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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. But I am still looking on the interweb for a good £60 gun that is not a shotgun!
  2. Why only 3 to 4 games? Are you planning to buy a throwaway two tone gun that will be replaced with a decent one when you have your defence?
  3. The use of real cap magazines does force players to do mag changes, which adds more realism to the game. Possibly makes them think a bit more before pulling the trigger and ammo conservation.
  4. I wear my House Stark T-shirt and hoody, " Winter is Coming" and look to warm indoor sites. It will be an opportunity to catch up on all the porn... Adult gun sites that I have been neglecting in the summer, and start preparing my Christmas wish list of new clothes and kit. Have seen some loveley Crye Precision trousers for less than a new gun . Now where did I put that JBBG catalogue? On a more serious note, winter will be the time to start working extra hours to buy all the new kit for next year as well as building up some time off for the summer.
  5. I did not have any alchol wipes but found an old bottle of India Pale Ale in the pantry. I assume that the stickyness of the ale helps the paint grip the plastic better? It did shine the metal parts nicely too.
  6. Cheers Lozart, Now that I have seen those Crye trousers I really must get some... now can anyone recommend a Justbb gun [wish I could get the quote button to work ]
  7. If your trousers cost more than your gun, then you have not paid enough for the gun
  8. Forgot to mention that no animals were hurt in the testing of the used BBs, and all humans had signed their site insurance waiver. (yes, we definitely need a sarcasm emoticon)
  9. I also have the ESS V12 in the fully open position but still no joy. Yes, the Bunker's temperature (and humidity) causes more issues. Even though cool I still get really hot moving around. I used a rental mask there once so did not have problem of fogging with the mesh but I still could not see through the holes properly and it is so dark down there that no real improvement with visibility.
  10. Still was not sure what was best so I ordered a Dye Precision I4 thermal paintball goggles from Amazon. £75, free P&P, and arrived the next day. Used the mask today at The Mall and had no problems with the lens fogging up, clear vision all day. Good field of view. It did get damp inside the mask with sweat but no condensation or mist on the lens. Although I could wear my glasses under the mask, they fogged up immediately so I took them off again.
  11. Yes, but I did not notice much difference in airflow. Have yet to buy and try the Bob Heath anti-fog spray.
  12. In a time of austerity the airsoft community needs to take the hit as well and do what it can to help. Having seen the sheer number of used BBs just lying unwanted on the ground I have decided to start collecting them up and will selling bottles of used BBs at discounted prices. Each bottle will contain genuine used BBs in a variety colours and weights from all major and minor manufacturers. Unlimited stock levels for one additional free bottle with each order just quote you UKARA license number. Key advantages as follows: Colour mix - great for confusing the opposition team into thinking there are more players shooting at them because of all the different colours. Tracer BBs included at no extra cost. Hassle free hop set-up - mixed weights will mean that there will always be some BBs in each bottle perfectly suited to your gun, simples. Aerodynamic performance - some BBs may have small dents and dimples just like golf balls and so they will fly further and faster than smooth BBs! Environmentally friendly - used BBs save the planet's plastic resources and is an example of true recycling (supported by European Green parties). Nearly new condition - used BBs are almost as good as new ones, having only been fired once so mint condition, a real bargain. Proven track record - used BBs have already been fired which proves that they are fully working. So, if you want to receive your bottle of used BBs (as well as help save the environment and do your bit for austerity) then click the LIKE button. [Note: if you think this is a serious thread, then please read it again, and reset your sarcasm filter. ]
  13. I did not find the Terminator, he found us Actually, I heard the sound of full auto and yells of "Terminator" so just bugged out and moved position to stay away from him. Never did see him.
  14. I have the ESS V12 with insert for prescription lens (the lenses cost £35 from Specsavers, which was more than the goggles and insert). The problem I have with them is fogging up. I also have the Bolle X1000 model that fits over your prescription glasses/sunglasses, they are good quality but cost more. However, same fogging issue with them as well. I now have a Dye i4 full face mask which fits glasses but they still steam up even though the mask thermal lens remains clear. So them moment I just wear the goggles/mask without any glasses, and being short-sighted just get closer to shoot.
  15. Just home from The Mall, Outstanding day. It is an excellent site, well marshalled, and tacticool fun. Certainly will be going back again.
  16. One advantage of having an AEG by TM is that it is really low at only 295 fps out the box. One reason I chose it was so that it could be used to play anywhere without the worry of being too close to the site limit.
  17. I am booked in for Sunday 13 September. First time at The Mall so looking forward to a new experience. Chance to try out a new mask and tactical torch, and I should get plenty of exercise with walking back to re-spawn every time I am hit.
  18. The shop is great, and Russell is a legend. I bought my TM HK416D there (see the Places To Buy section).
  19. Email booking walk-on this Sunday sent. Hope to see some of you there. Edit: Place is confirmed
  20. Hef, to save you the hassle of refunds, etc, why don't you just loan me you TM Scar for 2 months or so, after which I will return it back to you in hopefully a still working condition In all seriousness though your response was polite and more than reasonable, and it does sound as if the shop / buyer is not completely honest.
  21. I would love to see the looks on the other team when they hear the order "Fix bayonets!"
  22. I went to UCAP GreenOps and had a good day. It was my first time there and luckily I had Randymanpipe to show me around and give me advice on the site and different games played. The site was easy enough to find and the forest track leading to it was not too rough or full of potholes. Adequate parking but getting there early allows the best spots closest to the safe zone and exit. The safe zone is a basic wooden structure, bit gloomy but offers plenty of surface area to get kitted up and leave bags. No seating though so standing only. There was a very limited range of drink and snacks but I had my own pack lunch and Camelbak so no issue. However, the marshals had forgotten to bring any pyro for sale which was a pity as it would have been very useful. There were four marshals (Simon, Adam, Ivor and ?) on the day, all were friendly and helpful. The chronograph test was strict, no one allowed over the 350fps limit, which considering the CQB nature of the woodland was a good thing. One lad was firing hot, about 10-15 fps over and given time to put a few mags through his gun and several re-tests on chrono, before being told he could not use it. The one sniper had MED of 30m. There are metal targets on trees at different distances outside the safe zone to test fire on and adjust hop-up, etc. This was my first experience of playing outdoors and in daylight. The site is sandy so does drain well but many of the main tracks did have deep puddles which made movement a bit harder and slowed down advances as you needed to go around them. The Rhododendron bushes were thick and even some of the tracks cut through them were difficult and slow going. They offered some excellent cover which made it hard to see where incoming shots were coming from and then stopped BBs reaching the hidden player within it. The rhododendron also stopped the BBs going far, so had to move close to the opposition team to hit them. The CQB environment of the woods added to the tension as you probed forward. Even playing on a cool summer day I was sweating buckets in my DPM combats, as I kept my jacket on for the camouflage. The breaks back at the safe zone were welcome to rehydrate and bomb up magazines. I did find both sets of my eyepro, ESS v12 and Bolle X1000, constantly steaming up and reducing my vision. Now I need to get some more (non-mesh) eyepro. Walk-on players just needed to turn up on the day. There were only about 25 players in total so two small teams with plenty of room to manoeuvre, and by the last game of the day it was just 9 per side. The 14 acre site felt large enough but not too big that you get totally lost, and by the end of the day I had a good idea where things were. Of the scenarios we played, first was a timed attack/defence of the FOB with the defenders only having one life and attackers as many re-spawns as they needed. We then had a capture the 2 flags game, which is where you appreciate how much cover there is and how difficult it is to see other players or move through the foliage off track. My favourite game was the 'hold the button' situated on a Land Rover bonnet where the first team to hold the button down for a total of 5 minutes wins. Easier said than done when both teams more exposed and close, with battles to gain advantage of cover (bunker, Pig, aircraft fuselage, bridge, caravan). This was played twice allowing teams a chance to play from both ends as different tactics were needed to seize the ground. Finished the day with attack/defend of downed aircraft (there are parts of an aircraft scattered across one corner of the site), with the attackers trying to place a bomb in main aircraft wreck. Would I go again, definitely, it is a challenging site and fun. Next time I would want to take a magnified scope in order to spot the other team (and see if they were taking hits) as well as some pyro to attempt to blast out some well dug in players.
  23. I am thinking about trying The Mall for the first time this Sunday, providing that I get a leave pass from the wife. What time does it open?
  24. If you want to mix it up, then you could give the UCAP Bunker in Portsmouth a go. CQB in underground tunnels, dark and deadly.
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