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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Thats the thing with Ak's most people go for the beaten guerilla fighter look. I saw an ak 12 in the safe zone a few months back that a guy had with him to chrono, it was all black with an m14 ebr style stock. Absolutely gorgeous was very spendy though.
  2. The type 89 is different dont see many of them kicking around. I do like the receiver design. The samurai edge is quite common though usually see one or two every skirmish. Not a huge fan of the Samurai edge to be honest bit tacky looking in my opinion, I like the general design just not the whole stars bit. I like guns that look menancing. Anyone got anything thats not stock or a little more uncommon.
  3. I think the thundermall looks ok as long as its all black. Still think the Sig 55x guns are some of the best looking guns though.
  4. I would get your Ukara to be honest makes buying from abroad and other Uk shops less hassle. Why limit yourself to buying at one shop?
  5. There isnt a good tar21 in airsoft.As for g36c and M4 it depends on what make there are as many bad manufacturers as good. Whats inside matters more than the externals. In the honey badgers case ugly inside and out best to steer clear
  6. Dont think about any of that yet. Go play a few sites woodland and CQB. If you like it then get your UKARA then start looking at kit. No one can give you advice on what to get because you dont know how you want to play yet.
  7. Its not heracy the real one comes in black as well as tan. The black one looks more menacing in my opinion.
  8. Thanks that cheered me up no end. I was worried about approaching 40 let alone 50.I feel young again. ☺ Any 21yr olds chime in on this one you will be told to f*ck off.😠
  9. Just shine a high powered torch back at it and it nullifies the strobe effect. As for JC and the night vision hes a barsteward but its all fair. Airsoft is never really a level playing field and we all take whatever advantage we can get.
  10. Hey I loved my old escort.But that was 19 years ago, god I feel old.
  11. Thats why I just joke around a lot of the time. Sometimes you know before you start you are wasting your breath.
  12. If you have really caught the bug get your Ukara membership sorted and then buy which ever gun you think is going to suit you. As long as its from one of the big manufacturers you wont really go wrong. As for cost most people will say dont spend too much but I differ from that, pay as much as you need to make you happy go into a shop and handle a few you will soon know what you like.
  13. Haven't got time for all that. Bigging yourself up so others can show adoration is pointless. When your as good as I am you dont care what the little people think. 😉
  14. I have two kids fiscal responsibility went out the window a long time ago. Life is for living money is for spending. At least thats what the wife tells me when I get in from work.
  15. A G&G with magpul furniture. That will be lovely its like all my dreams came true.
  16. Not a big fan of this sort of thread. Not sure what is worse the fact people need to brag about their super soldier moment or the fact that some think 5 or 6 kills is something to be proud of. 😎
  17. Its a fair old size, a lot of newcomers get lost a bit in there. Doesnt feel that big to me anymore though.
  18. Its not Burberry anymore its been replaced by superdry. Its a shame about the RM4 its not a bad gun, just file off the trades and change some of the furniture. If thats not going to work then its time to get a pair of airmax and go the whole hog.
  19. Magpul is the airsoft version of chav wear.
  20. Based on Firesupports pricing which is probably the best uk store for tm recoil. £370 minimum probably about £400 because of condition and age. Would of been interested myself if it was black.
  21. What mags? High cap, normal cap and are they the marui ones?
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