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Colonel Kurtz

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Everything posted by Colonel Kurtz

  1. After the first game everyone has to choose whether to keep or remove the tape. Perhaps there's a bit of unspoken tactical tape removal/keeping, but if there's a secret facebook group or something then i'm not in the know hehe! There's definitely a group of local regulars who seem to know each other in day-to-day life and they usually seem to be on same team, but in my mind that's no different to any other group of mates being on same team. There's definately twice as many regular lone-gunmen like myself or triggerhappy for example, and the marshals seem good at splitting regulars between the teams, they ask for show of hands after first game. Last time i went couple weeks back all the regular faces kept the orange tape, but where quickly split between the two teams. I've been switched to other team halfway through the day a few times.
  2. Pistols bit too limited for my liking, as to use it primary you'll need a million clips or half the game spent hiding in a corner reloading the 3 you got. I've gone for the medium route of an MP7. In hindsight I'd probably buy a TM high-cycle MP5K instead as it's still got a decent amount of spray/pray potential, and the option to buy two and a leather jacket/shades. Is damn good sneaky fun, but well knackering, and lack of firepower can suck sometimes, enough to tempt me back to carbine half the time. Think you gotta be a total nutter to go pistol/knife and stick with it!
  3. I bought a gun from Evike and it came with a red plastic cover rather than painted/permanent. If they can export them with only a plastic cover I'm sure you should be able to do so in the same manner. I'd ask US customs first, and worse-case scenario paint the existing ones with some shit acrylic or something that'll be easy to get off with a dip in Fairy Power Spray or similar
  4. Hard to offer solid tactics, so I'll offer a few common scenarios and their basic principals. Patience is definitely key to successful sneaky bastardry, and this is the best way to shoot more people than you get shot (perhaps often not best to win objectives/points, might have to leave your team to do that while you increase their chances with lots of kills). Also not wasting valuable time to revel in shooting people/ capturing an area when you could be making a decent advantage and many more kills from it. During a game people will develop an idea of what areas are controlled by them and what by the other team. The further away from the front lines you go, the more complacent people get, and a couple corridors/rooms away they'll all just be casually strolling up the the front lines guns pointing at the floor, unless they're new to the site and don't know where they are lol. It's better to keep sneaking further behind the lines and clear a whole room of people than move parallel and only get a couple. So after you get past the front line you're free to rush around more, as your unlikely to encounter someone waiting for you/camping a doorway etc, just unprepared strollers. In this manner if you can defeat/sneak-past/let-go-past-you an initial group to get past the front-line, you can then shoot lots of people guns down strolling up to it while you dash through to another section of the front-line and shoot them all in the back because no-one's covering the door/direction their team is coming from. To achieve you might have to let people pass you while hidden in a corner etc. But again patience is key, if you hear someone coming, why pop out and engage them (and probably get them due to surprise) when you can let them and their team-mates pass and shoot all 3 in the back. Then if you can dash through to where they came from before they start walking back, their team won't have seen it happen so wont be expecting enemy coming through where they just saw their team push into. It's all a judgement call based on whether you have space/time/opportunity. Gun ho tactics are best used when there's a corridor stalemate or similar. You'll probably get shot more than you shoot in these situations, but the sooner this stalemate is resolved by one team pushing more than the other, the sooner you can get back to being a sneaky bastard. One point I'll make is about the 'casual strollers' is this is in my experience when people cheat the most in airsoft. If someones strolling up to the front line in a zone they consider their teams/safe and they feel a hit, their first assumption isn't going to be 'oh my god the other teams pushed forward this far', it'll be 'oh god some muppet on my team who doesn't know where they are has shot me, i'll ignore it'. I've found it's 50/50 at best to whether they'll take the hit without you having to point yourself out to them. I've lost count of the number of times the opp has responded with 'wtf are you doing' or 'i'm on your team' and me have to say 'i'm shooting you, i'm on the green team' or 'no we're not, I'm green and you're dead'. A best-case scenario is someone taking the hit but not realizing it was you or you're on the opp team and storming back to respawn muttering about team-killers, as that wont spoke the rest of them. To me it seems like the CQB equivalent of the common woe of snipers in woodland skirmish. I have the luxury of a site where there's many available routes and much potential for flanking, I'm not sure what it's like at strike-force but might be a bit linear/square from the looks of it, and much harder to get past the 'front'line'. So yeah, basically try be patient and maximize the potential for shooting lots of people in a sneaky/cowardly fashion, rather than spend your advantage on shooting one/two in a fair fight. As you can imagine I am much loved for such tactics at my local CQB site, and the average airsofter is mature enough to not get emotionally frustrated about being shot in the back a dozen dif times, certainly not to the point where they'll bitch or even make false claims of having hit you when they do finally get a 1vs1 fair opportunity (which you gotta agree to as why not give the guy something to keep their ego balanced, unless they're well rude, then they can go f*ck themselves and waste a marshals time following me around for a game if they really feel the need)
  5. Yeah just shoot any 'personality' soon as you see them unless they're obviously with your team. Worst case scenario you just have to 'medic' them into your own team again. Well perhaps worst-case scenario would be if you shot them, got shot by the other team and they then captured them.
  6. Surely it's a magical moment between 2 consenting adults?
  7. Cool well it's a pretty damn good GBBR so you've researched quite well there. Hopefully whatever store you get it from will be able to try it out with a few dif gases and recommend which gas for which FPS. GBB take more maintenance, so be prepared for that too. Would still recommend playing before buying regardless
  8. Definitely try CQB and woodland before picking a gun, especially as you'll need to go to a site 3 times in no less than 3 months to get on the UKARA database and retailers be willing to sell you a gun that isn't painted 50% orange (would be a shame to do to a £300 gun) As for FPS on a GBB gun, it's fired by gas not spring so you're right there. Different brands/types of gas will give you dif FPS, seen reviews of GHK G5 saying it's about 330fps, others 350, so with the right gas perhaps you wouldn't need to have someone adjust the valve. One thing to bear in mind is as it's gas and 30-40 round mags, you'll need to spend another £1-200 on enough mags to make it through a skirmish without having to hide in a corner refilling mags. Another is there's probably not a veteran airsofter in the land who's first gun is still their favored 'primary', it'll take a fair bit of playing to develop your own 'style' and once you have you'll want a gun tailored to it. IMO - 30-40 rounds per mag is shite and gas is a pain in the ass (some like the 'realism' in rounds and kick), you'd do better getting 2 x £150 AEG, one for CQB, one for woodland, or just a £300 AEG of carbine size. The default advice given to all new-players here is buy a £150 ICS or G&G M4, these will do the job for CQB or woodland until you've found your favored style.
  9. I wuv my MP7 (electric), i find myself using it more than my stubby M4 or P90 for CQB
  10. Mid-game - I don't really carry loose BB's, but happy to lend someone a mag if it'll fit, or if they have a hicap to empty the midcap into. In the SZ - I usually take a back-up bottle of non-tracer BB, so happy to let someone dig into that if they've run out and no cash on them to buy more (done this once for a solo hire-gun kid walking round the SZ offering to be a human shield in exchange for BB's, he got through 2 rooms of people saying no (for shame!) until i gave him the bottle) Way i figure it is even if someone manages to eat half a bottle of BB from me, then that's still only the price of buying someone a pint, and the games a frivolous money-pit anyways.
  11. If that's the case then the gun is probably discontinued
  12. I hope that wasn't the usual polastar guy who's there often (his polastar doesn't have a front RIS section, just receiver and straight into silencer), as he's always been really really well mannered and very sensible about dishing out ROF when I've been there. My experience is the difference in hurt comes entirely from weight of BB and distance, whatever method used to push it out the barrel is irrelevant. Airsoft weapons being representitive of real firearms is another thing that's 'in your mind'. A very common sentiment, but not the founding principals of airsoft or anything (seems the Japs just wanted to shoot each other in a non-lethal manner). Perhaps the founding principal of milsim. I got an AEG that does 25-30rps depending on whether use lipo or not. I put it in a thundermall so people can be certain it's not realistic There's plenty good uses for high ROF other than overkill. As for restrictions etc, in my mind if i shouldn't be allowed a gun that can spray 30rps across a group of people and hit them all a couple times at once with it, then they shouldn't be allowed to all turn round at once and pepper the feck outta me with 5 guns at 15rps either! All comes down to how you use it, perfectly easy to be an overkill whiny dick with a entry level AEG
  13. Yeah a common issue, can buy a riser which is essentially just another rail to go inbetween. 'Airsoft Scope Riser' is the key words http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/index.php?cPath=275_383_559_564&osCsid=bc4ca6cf3a15aaa6fac5f603518e03cd
  14. RDS is more affected by the angle you look into it from, usually a good idea to use it in conjunction with iron-sights when adjusting the dot
  15. Doesn't seem to be a terms that's quite taken place in airsoft over here, all the above comments seem to agree with my vague notion of what it is; In terms of game style - quick paced arena based with unlimited respawns, often in arenas with not much/any effort put into making a realistic environment. In terms of play style - sprinting around like a nutter with a high ROF weapon, paying little attention to military tactics/ethos for it's own sake, essentially what 'meta-gaming' is to computer games; ignoring all ethos/immersion and just doing what gets you most kills fastest. The vague concept of it seems to apply perfectly to my style of play, although there's a stinking pit of bitching about levels of douchebaggery in this style of play from the american scene out there in the forums. People complaining about them being snobs in terms of having all the best kit (polastars usually), them dishing out high ROF overkill, and them being poor hit-takers. The comic cliche is them being displaced paintballers from California, and dude-ish douche-bags. My guess is in the UK CQB comes close enough and provides a suitable arena for such a style of play, and there's not enough people wanting to skip the military immersion, for the term to really take off.
  16. I've only just encountered the term 'speed-softing / speed-softers'. Seems to be an american term for ex-paintballers who play in a non-milsim fashion and games that seem to match our idea of CQB? So I'm curious to hear what people think about the term, if it's one they use, if so what they think the criteria/cliches/stereotypes are?
  17. Trigger Happy's arranged them in the past, not quite the numbers hoped for sometimes due to dickheads saying they'll go and then backing out at last minute *cough* like me *cough* Reportedly good times though!
  18. Just got email saying my Devtac Ronin mask will be done in December!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. shortman


      Make sure you post some pics when you get it though. Iv wanted one for a while now.

    3. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      Yeah me too, I put my name on the waiting list about 6 months ago now! Seems if you order a full head one he'll make it within a couple months

    4. shortman


      Hmm money talks and that i guess. And the full head isnt cheap. I got my bro to get the price list (i dont fb) id still love one though!

  19. I've got a TransforM4 which was the first of the latest batch of ICS (trumping the CXP range) Is damn good rifle, flawless, never missed a beat. As for battery, that's just a simple rewiring that's often necessary in airsoft guns, and I found it pretty easy to fit nunchuck lipo's into the front of mine anyways. I had to make the ICS vs G&G decision myself, and after talking to lots of techies, store owners, players, came to the conclusion that G&G are far far more prone to issues and not made as well. ICS have put more effort into designing their own guns and gearboxes, rather than just cloning the dimensions of TM and then trying to put cheaper internals in it like most.
  20. Yeah does look pretty big, the initial pictures of it didn't give much impression of scale, but now you can see it with a standard M4 mag in it does look pretty chunky! I'll be buying it regardless, could have a bb spitting asthmatic mouse for internals and i'd still get it as GITS is my favorite bit of film/tv ever! I'm doubting too many others will be insane enough to spend systema money (£900) on one so prob be pretty unique
  21. Welcome! The 80's wasn't much more hi-tech although we did have super-soakers and nerf (although i didn't have any money for such things, and was more a lump of coal kid hehe) I have Arma2 but only so i could play Dayz, do like a bit of BF occasionally Will be there on sunday too! As for the missus team-killing I'm sure that won't be an issue if you play on opposite teams
  22. Ahhhhh a RE game where i don't need to mash the buttons with the wrist speed of a horny 14 year old to make it through another fuking cut-scene Thank gawd zombie bites can be cured with bit o the green erb mon or i'd need to start 'prepping'!
  23. Some beer/fags for the chavs, or a replacement iPhone? (I'm assuming that'd be the objective for the chav team to win such a themed game)
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