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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. I keep my L1A1 in one of these , not exactly a Peli case so wouldn’t go chucking it out of the back of a Herc on a secret🐿 mission but for our kind of use it’s Absolutely fine .👍 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/381563561006?_trkparms=aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20200818143230%26meid%3D0e757ebfda3540658792a30e7e119119%26pid%3D101224%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D351671814334%26itm%3D381563561006%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DDefaultOrganic&_trksid=p2047675.c101224.m-1
  2. Oh so true , a good friends mum and dad went on a guided tour in China a few yrs ago weather started turning nasty so the tour guide asked who needed waterproofs ? So next day the ones who did jumped in the mini bus and trundled off to get some . Hr or so later they drive in to a big factory looking place and up to a side door , guide knocks on it chap comes out pops on the bus and wanders around with a North Face catalog and a clipboard , everyone chooses what they want , guy disappears and reappear 15mins later with the kit they pay him not even a 3rd of retail price then head off back to the hotel . Later that day dad asks the guide who they’d bought the kit from and she turned around and said “oh that was the North Face factory , the man was my cousin who works there !” 😳😂😂
  3. Sunday just gone me and my 2 boys went to Black ops Portishead , first warm up game wasn’t really ‘feeling it’ but from then on steadily picked up and really enjoyed it more and more as the day went on . Caught up with some buds haven’t seen since before lockdown and to be honest that as much as anything made it worth the trek over to Bristol from Swansea . Actual game day was just generally a good one too , obviously there’s still a few asshats on site but that’s a given really ? so me I was well happy with my 2nd day back after the past year of poop ! 👍
  4. Works fine for me 👍 But then again I do own a pink Bizon with unicorns and swear words all over it , so perhaps you shouldn’t take my advice on the subject ? 🤦‍♂️
  5. I was a player-marshal on Sunday just gone , the way my home site does it the P-M’s are either site staff who aren’t working that day , or if there’s still not enough then they’ll ask any marshals from other sites who’ve come to play that day or older more well known regulars who the bosses have some faith in (yes Tackle I know in that case how’d I get the gig !🤣) and any thing thats flagged has to go through one of the game marshals to be escalated to what ever’s needed for the infraction .
  6. Did you supply the costumes for ‘A Knight’s tale ? I’m sure that’s the material sir Ulric wore to the ball ! 😂😂
  7. I’m the same and I think you are right a lot enjoy the finding as much as the having , and unfortunately I also think your right the way the supposed ‘kudos’ of owning something rare and expensive means more to some players that what the item does or even represents ? As to am I concerned about others opinion of me on a gameday ? I ran my pink Bizon half of yesterday while wearing a Deadpool mask skipping around the site shouting “Francis ! Where are you ?” and at one point I managed to sneak up on these two guys who’d been accused by several reliable players of non hit taking , hosed the shit out of them when they ignored a coupe of single shots id put in to them (I was player marshaling so I can get away with it😇) and as they stomped off back to there resporn I shouted out from the bushes “you just got buttfucked by a pink unicorn !” 🦄😈 🤣🤣
  8. You’ve hit the nail on the head , you’ve put the work in and tried to get them as close as you could without going anal over it and NOT just stuck a generic chinese clone red dot on an M4 and screamed “look at my BHD Delta XM177 !” which it’s not in any way shape or form .👍
  9. Yea do agree you get the biggest asshats in this area of the past time, I myself i enjoy putting a ‘themed’ loadout together (to be honest it’s the sourcing of the bits’n’bobs I think I enjoy the most) and I freely admit I’m a geardo but I’m most definitely not a thread counter by any stretch of the imagination ! I hate those guys . I do appreciate it when someone has tried to build a specific loadout no matter how ‘correct’ it is when you know they’ve tried , an accurate loadout is frequently very expensive to do and outside a lot of players budgets . BUT I will admit I can and will sometimes be dismissive of the the guy who says “look at my XYZ loadout !” When it’s obvious he’s put zero effort in to it apart from slinging a couple of badges on his kit and and that’s that ! no research of any kind done just seen a picture of what ever and then based it off that immaterial of how correct that one piece of source material may be . Always been a believer recognition and praise is only achieved after hard work , so if you do want some at least put a bit of effort in to the job it first place ?
  10. Not surprisingly because of how good the film is the topic of the guns and kit in BHD is one that seems often to be just under the surface on gameday discussions about kit and frequently pops up as it did for me yesterday during the lunch break With the guys on the table next to mine . Now funny thing about this for me is when it does come up is how many players have an idea in there head about XYZ from the film and this idea will not be changed ! I say this not in a bad “I’m right your wrong !” way I just mean you get an image of say Gordon’s gun in your head and your positive that’s what it was like , but when you do go check it you find your completely and utterly wrong ! 🤦‍♂️😂😂 So ramble over just been looking now and I came across this article , now the way I see it you can’t get more definitive than pictures supplied by the prop house who provided the actual guns for the film can you ! 👍 https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-trending/guns-from-black-hawk-down/
  11. Is that a scratch or a crack running around by the body pin ? 👍
  12. It’s not the S10 that’s the value , it’s the packet of litmus paper and Puffa bottle Of fullers earth that REALLY ramps the price ! 😱
  13. Says ‘fully upgraded’ no it’s not ! There’s no mention of any internal works of any sort , It’s simply had some cheap tat bolted on to it . 😳 Serious question to all you ‘gun fettlers’ out there , As I don’t go in for upgrading guns internally bar hop rubbers , nubs and inner barrels that’s about it and haven’t a scooby about internal parts and there prices , so is it actually possible to make a £170 G&G worth £525 2nd hand ???🤔
  14. Was bored had a couple of unused MC black pouches and material laying around so knocked an ultra-light mini rig together similar to one i’d seen somewhere(can’t for the life of me remember where it was)in OD .
  15. So have you actually played yet ? Reason I ask is realistically there isn’t a true DMR role in 90% of airsofting game days .
  16. Oh yea p’mouth was a corker ! Played the hospital a few times as well , Andy is a good lad when it comes to running game sites 👍
  17. How do bud , I’m based just outside Swansea and a team mate is actually in Cardiff ! As to the sites you’ve listed , the court house is a cracking venue BUT the cheating/non hit taking/blatant favouritism to regulars is outrageously bad . Haven't been to Spartan but have been to Strikeforce a few times and again nice venue but it’s a HPA shit fest there ! They allow ‘short controlled’ burst fire there so you’ve got the HPA players and the speedsofters running there guns at ridiculous rates of fire so they can put the maximum amount of rds in to you in the minimum amount of time 😳 but literally not 5mins away you’ve got UCAP vendetta which is CQB run in Gloucesters old Victorian prison ! Now that is a outstanding site , Andy the guy who runs it is all about player enjoyment and he’s not afraid to jump on rule breakers so everyone else’s day isn’t spoilt . Not been to bunker . Dragon valley is a nice venue (it’s an old MOD ammo site) but its purely woodland and the organisation isn’t very good either I’m afraid an awful lot of waiting in between games and frequently very late starting when you arrive . Warminster a good site , well organised but again it’s woodland . i play most of the time over Bristol at Black ops Cribbs and BO portishead, both woodland sites but Cribbs does have some CQB’esq areas that are good fun .
  18. I’m out of here it’s giving me a honking headache trying to focus on the articles without them bleeding in to the background , really unpleasant . So all I can say really is “Novichok ? Feck off ya twat !”
  19. Ahh right must be an older model one , all the new gen3’s have the bolt stop not just the storm .👍
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