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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. Has anyone meaningful experience with 0.12g BB?
  2. Mine is too small too, only by 1cm circumference.
  3. Will I regret buying a Cyma P90? For use as a loaner gun to any friends that want to play airsoft.
  4. Awesome, but why does it look like your helmet has a mouth?
  5. Was going to put specific links, but this is much more useful. - Also, ebay. - Also 2 inch. Welcome!
  6. Where do you draw the line between safety equipment and 'dress up'? What I mean to say is, if a person can justify an item as safety equipment (or load carrying for that matter), does that exempt their purchase from inclusion in 'dress up' or is it a matter of personal perspective, and individual justification be damned. Is 'dress up' defined by the wearer or the observer?
  7. Haha, wargaming, painting, modelling. ^^ For years I shunned the 2nd one, now it's my favourite, and I never do the first one. Love 40k fiction though. Not sure how you got there, last time I check airsoft was about armed on armed. In my mind airsoft has more in common with DICE's battlefield than war. That said, I found out about it originally from LegoCap. Playing is definitely most important to me, as a distinct and unashamedly disabled player, the thrill of feeling normal for an afternoon is priceless, even if I'm pretending I'm not in as severe pain as I actually am.
  8. Think I'm going to do an order from Evike. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shortman


      have you tried ehobbyasia? Cheaper shipping charge.

    3. Sacarathe


      Its something from Evike's own manufacturing arm.

    4. shortman


      Ah bad times.

  9. Is CVLIFE a rebrander?

  10. I'm slated to spend more money on actually playing airsoft in Jan than I did in the whole of autumn.
  11. As for real (or re-pro); its all airsoft to me. EDIT: No whining took place, not on my part at least. I'm sorry you thought I was whining. The distinction between real and reproduction is meaningless to me, price and purpose is the only thing that matters, don't apply your appreciation for the "real thing" to others so easily.
  12. Aye, but there was nothing in my post to indicate I found that surprising, as jcheeseright is clearly indicating. I certainly did not mean it negatively, just that I, personally couldn't justify the expenditure.
  13. No need to act like there is a law against being poor.
  14. Well, it seems like goodwill towards this company is pretty good here, wonder why this is one of only three forums I can find being spammed by their associates. Guess my googlefu is weak tonight. I did go to their site with a mind to actually buy something that was advertised, but it costs 4.5 times the flyye equivalent. Thanks for your comments everyone.
  15. Currently i've spent more on safety equipment than I have on any other part of airsoft. Is that peculiar? EDIT: If I count magazine and guns together, this is ever so slightly incorrect (+/- £50).
  16. Well, I bought camo clothing because the mass produced nature of it simply made it cheaper to get fit for purpose gear in camo rather than the solid colours I would have preferred - and I don't use 2nd hand clothes. I think camo clothing improves airsoft for everyone. Just look at battlefield, the camo stuff is utterly meaningless because you as a player can tweak the settings to reduce the texture resolution of player skins, and have fully control over contrast/colour/brightness and how visible movement is. It's fairly meaningless there, but in that game it improves the environment and immersion even if it does not actually do anything. I never did drama at school, and playing airsoft has made me wonder if I was missing a trick. Dress up is fun, and airsoft is the first environment i've encountered, that I wanted to be in, that no one judged the appearance of others. Sure there's lots of judging composition, but not appearance. I definitely wouldn't wear camo if money was no problem.
  17. That always stuck with me ... even before I understood it, though I did watch that movie far too many times.
  18. Yep, but sadly, oil is a verb synonymous with lubricate. I suppose Abbey mean you to use it for oiling, not that it is oil.
  19. Abbey 100% Silicone. Lubricant - not oil. EDIT: Take note of the post below this one.
  20. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/29384-necessary-kit/?p=225935 - Flash Mag good!
  21. Welcome. With the right set up - and money expenditure, you can allegedly achieve excellent range (55-65m on one joule supposedly). Many other airsoft guns can do this too. Do not assume its just about buying one of these, there is much more to it. In my experience, many guns, including my own hugely under perform their potential.
  22. https://youtu.be/tukQDg22o9M?t=1m56s
  23. Well, be sure you get well rounded advice, this worked for me, but if you have plenty of money, go right ahead, just don't forget to budget for two batteries, charger, spare magazines, BBs, and boots and other safety gear.
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