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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Think you took my comment out of context and I can see how you did my bad I was half asleep and it didnt come out too good. Only thing I would say is I wouldnt have liked the post if I had an issue with it. So maybe read everything before jumping to conclusions.
  2. Yes it is. I am meant to have two Sundays a month to play but that rarely happens. Wont even get one this month.
  3. Yep looking forward to it. Not bothered about split screen. Online co-op and and a good campaign is all I really care about.
  4. It was only one little cling on. You must of been having a real good look!Pervert, I feel violated.
  5. Yeah but the blue thong looked sweet.Showed off my firm buttocks.
  6. Just chucking heavier bbs in might not be the answer. If the bucking is crap or the hop unit is off or a bit soft then using heavier bbs could be worse. Heavier bbs work well in a well set up gun but not in a badly set up gun. Next time your at a skirmish find the techy guy there and speak to him. He can have a quick look and either adjust your hop or point you in the right direction. Without the gun in front of us we are all guessing.
  7. Why post this bullschitt? You must be bored to waste peoples time with this schitt. ☺ this could end up quite funny.
  8. Actually they are not anymore. Ics are not really supporting entry level much any more and seem to be aiming firmly at the upper mid range. You can get some of their older guns for a really good price at the moment. Entry level £150ish G&G are better and I say that even though I have a pathological hatred of G&G.
  9. First of all advertising is 99% bullsh*t any half decent Aeg can fling a bb 60 meters but doing it accurately is a different matter all together. Dont believe everything you read. Secondly Firesupport haven't chucked a magic approximate FPS because they are a real airsoft shop. It will be roughly 320fps like all ICS guns bought in the UK. They will chrono it when sold and put the fps on the paperwork. Thirdly I am out this is going to go nowhere. Are you over 18 , have you got a defence, have you ever actually played airsoft or are you just wasting peoples time?
  10. What makes you think its better?
  11. Got to agree its not fair that gun was retailing at 290 not long ago. Just dont look at the Tm recoils or you will end up spending a lot more. Check out the ape though its a very nice looking gun especially in black and tan.
  12. It will be good to handle the Raider as well. It will show how right I am and how close you came to making a mistake. You can thank me after 😃
  13. Hoodies are ok as long as there isnt a chav underneath.
  14. Send Sittingduck a PM hes into raiders and can give you the best options for upgrading it. If you want to get a good stock M4 then you will need £200+ so upgrading the Raider is your best option.
  15. Wear what the hell you like. The only times what you wear should come into is if its too thick to feel your hits or if your playing milsim when dress is part of the game. If its a normal skirmish then you can wear your girlfriends underwear if thats what floats your boat. I hate people who think you have to go all army to play airsoft because camo and correct blahblah uniform really matters when your shooting at each other 30 meters apart with plastic balls fired out of your toy gun. Wear whats comfortable,suitable and most importantly what you like sod what anyone else says.
  16. It is a full metal gearbox it one of the Ics split gearboxes. If you had bought it 12 months ago it would have cost £290 the price has dropped because ICS are bringing out their new range. For £200 you wont get a better gun, it will be very reliable and accurate and is easy to maintain.
  17. Dont just be tempted go for the ICS all of the CXP range of guns are good.Or you can become one of the G&G sheople its up to you.
  18. If you know nothing about it then you shouldnt comment.
  19. Haha just when I was laughing at the daft Americans falling for it. So glad it wasnt me for a change.
  20. We really need a sarcasm emoticon for here lately.
  21. Isnt a rep always going to say they are getting better?Reps and salesmen are just proffesional liars at the end of the day.
  22. He sure is thats proffrink the trick shot sniper hes famous did you not know that.
  23. Agree about the polymer being better but the metals is a totally different story. With my job you get to be able to spot bad metals an alloys as easy as most people would spot mouldy bread. Most Aeg's use pot metal receivers and external parts which if fair enough to keep the price down but the internals should use decent materials. G&G's internals set my spidey sense going in the same way as really bad chinese guns they are just not good enough. G&G need to forget about the gimmicks and just improve internal quality. I would rather have a gearbox that will fire fifty thousand rounds than a £3 mosfet. As for ebb its pathetic on any gun, PTS ERG and TM recoil work but ebb is a joke.
  24. Couple of things At the cheap end £150ish G&G is definitely better than ICS which is why I linked a couple. Other than that though G&Gs are not very good. Dont know who says at the £250+ mark G&Gs are better but they are delusional. Yes they can come with mosfets and ecu's but they are all substandard ones, spend £10 to £35 and you will get better electronics. Ics new range is far superior in build quality and materials and their older stuff while not quite as good still has better motors, better gears, equally as good piston, cylinder and hop units. The only really bad thing on the Ics is the hop rubber isnt the best but for £5 you can get a TM or lonex bucking which is better than what comes in both makes of guns. I am saying this not as an airsofter but as someone who has over 20 years engineering experience. Yes I am not a big fan of G&Gs but that is because of the fanboyism that follows them. Good cheap first guns but after that there are so many brands that are better for same or less money. TM, Realsword, Krytac, Ics, even some classic army and G&P guns and probably and few more that I have never taken apart. I think G&G do good cheap guns so people buy the brand get some loyalty and carry on buying their brand as they start spending more.
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