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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. Sirweeeeeeeeeeet ! All you need now are VN mags and it’s sorted ?
  2. Hahahaha has to be done , so you now DEFINITELY HAVE to buy the gun seeing as you’ve got the slim foregrips for it ALREADY ? 😉
  3. Unfortunately from experience I’d say @Grootis oh so spot on , you start off with great expectations of stealthily moving around darkened terrain like an SF god of war , silently taking out your enemy one by one or sneaking up on them all and taking them out with a perfectly coordinated strike but I’m afraid to say on the whole the reality is distinctly different to what you’d hopped for . Take a normal ‘run of the mill’ walk on game day multiple the lack of real following of the ‘game plan’ by oh I don’t know say 50 , then blind fold everyone taking part and then drop them all in a totally unknown area and your starting to approach the reality of an Airsoft night game ! 😳 its hard enough trying to function at night in a ‘combat training’ situation when it’s your daily job , stick a load of hyped up gung ho don’t take life too seriously Airsofters in the mix AND it’s all going to go to rat shit on a greased roller skate ! 🤦‍♂️ BUT if you go with an open mind not expecting too much you mite be lucky and have a few scary ‘gets the adrenaline running’ moments and bit of a giggle at someone else’s expense , because there’s nothing as funny as seeing your best mate OR a total geardo end up face down in a muddy puddle because they tripped over and went arse over tit in the darkness ! 🤣🤣
  4. Same set up for me too , boefeng uv5 , fleabay fist mic . With my mounts one set fitted fine other side kept slipping (now that was annoying !)so I just put a piece of heat shrink on each leg and they stay in place fine after that .👍
  5. Will he be able to play at 11yrs ? As far as I can remember all the sites I’ve ever been too the age limit was 12yrs and over .
  6. Being a bit over dramatic there aren’t we ? Give it a good clean some rattle can black and I’m sure you can offload it on to some chump , oops sorry I ment I’m sure you could sell it on to a discerning fellow airsofter ? 😉
  7. Late contribution but I’m a mahoosive fan of the surplus MTP wet weather gear , you can wear the jacket on its own or under another jacket/shirt/smock it’s that lightweight and the trousers I bought have zips up the outside of the legs so are an absolute doddle to take on and off depending on weather conditions through out the day on site .👍
  8. Just noted a question posted up about lipo safety after a player had left his batteries near a heat source and was naturally concerned about their condition . Which got me thinking about the accepted ‘danger’ of LiPo batteries and the fact in the however many years I’ve been using them I’ve only ever seen one ‘catastrophic’ event occur involving them , and that was when a player lost his footing running across a slime coated rickety bridge , imbedded the barrel of his M14 in to the deck and catapulted himself through the air on the butt end which bent the gun well out of shape which THEN caused the gun to start making hissing and sparking noises and produce copious amounts of acrid smoke and then proceed to consume its self .🤦‍♂️ So what I’m asking is how many of the members on here can actually relate a personal story of them selves or witnessed by themselves (not a “oh my friends/brothers/neighbors/sisters/boyfriends/cousins dog walkers son had his arm blown off by a LiPo battery exploding !” story)of the dangerous failure of a LiPo batterie ? Just curious really . 👍
  9. All in all took mine about 4-5wks to arrive , they where listed as out of stock with no backorder for me as well so I just logged a ‘notify when back in stock’ and ordered them then . Try sticky backed Velcro hook inside the helmet rim , then a couple of lengths of Velcro loop attached to the mask so it’ll ‘hang’ in front of your face . On the one I did this too I also had two lengths of quite weak shock cord attached to the goggle hooks that slot in to the rails on the helmet to stop the mesh mask swinging .👍
  10. Very true it’s quite amusing at times when you see a player who you just assume would know the answer to XYZ but instead haven’t a clue BUT equally there’s A very fine line between coming across as being surprised by this and coming across as a right arrogant twatwaffle ? its all about that first impression . Aahh right , no theres a very simple answer to the discrepancy between the two of them , Xcortech is a trusted brand who make very reliably calibrated chronographs , where as Nuprol only sell shit products made by the lowest bidder they can find . 👍
  11. Rain them horses in ! Seriously condescending tone to this comment , one would hope that’s accidental ?
  12. Nope nothing at all AND as it’s intended for the real McCoy it feels positively bombproof when fitted . Plus i can more than happily say I’m very impressed with the new Cyma mosfet range of Guns so I would highly recommend getting their CM009E.
  13. Unfortunately I can totally agree with this , my sister is a functioning alcoholic but if you didn’t know you’d never guess it if you mete her . It’s quite scary how well she can function when she’s had more than enough booze to make an ‘ordinary’ person well pissed yet she seems fine BUT if you do watch her carefully you’ll see she makes mistakes with even the simplest of tasks .
  14. Slim profile AR foregrips from Brownells for my Cyma XM177a2 , happy chappy now ! 😁
  15. Plus if there’s in the classified then odds are there aren’t any for sale ? Doh ! 🤦‍♂️
  16. How old are they , are they new or have you had them for awhile ? unfortunately mate it could be as simple as a bolloxed headset , quality control is very lax to say the least on these products( most long time players have a good few knackered headsets in there junk box !)so if there new id get on to the retailer , if not ? then I’d say be prepared for a good chance your stuck with a fubar’ed headset .😢
  17. It was an AEG and he was on his way to chrono , so id say pretty fair bet the battery was in and connected ? Plus at that angle firing up it can get under and inside the glasses no trouble at all.
  18. I found this little nugget of outstanding safe weapon handling in the pics from a local sites reopening gameday this little gem was nestled among all the other pics of the day . If you ever needed reason to NOT allow ‘Joe public’ real firearms ? well here ya go ! 🤦‍♂️ even though I don’t think he deserves it for such stupidity I’ve still covered his face to avoid the shame !
  19. Not sure which % I am as I’m more than happy to stick my neck out and say yes I’d report them , if I come across anyone using anything that can alter their mental state before , during or after the game day and before they drive home then yes I will report them , to the site during game time and the police out of these hours . I put absolutely no credence on “if it ain’t affecting me it’s not my business” as in any of these two situations it could have a very detrimental effect on me(and by the fact I don’t go on my own my friends AND my two sons)so nope sorry you gave up any understanding from me the minute you started taking these substances not in your own home or some other private or closed environment but in a public area where your coming in to contact with others who aren’t using . Some of you will know I work in A&E so on a regular bases I see the results of ‘it’s only a bit of weed ?” or “it’s only a couple of drinks he/she’s not harming anyone ?” When in fact yes they are actually harming/maiming/killing others due to their actions . Plus as OP said he almost lost his job(admittedly was a result of his own choice of putting him self in the environment)due to smelling of cannabis from being in a ‘weed filled’ party so even then yes you smoking it can have a detrimental effect on others .
  20. Funnily enough I’m just waiting on the kydex to arrive to make some MP5 and M4 inserts ! out of curiosity what mil kydex did you use ? I usually use 3mm my self .
  21. I’d say it’s a bit of a ‘6 of 1 , half a dozen of the other’ situation ? yes a 11.1v is going to have a negative effect on it BUT it’ll have a negative effect on ANY gun if you run it full auto for prolonged periods , it’s just a case of how long that damage will take to happen ? if you are predisposed to sticking a high cap in a gun and firing full auto all the time then yes I’d definitely say run it on 7.4’s and have to change your batteries regularly and even on the lower voltage be prepared for it to go tits up sometime in the near future , but if you play what I think most would consider a ‘normal’ style of play(aimed single shots with the odd use of auto)then one would think there shouldn’t be any problems with using 11.1v batteries in it should there ?
  22. The more I look at it the more I think it REALLY does look so fornicating cool . 😍 I’d say leave it black much better two color balance .👍
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