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Deva last won the day on May 28 2021

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  1. i want to enquire about adding my team to the roster of airsoft teams if possible


  2. Noah

    How do i delete my account. thanks.

    1. L3wisD


      Don't go mate,


      We give harsh criticism and we're a cynical bunch, but it's often always good advice that's given.


      For example, your current iteration of your "What Sniper?" Thread actually has valuable advice in it.

    2. Noah
  3. Right of reply. Let's keep the thread on track with additional feedback before it collapses into anything else. A summary of the above situation can be posted by either party following PM discussions.
  4. I was just about to suggest perhaps you might create an additional default stream for the entire classifieds section?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sacarathe


      I just posted here because the thread was locked, thats all. I did not want to make an 'issue' of the idea while the forum is still in transition. Just was going to post it as an aside to that thread.

    3. Deva


      It's not an issue! It's a good idea which could help people find content easier who might not otherwise realise how to set up a stream (or even know that they can). So if you were to set up a new feedback thread I'll action a result if we can get something on it. Even if it's just a discussion between a few people about what they think other people would find most useful.

    4. Sacarathe


      By your command. :)

  5. Will pick any more issues up tomorrow - leave a thread in Forum Feedback as status updates will get lost easier.

    1. Sacarathe


      Take a quick look at the staff tab - bit misleading. :)

    2. Deva
  6. Nice to see some petrolheads! E46 M3 Coupe (manual) in the best colour, not that I'm biased or anything:
  7. Simply put, no. An influx doesn't provide a credible reason to ruin it. Last week may have been bigger but it's not huge.
  8. No, didn't seem to do much, we're plugged in to StopForumSpam, they have something like 32 million records. You can see at the bottom of the main index how many people they have blocked automagically.
  9. We have several safeguards in place. Captchas, email verification, are you human tests, an email and IP lookup against a known spammer database, but some slips through. I'm afraid it's the nature of things. Best thing you can do is just report the thread - although bear in mind most people will have already done it unless you are viewing it in the first few minutes.
  10. Still not convinced that it would see wide enough usage, it's not like you see video threads flooding general discussion. A lot of people post their's in the "Media" category regardless of it being in off topic.
  11. Deva

    Forum Rules

    Just as an FYI these rules may be updated over time, so remember to check back periodically to keep up-to-date with any changes.
  12. I can't remember off the top of my head at the moment, but believe it started from this: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/uploads/lethality_UKARA.pdf I'm not sure why we say "legal" limits, would need to speak to Finius.
  13. Sorry, we don't allow the sale of non airsoft items.
  14. Hold F8 when the PC starts to boot (make sure before the windows logo appears). Failing that just pull the power and next time you boot it'll ask you how you want to boot as there was an issue last time.. this is a bit more risky cos something else could go wrong with the premature shutdown, but not had anything bad happen to me yet..
  15. What's this got to do with port forwarding? From the guide, it looks like you should be able to look through all the folders and double click on the "ProfileImagePath" key (from the right pane), and then look at the value. This will tell you what account you're looking at. If it's the right one you're good, else look in the next long folder.
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