. ButcherBill
    2. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      Pics are on the Gunman Nam group on FB.


    3. Lozart


      SIX HOUR DRIVE HOME?!?!!? Were you playing in Hanoi?

  23. Always been pricey-ish, but never had an issue with them. Bought my first rif from there and a fuck ton of their BBs (pre-discovery of Kilo 9s; and then post Brexit, post Kilo 9s...). Shows how experiences of a retailer differ if nothing else.
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