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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. I would like them all to weigh the same as the real steel because that is realism. It is a toy but at least feels less like a toy.
  2. Aesthetically the TM face masks look ugly compared to the Dye i4, even if the TM are half the price on eBay (or just £25 for a nasty Chinese copy). The advantage of full face mask (non respirator type) is the added protection and in the case of Dye i4 no batteries required but not sure how good non fan masks are for anti-fogging. I like the idea of the Fanz twin fan setup for added air flow and increased power, just not sure if they will fit or work well with my existing Bolle goggles. Would rather pay more for the right set-up once than keep spending lesser amounts which are not ideal and over time cost more. Decisions, decisions.
  3. So scoping another idea. How good are paintball full face masks for not fogging? Although costing around £100 the Dye i4 pro paintball looks promising. As well as having ventilation, do they offer good airsoft face protection?
  4. My least favourite car was an Austin 1300 in advacardo green, my father had one in the mid 1970s and the smell of the fumes off the plastic seats used to make me travel sick. God how I hated that car, was so pleased when we replaced it with a British Leyland Marina estate.
  5. Hacked off with bloody Bombay spam on forum!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Like that. Let me hear you roar

    3. DX115FALCON


      You guys get muslim brides advertised to you? For whatever reason, I get oil drill parts...

      That's Aberdeen for you!

    4. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      Mofo's at it again today! Looking online this numbers been spammed across countless forums over past week

  6. Sorry to see the damage. A good reminder for me to get a kill flash or clear shield when my Visionking scope arrives.
  7. I think that using a strobe is a legitimate tactic. A stobe is supposed to be disorientaing and help to mask the user's position. However, the strobe is no worse than using my Fenix PD35 on turbo beam at 960 lumens for blinding light. I can understand your concern with blind firing but players still hose down a corridor on full auto in the dark. I like the on off nature of the strobe light, and am not eplilectic (no idea if it would trigger a reaction). I have used a strobe to draw fire so that other team members can identify the opposition position and take them on. I have more issue with walking into things or not seeing clearly due to my goggles fogging up.
  8. Mine was taking one for the team. At re-spawn the marshal would only allow a player to respawn once there were 3 players there together. Having just been released I passed two players coming in and thought that they may be waiting a while for a third person before they could play again. So I walked back towards re-spawn and shot myself in the foot with one BB, called 'hit' to the marshal and joined them As there were now 3 players we were all immediately re-spawned and back in the game.
  9. Cheers. Was not sure of the mathmatical conversion, if a 0.86g at 150fps would mean a 0.20g bb would be 350fps. I shall look at the more expensive glasses then, pity as EN166F are sold for under £10 and replaceable (unlike my eyes).
  10. Alternative is to not kneel down but instead to use a folding shooting chair like this www.amazon.co.uk/Luxury-Hunting-Chair-Shooting-Jagdwelt24 Save the bending down, and adds a certain panache to your loadout
  11. Are safety glasses, i.e. Bolle, that conform to EN166F safe to use? EN166 is rated as Mechanical risk - Low energy impact - F, 6mm ball of 0.86g at 45m/s (150 fps).
  12. Have you tried the TM M4 speedloader (470 bb)? I have only used mine a few times so far but it seems to work fine
  13. Nothing exciting or expensive, but on recommendation have bought a couple of plastic boxes to store my LiPo batteries in. So no risk of shorting them in a metal tin, and the plastic boxes will keep them safe inside my ammo storage box..
  14. I have a Cold Steel hand-and-a- half training sword but that would break your arm or knock you unconscious, so not much good for larping. Mind you, there would be no players not calling their hit
  15. Saw the reference to Bob Heath on another thread but have not yet looked for any to try. Yes, it would be a much cheaper method that I should give a go but I also want to scope out all the options.
  16. Being short-sighted I wear prescription glasses under my Bolle X1000 goggles and have corrective lens fitted in my ESS V12 goggles. However, I tend to fog up badly and having two surfaces find it difficult to keep my vision clear. So I am now looking at either getting another pair of goggles with a built-in fan or attaching a fan kit to my existing Bolle goggles. I do not want to buy poor quality cheap Chinese crap but need something that is reliable and will work. I prefer goggles due to playing CQB, and though ballistic glasses may fog less I want to have protection from any angle of shot. I would like some advice from those of you who already have goggles with fans or have attached a fan kit to their goggles. And any recommendations of brands and/or shops.
  17. UK Tactical have 10% discount on all items until midnight Sunday 06 September, checkout code is FOXTHREE. www.uktactical.com
  18. Have you looked at www.airsoftmap.co.uk ? I do not know how up-to-date or accurate the map is, but I have used it to look at the location of some sites and then googled the names for more information.
  19. The postman has just delivered a Fenix AOF-S+ Filter adapter (green). So now I have a more tactical green light which will also act as a lens protector for my Fenix PD35 flashlight. Not bad for £5.20 from eBay with free P&P.
  20. During my last game down in the UCAP Bunker a group of us were stacked up ready to move into another corridor when one of the enemy team calmly walked from behind and doubled tapped the line of us all with a pistol. Beautiful move, we did not know he was there until hit by which time it was too late. I learnt to check my 6 more often after that incident, although in the dark you can walk past someone and not notice them (as I found out later when knife killed). It also made me think that playing a game with just pistol and stealth could be fun.
  21. I prefer the original reel steel without paint, even if the British L85 does look like a two tone toy As for sniper rifles, unpainted but covered with hessian/scrim/tape as camouflage. Each to their own. Edit: There is arctic / winter cam, painting a weapon white. Thinking of Royal Marines replacing the green with white on L85.
  22. Depends on what weapon and magazine(s) you are carrying, and how much other kit you need with you. Using a hi-cap magazine fitted to your gun and just some spare BBs in a pocket you can just run around (or walk quickly in my case) very light. Or a belt rig (a pistol and mags if wanted) with mag pouch, admin and dump pouch. Keeps you much cooler compared to a vest or plate carrier, less dehydrating. If you have lo-cap mags or use lots of mags then obviously you want something to carry them securely and with access. I do use a vest or chest rig, as appropriate to load and whether playing in the dark or daylight, although either work the other way around but to be honest the lighter load the better. As most others have said, you want to feel any hits and be comfortable and manoeuvrable.
  23. Great work, now everyone is going to want a gun cupboard or wardrobe
  24. I think it depends on the quality of the magazine, how much pressure you are exerting on the them and the terrain under you. I would not expect them to break though. One thing to remember when getting prone is that you can drop mags from pouches if not properly secured. I have elastic retention straps on my open pouches and I needed to adjust the tightness yesterday when one mag dropped out after crawling prone to get cover.
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