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Jacob Wright

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  1. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Skullchewer in Gun picture thread   
    Oh myyy......😍
    I haven't been following this, but I'm gonna go back and find details!
    This isn't that exciting when it comes to gun pictures, but I'm a happy boy and had to share. 
    Last year I gave a friend my cheapy Cyma SVD, for servicing and upgrading. 
    Then life got in the way.
    I got a rotator cuff injury, he lost his driving licence (illness, not booze), and what with one thing and another he's had it ever since. 
    On Sunday I got it back. 
    Full steel rack piston, 110 spring, different piston head, new hop rubber, hop nub, new set of bushings for the gears, combat union hop.
    Its kicking .3s out around 1.4 to 1.5 joules.
    I'm on site tomorrow, to continue with our site overhaul, and I'll be giving her a real test for range. 

    Now all I need is an SVD sling. 
  2. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Jez_Armstrong in Case layout   
  3. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Smiling-Dutchman in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    My loadout from Sundays game, that @Skullcheweralready posted about in "how did your airsoft day go?".
    It's subtle, but you might be able to make out my favourite outfit colour.
    Not shown: 2 radios on my back as I was squadleader.
    Also not shown: me getting a headache from having to decypher what two different channels are trying to tell me at the same time. 😂

  4. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to LMKipper in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    I went to a 'battlesim' or whatever at Imperium on Sunday. I enjoyed the more mission based stuff as well as slightly tighter rules but I was equally happy that was about where it ended. 
    There was a guy attempting to take charge but his ideas were a bit too 'over the top and walk very slowly towards the enemy' for my liking.
  5. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Tackle in Chest rig help   
    Not owned 8fields kit, but I've never had a mag, pistol or rifle, fall out of those kind of pouches, so it's probably safe to assume you never had it adjusted tight enough, not a criticism just an observation. 
    As a young squaddie literally 4 decades ago, one of the first things we were taught was once your kit was loaded up, have a good jump around in front of your mates, looking for anything that might make a noise & give you away, & that everything is secure.
    Good rule of thumb before your next game.
  6. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Skullchewer in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Well, yesterday at Red Alert was our 4th, and final, Battlesim in the Vukodlak war story line. 
    The past three years Vukodlak forces have been victorious. 
    Having played for Vukodlak in previous years, this year I decided to marshal which, as with many battlesims, meant playing as a civilian/quest giver. 
    I spiced it up by playing as a pirate. 
    I was giving out quests to find my lost parrot.
    There were 3 inflatable parrots hidden about the site, but I had drawn an eye patch on one, and in my quest spiel I mentioned that Polly only had one eye. 
    If they brought back the parrot with the eye patch they got a reward.
    I also had a bottle of grog, which got hidden, and there was a reward if they brought me "alcohol".
    The main objective of the day was to find all the items needed to arm a rocket, and then launch it. 
    The rocket is something I've been building recently, but kept off of social media so it would be a surprise for the players on the day. 
    There were two nose cones, one for each team, a round one and a pointy one (pointy is scary).
    Other civilians had other quests.
    The drug dealers were selling bags of stuff, for in game currency.  This could be handed in to the sheriffs for a reward, or bartered with other npcs.
    There was the Hobo wandering the site with his wheelbarrow full of junk, but underneath the junk was a laptop that contained the launch codes. 
    Driving around in his pickup was the arms dealer. He would sell you weapons that you could plant on any unarmed civilians you may have shot, and thereby avoid a war crime. 😉 
    The Camels wanted water, mostly...
    Some civilians were mercs, that would fight for a team for short time, if paid well. 
    At the end of the day Vukodlak were victorious AGAIN, despite some excellent play from the Calladian forces. 
    It was a bloody marvellous day, that ended with both teams wearing massive grins and swapping stories over a beer. 
    So roll on 2025, for a whole new story for our next battlesim!
    Unfortunately a lot of people had already gone home before we took the last photo after debrief.

  7. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Skullchewer in What have you made?   
    Had to keep this under wraps, until after the battlesim. 
    New game objective, find all the components required to launch the rocket, including the nose cone.

  8. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Jez_Armstrong in What have you made?   
    So I have been really struggling to find a minerva piggyback Placard in stock anywhere, I really liked that some of the UKSF lads had adopted it for holding flashbangs on the front of the mag pouches so because I couldn't find one anywhere I decided to make my own 
    I used an elite spanker triple molle pouch with a pistol pouch front and a thread picker removed the pistol pouches and bought a meter of multicam elastic, I have a girl at work who is a brilliant haberdasher and has done some kit repairs for me in the past so I gave it to her to do for me but unfortunately her machine couldn't get through the thick material so I went to hobbycraft and bought a pack of needles and thick thread and some beer because this was going to take absolutely ages 😂
    I'm more than pleased with the outcome it only took about 3 hours of using pliers to ram the needle through and I only stabbed myself about 15 times 😂

  9. Haha
    Jacob Wright reacted to TheFull9 in Pistol recommendations   
    Narrow down from here and tell us a few you like the look of then we can advise further.
  10. Like
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from RostokMcSpoons in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Todays load out:
    TM Sig P226R
    TM MP7A1
    Ferro Concepts Slickster with 5.56mm insert

  11. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to 1st commando in Operation Scorpio Event? - New Event near Gloucester?   
    So this died a death? 
    Domain available , no news?
  12. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Egon_247 in Apocalypse Airsoft review   
    So, as kind of a 6 month update on a three year update, i thought i'd chime in...
    Martin has left now completely. He suffered some serious bereavement over xmas, losing his mum and his son.
    Which is s shit sandwich in anyones books.
    Jon has full control now and Dimitri (the mad russian) have been busy beavers. The village has been extended with extra structures and cover, the trenches have been redug, the safe are has lighting and the marshalls are on point. Which is all good.
    The toilet block is STILL coming but alas has not made an appearance yet. The hill is still a killer (and i'm not getting younger!!).
    The shop is getting bigger and the food is getting better each time i go, although the lunchtime queue can be a bit painful. 
    They've been trying to put on night games and Milsim type stuff, but i believe Jon has been uber busy sorting out the shops at several other sites.
    I still go on saturdays when i can as i usually have the boy and his "hangers on". Havent been on a sunday for a while.
  13. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Galvatron in University airsoft   
    Whether it's a joke or not, the comparison to Nazi Germany is insulting to those persecuted there for simply existing. As already said, halls of residence inspections and monitoring internet usage aren't exactly a novelty.
    Universities have reputations to uphold and especially in this age where Britain is becoming more like its ally from across the Atlantic with its litigous tendencies, they have to be vigilant to avoid being held liable and thus give grounds to be sued.
    To that point about being sued, universities have something called public liabilty insurance to protect or mitigate themselves from injury to people or damage to property within the confines of the university. As the halls of residence are the responsibility of the university and that it has a duty of care with internet usage, it doesn't take an overactive imagination to guess that many public liability insurance policies for a university are contingent on them not allowing weapons or replicas in the halls of residence and that they have safeguards and "counselling" policies in place over web usage.
    University culture isn't "absolutely mad" in that respect. It reflects the society we live in today where you have to be especially careful to keep your arse covered.
  14. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Darkmikey22 in Gun picture thread   
    So been working on this bad boy. 
    Still not finished. But its getting there...  
    So it's an ares A3
    Managed to fit the angry gun mlok rail to it. 
    Added the C Reinforcement sections. 
    Hka3 added to rear. 
    LLM03 3d printed 
    Not seen in pic is the QR codes added to both sa80 and os4. 
    Still to do;
    Laser engraved the os4
    Make a pressure pad and 3d print the coupling. 
    Weather it all. 

  15. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Jez_Armstrong in I can help changing your background in images   
    So randomly, I've been editing my own photos as I've not been skirmishing much recently but I have been getting alot of new kit but photos of yourself in the bedroom or kitchen aren't very tacticool 😂
    Below are some of the edits I've done which were originally me standing in my office or a few at a game 
    I'd like to offer this to you guys, now I'm absolutely no photoshop guru but some of these images have gotten me a few PM's asking "where is this site with an airplane I want to go there" they are not meant to decive but just to make you look a bit cooler 
    Please feel free to put a photo of you in your kit below and a brief description of the background you want to I'll see what I can do, and if you're happy with the photo buy me a coffee 😘

  16. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Skullchewer in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Good day yesterday, marshalled most of the day, but played one game in the morning, then I had planned on playing one game after lunch, at an easy pace, as I'm old and it's been a hard week. 
    So I walk out onto the field and the head marshall makes me one of the three Personalities in the Personality game. 
    If you don't know it: the Personality player starts rogue, when shot they go into a medic state, joining the side that medics them back into play, and they will then ask to be escorted to a POI. Getting the Personality to their objective scores a point for that team, and the Personality then goes rogue again. The three Personality players are aggressive to each other at all times. 
    So yeah, that was my easy paced game after lunch, sprinting from POI to POI, getting shot by EVERYONE. 
    Bloody fun day though. Weather was great, good playing all round.
    I am broken today. 

  17. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to GothicGhost in Gun picture thread   
    Mine and my sons setup for now.
    MWS + Glock 26
    GHK G5 + 4.3 Hi-capa

  18. Like
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from Shamal in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Good day at Gunman Tuddenham today for a filmsim game. Started off a bit wet and windy but warmed up for the second half of the day.
    Got a chance to use my new MP7 and Ferro Concepts Slickster. The MP7 was great fun, but I'll be sticking with NGRS for now at least. The Slickster on the other hand will be staying in the collection - I've not always been a fan of plate carriers but it easily retained 4 magazines plus a speed loader and radio, fitted nicely and will be well complemented by a decent belt set up.
    Gameplay was standard, a few instances where people claimed that dead players were spotting for those who hadn't been hit - and one poor show of a player swearing about the game (because they weren't winning/didn't appear to understand it), and then refusing to engage with the marshal who was trying to understand their frustrations 🤷🏼‍♀️... Otherwise a good day with some amazing shots and attacks through the woodland.
    Might be the last Airsoft day for a while due to holidays but looking forward to the next one already.
  19. Haha
    Jacob Wright reacted to Colin Allen in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Bloody humans!  They always try to spoil everything.
  20. Like
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from Colin Allen in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Good day at Gunman Tuddenham today for a filmsim game. Started off a bit wet and windy but warmed up for the second half of the day.
    Got a chance to use my new MP7 and Ferro Concepts Slickster. The MP7 was great fun, but I'll be sticking with NGRS for now at least. The Slickster on the other hand will be staying in the collection - I've not always been a fan of plate carriers but it easily retained 4 magazines plus a speed loader and radio, fitted nicely and will be well complemented by a decent belt set up.
    Gameplay was standard, a few instances where people claimed that dead players were spotting for those who hadn't been hit - and one poor show of a player swearing about the game (because they weren't winning/didn't appear to understand it), and then refusing to engage with the marshal who was trying to understand their frustrations 🤷🏼‍♀️... Otherwise a good day with some amazing shots and attacks through the woodland.
    Might be the last Airsoft day for a while due to holidays but looking forward to the next one already.
  21. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Hellfish in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Been faffing with my load bearing gear for the past few months trying to get it just right ..... nearly there I think!
    Started as a bog standard Viper Spec Ops Chest Rig but I kinda wanted it to be a bit more high speed/low drag/tacticool ....so I ditched the bungee retention for the mags and bunged some 5.56 retention inserts in there with added velcro glued to them, and inside the pouches for added security.
    Then the the 3 pistol/torch pouches that sat on the front were 
    In place of the torch pouch on the right hand side,  I've attached a TQ holder with TQ, sharpie and medical shears.
    On the left hand side I've adapted an old holster panel and now the knife is attached directly to the rig on the outside of the radio pouch.
    Finally I used fabric glue to add some velcro on the rear so the dangler can be used
    Bit of fancy bling in the shape of a dummy flashbang and some speedcuffs and I'm pretty happy with it.
    Next thing is to increase carrying capacity for additional stuff such as water, jacket, food etc so a small molle pack will be added on the harness straps (not pictured)

  22. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Wavey_Gravey in HOA KS1 / L403A1 kit coming soon.   
    Get ready to sell you’re organs.
    PTW summer time, MWS fall.

  23. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to DanBow in Hard case for 2x AR + kit?   
    Yep, cant go wrong with the Nuprol cases.
  24. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Jez_Armstrong in Gun picture thread   
  25. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Jez_Armstrong in "Custom paintjob"   
    Usally to follow a particular loadout 
    This was my Devgru SD6 
    My Craighead L119A2
    My UKSF L119A1 
    And my current KS-1 which looks standard tan but only comes in black to it had to be painted 

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