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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. The missing question is what kind of range you got with it ?
  2. “Beautifully upgraded SR-25 DMR // Nearly New - Skirmished Twice.” you selling a gun or a 17th Century Georgian country house that’s been fully restored in the Baroque style !?!? 😳 ps is nice looking gatt .👍
  3. Nope completely missed the the point there bud , got fornication all to do with its performance for all I care you could be taking out players on a different site in a different county the range and accuracy is that monumental . No it’s ALL about the fact it looks like it’s been squeezed out of a giant lump of man cheese that makes it soooooooooooooo repulsive ! 🤮
  4. Full of advice , yea and 99% of it is about as much use as a pair of flip flops to Scott of the Antarctic ! 🤦‍♂️ And THATS why we all LOVE it here ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 PS welcome to the forum 😉
  5. Back a couple of yrs ago me and a mate picked up a pair of HFC branded 23’s from TG , they came with the power up suppressor which took them both over the 400mark with a .2 so we said to the head marshal “could we run them as is under the DMR rules he laughed and said “carry on !” Now obviously we didn’t have any of that silly gubbins to tern them in to ‘proper’ DMR’s so I took the grip pod off my L85 and cable tied the SUSAT on to my pistol and he took the ris bipod off his 249 and the Elcan off it and cable tied THAT to his !🤦‍♂️ But funniest part was feeding them .38 we’d nicked from a mate we actually got a good few kills with them and a few players where NOT impressed when they found out it was us With our comedy DMR’s ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. Perfectly acceptable as there is a ‘real Steel’ version in the outside world . 👍
  7. BUT again playing devils advocate on the whole the people on here generally have a couple of brain cells to rub together (note I do say only a couple ?) but a very large proportion of the population (as I’ve learned through my work) see even just opening a kitkat as a technical challenge , changing a lightbulb as advanced electrical engineering and don’t even THINK about changing a fuse in a plug ! that’s borderline quantum physics !😱 So I’d say yea setting the hop that’s not up for discussion but anything that’ll involve even a modicum or disassembly I’d equally say yes a very large part of the public wouldn’t have a Scooby what to do .
  8. As has already been identified I think the EVO has been crafted by some degenerate from the smegma found in the devil’s foreskin 🤮 but equally dripping with my disdain is ANY gun that has some kind of adapter so you can run STANAG mags in a gun that’s not chambered for 5.56 in the real world , wether it’s a P90 with one of those phantom abortions hanging of the side of it like some kind of parasite sucking the life out of it , an adapter rammed up the jacksy of a shotgun or my REAL all time favourite the tapped hi-capa M4 mag adapter ! WTF ! It’s a pistol FFS ! 😳 this isn’t the ‘Matrix’ where you’ve got Neo dual wielding 9mm SMG’s running around the wall of a building and killing all the bad guys while a positive downpour of 5.56 cases are raining on the floor !🤦‍♂️
  9. I would NEVER look down on you lowly pheasants ! I’m too short for that ! 😳
  10. Sorry my boneheaded error completely forgot about the gearbox screws as only buffers I've got now are TM recoils and gas ! 🤦‍♂️
  11. BUT playing devils advocate the hot guns ? that’s the fault of the retailer who sold the guns to them in the first place not the players for lack of technical knowledge , really pisses me off the way British airsoft retailers are STILL sell guns you can’t use because there too hot or charge you to make it legal to use . You don’t go in to PC world to buy a new TV and expect to find an American plug on it , to then be told by the shop “oh thats not ours problem we just sell them , if you want to watch it you need to change the plug your self or we’ll do it for you and charge you 30quid !” Would you ? Plus the minute you do crack it to change the spring your warranty is gone and the very same retailer who sold you a gun you had to alter your self to use will turn around and say “the gun stopped working ? Nope we won’t do anything about it you opened it up so you voided the warranty !” The hop rubber again if it’s a new gun retailer should have tested it first before selling it . I’ve never had to change a hop rubber because it was faulty only time I’ve changed them is for a better one or it’s a 2nd hand gun and previous owner been ‘fiddling’ and bollox’ed it up . Buffer tube ? Just sounds like a spoilt bastard ! 😂 PS you don’t use as screwdriver to tighten a buffer tube .😇
  12. Won’t lie mate but when i first saw the picture I thought to my self “f*ck me ! He’s selling a wooden red dot sight !” 🤦‍♂️ 😂😂😂
  13. My point exactly my good friend , I’ve only ever heard good things about them and everyone I know who has one gets a semi boner every time they speak of them BUT I still think there a big fat lump of smegma from the devils foreskin ! I just hate them simple as that .😁
  14. That’s the funny thing about personal choice , it’s your own choice ? everyone raves about EVO’s , me personally I wouldn’t piss on one if it was on fire absolutely detest the things . I’ve never owned one , never fired one matter of fact I’ve never even handle one but I still detest them . Simple personal choice , same as on a long gun M16/G3 I think a three point is the perfect sling to use . 😉
  15. Set of surplus ESS V12 goggles for not a lot of beer tokens off a chap selling army kit on the mong , considering they are surplus and well under the price of new ones there condition could easily be listed as super grade if not ‘as new’ if bought from a retailer .
  16. Green gas in a SAT after market gas tank , head marshal got me to fire a triple and a single shot to see what difference there’d be then worked out a ‘ballpark’ figure .
  17. From the point of view of someone wouldn’t know his arse from his elbow when it comes to 3D printers is there that much of a difference in the quality of the print between the entry level ones and the lower mid range ones ? Reason I ask is I’ve bought a few different bits’n’bobs over the years and some the quality was absolutely shocking ! 2’ish yrs ago A friend bought a hexagon suppressor from a well known seller and when it arrived it had thick ridges on the layers and just nasty looking but then other stuff you could barely tell the difference in them from say a moulded piece .
  18. This should be framed and mounted on the wall of every airsoft site in the country. if all played like this I’d be the original pig in shit ! 😁👍
  19. Exactly the same situation with me , using a TM KSG at an outdoor/indoor site and it was a crappy overcast start to the day chrono’ed absolutely fine , late morning sun comes out and turns in to a right scorcher . I hit one of the marshals in error he says “that stung a bit ! think we need to re-chrono that ?” and it was well over site limits . Luckily for me it wasn’t long after they came out so it had a lot of attention at chrono and the marshal had actually had a go of it and shot his mate in the arse so was fully a where of its capabilities . AND I’d been playing a good few yrs by then so even ‘experienced’ players can fall foul of the variants of the hobbie . 👍
  20. Most definitely this , CQB gets the adrenaline flowing like a busted tap , once you leave the safezone it’s basically full on until the marshal blows his whistle and shouts “game over !” You will 100% get accidental over kill it’s the nature of the beast but when you do get ‘Spammy McChav’ kicking the arse out of it it does goes from “oohh ya bastard !😖that stung !😂😂” when you get lit up just due to the nature of the game and you have a laugh with the other player who did it , it just as quickly can change to “you twat I’m gonna fecking do you !🤬” in the blink of an eye because someone’s being a cock . HI-caps ? they are the maracas of the devil BUT a necessary evil if your doing rentals , most ‘newbies’ just wouldn’t get there head around mag changes in the ‘heat of battle’ , most have a problem just winding the mags up ! simple answer is just keep it to single shot only , makes life a lot easier ?
  21. Few things I can think of after way to many yrs playing ; Movable obstacles or easily changeable layout , stops games stagnating due to ‘local knowledge’ of the site . pro active marshals AND they must be above reproach themselves , nothing will destroy a sites reputation quicker than crooked marshals that favour the regulars , if the regulars are good honest players then yes the marshals should listen to them even ask there opinion/advice on what ever but do not favour them over others . Following on from this set rules that are stuck too , with no bending or flexing of them . I’ve always liked the idea if possible of above ground OP for the marshals went to a site once that was a big wharehouse space that had an ‘observation’ tower in the very centre that the head marshal would use to keep an eye on things . Heres one that’ll cause some discord , rates of fire . If you’ve got a ‘first time haven’t a clue what there doing’ rental with a bog standard G&G combat machine being stalked by an experienced speedsofter who has a gun set to a ridiculous rate of fire with a flappy trigger set so delicate the air from the wings of a bumblebee will set it off and it’s supposedly a single shot game but they pump half a dozen ’single’ shots in the blink of an eye in to them they rapidly give up , I’ve seen it happen . Now I known it’s a small majority that do it but it happens . No ones says you can’t be fast on the trigger but reasonable rates of fire shouldn’t be a problem for anyone to manage . Battery charging facilities . consumables for sale . Free tea/coffee or water . plenty of seating and table space . good time keeping , if you say game starts in 10min then it starts in 10mins not 12/13/14min/etc , your not ready ? Tuff your playing catch up NOT everyone else waiting for you . Good visible team markings . Keep the mood and atmosphere positive and fun as much as you can , when people are happy there less likely to break the rules . But the MOST important thing you can do is K.I.S.S. !😉 Good lunch and I really hope it works out for you .👍
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