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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Yep its true madbull barrels are no better than most stock barrels.Their coated ones are average and their stainless ones are just awful. Pdi best if got money but ZCI not bad if on a budget. Shine a laser down the inner barrel and you can see the difference. Use a bore gauge and you can see it even more. I am looking for some cylindrical slip guages to borrow to test how true for straightness they are but I am drawing a blank at the moment.
  2. Could try here https://www.google.co.uk/search?site=&source=hp&ei=yL4SVrabN8XbU7bdqIAJ&q=ares+vz+58+accessories&oq=ares+vz58+a&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.0.0i13.3356546.3368704.0.3370000.
  3. This http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/black-bear-razor-black-mesh-mask And http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=275&products_id=2487 Good face protection and high mounted scope.
  4. For some reason the paste function keeps messing up? Just google Xcortech X3300w
  5. Get the X3300w its better. Its a chrono thats always on your gun.
  6. Hes on about electronic trigger not mosfetI am assuming that the SrXL has a micro switch trigger instead of the standard connector type. Would agree with the mosfet but I would always use gate nanos.
  7. An electronic trigger gives better response and is supposed to last longer because there is no arcing. Thats the idea anyway. Some people like them and some dont. I personally am on the fence I think they fail just as often as normal trigger switches but you do get a snappier response.
  8. Could be worse Im a Birmingham City supporter. You never feel any joy following them.
  9. Erm...ok You are still on about airsoft right?
  10. I think Uraguay was expected to get a kicking so wasnt really shocked. I think Aussies are probably the only side who look like they can challenge the kiwis. England looked lost against Wales. South Africa have lost De Villiers who wasnt the best player they had but was still the best to lead them so I reckon that will hamper them a bit.
  11. Nice gun I do prefer the 74u over the ak47 but thats probably because its better for cqb.
  12. You could if you know any forum members. Or are you a bit of an anti social friendless sort?
  13. Most airsoft guns come with mini tamiya connectors fitted for the battery. These connectors create a small amount of resistance because the current path isnt so clean. A deans connector gives a better connection so cleaner path with less resistance. The less resistance the better the power delivery to the motor when you pull the trigger. This gives you a snappier response when you pull the trigger. Some people change to lipos which have a better power delivery than nimhs but complain that they dont see a difference from the nimh battery, this is usually because they are still using the tamiya so lose some of the benefits of lipo batteries. So basically get the connectors on your batteries and gun changed to deans to improve trigger response.
  14. Yes 7.4v 25c. Yes its worth it but change all the connectors to deans.
  15. Camo hydro dip never looks right,its too perfect.Dollar bills is just gangsta chav. Hello kitty would really annoy some of the walts so that would be cool. Tempted to get the minion picture I use on my profile sprayed on my cheek riser. Would make a change from the punisher logos that seem to crop up everywhere.
  16. Even tinsel wont save that Aug 😝
  17. Its getting a bit boring on here lately. Seems to be just for sale threads and what gun/kit to buy as a newbie. Need more variety in the threads.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Bits n bobs lying around need finishing but can't be ar$ed atm. Other stuff going on like work is crap, 1 kid at uni so sorting out stuff and I love my sleep too much atm

    3. ImTriggerHappy


      I get that. Seems like life is dragging at a lot of people lately. Mine is starting to feel like the theory of paying for sins of a past life might be true and I figured it out I was probably Hitler.

    4. Spatch


      There has been a large increase in sales threads again, it seems to go in spates or people coming along, not genuine forum inputers, it goes quiet then a load of new names appear, all trying to sell stuff, still, school half term soon so loads of pointless COD/airsoft threads shall start again mate

  18. Time for duck to get out the porn out again 😉
  19. Forget the G&G if you buy the Ics it would be like downgrading. If you want burst fire either get a programmable mosfet fitted or buy an Xcortech X3300w. At the end of the day its your cash your gun buy what makes you smile the most.
  20. Well here goes. Colonel Kurtz Hes a player I have played against and on the same side a few times. Hes a sneaky sod who likes to flank the enemy and generally get into places you least expect someone to be. Hes also a good attacking player who you can rely on to storm an area with you. Never seen an issue with hit taking and I have shot him a few times. Generally a well mannered relaxed player. Hes a good player to have on your side as he goes for the objectives and doesnt just camp around for kills (you get a lot of that at the mall). Hes a lot quieter in person than he seems on here. Comes across quite reserved but definitely doesn't play that way. All in all a decent player, cant really say a bad word about him, except maybe he shot me in the finger from about 2ft away a few weeks back and it was the one that had only just stopped hurting from when I fractured it playing in June. B@stard! Someone elses turn to spill the beans on other forum members now. Lets hear what they are really like.
  21. Spend as much as you can afford. If you buy the transform4 you wont need to upgrade it at all. If your only using it once a month or so it should last a couple of years before anything goes wrong. Ics gearboxes are one of the best stock boxes on the market at the moment. Dont know why they dont have any tan ones in stock their website shows 12 and no black ones.
  22. I suppose I did say a LITTLE different.
  23. Its getting a bit boring on here lately so thought its time for something different. We have had threads about awsome honourable players before but I thought its time we had one about forum users. A lot of people on here have played games with other forum members and I wonder what their observations on what sort of player the other person is. Think of it as getting to know you from someone else's perspective. Put down what sort of player they are sneaky or gung ho. Are they honourable, do they call hits, do they get feisty and start cheat calling. Are they the sort of player who stands out from the crowd for whatever reason. Are they the sort who thinks they are elite super soldier. Just a general player review. Try not to kiss ass or be too nasty but be honest and remember it's just a bit of fun. I will chuck a couple up about players I have met.
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