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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/10/24 in all areas

  1. 2 game days and internal / external upgrades ain’t brand new. I’ll have whatever your smoking though, must be good!
    3 points
  2. Today was quite a good day at Ambush Activities down by Southampton, As normal my polish army camouflage was an absolute menace in dark bushes, and several defences left my heart racing as I hid in a bush alone with my AK.. One of those times a nice toad came hopping next to me, had to take a second to admire it In the second of these defences I had a bit of time so decided to move some logs around in front of the bush for extra cover, it worked brilliantly surprisingly, but then the advantage of wearing Wz.93 is that it blends in freakishly well. Annoyingly later my small bush position was used by the enemy and my team got stuck on it for a while... By the time we were performing our attacking run, my mags were running dry, I was basically out of gas, my rifle was falling apart, so during the final maybe 20 mins of the attack, I figure its a good time to use one of my signature tactics Dump everything but my rifle and perform Banzai charges I did four of these, each time got lit up entirely by the other team and falling to the ground at the end of several of them. But there's always something magical about screaming "BANZAI! BANZAI! TENNO HEIKA BANZAI!" at the top of your lungs while running headfirst into the entire enemy team... But anyway if any of you were there thank you for making it a good game day
    2 points
  3. Much like bigger woodland sites, go to a site with a good marshall team. The Mall in Reading was epic, but would have been shit without the excellent marshall team. Now I am in Suffolk, I play at Battle Stations in Snetterton, same. They make it inclusive, they make sure newbies are welcome ( we try to help with that obv) so it's brilliant Speedsofter are not as big an issue as lots of people say because they do help change the game dynamics. I am not into it because I prefer a more realistic replica. A good team will weed out the wrong kind of players and that'll be a great experience. Regarding @Cannonfodder answer on spawn, the mall would sometimes have a rule on respawn, you wait in spawn until there is 5 of you and then you go, that's brilliant because at any time, one team could be missing up to 4 players so it helps the other team push and moves the game, keeps it from getting stagnant.
    2 points
  4. Convert

    Gun Wall Version 1.0

    I'm a facing all the same way man but still looks rad! Mag in for sure
    2 points
  5. Jalal

    TM MWS brand new.

    The hell did you buy a m4a1 for £630
    2 points
  6. fresh TM / Guarder build
    2 points
  7. Version 1.0 since getting back into the game Left Side:- TM MWS MK18 (ignore the lack of trigger guard new one on order ) Systema PTW MK18 Right Side:- Magpul PTS Masada TM NGRS MP5SD6 Tinkering with it constantly, not sure if I like the mag in look or not? Spacing is the most annoying part as I want to keep stocks at a comfortable shooting position but then OCD kicks in to the max! I think Masada needs to move more over to the right and then maybe MP5 down a line or two? Be gentle with feedback - I'm no Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen when it comes to design!
    1 point
  8. https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/submit/?do=submit&category=17&_new=1
    1 point
  9. Having originally intended to try Mayhem near Romford, I made a late night decision to go to Splatoon instead, partly because I needed to test two guns that had been on the work table and partly because what I have seen of Mayhem just does not appeal. 51 players were present, again well below previous numbers. The briefing for the first game was build around the site's brand new acquisition, a rather odd looking double decker bus in the container field. The defenders (us) had two lives, one within a certain distance of the bus and the other in the bus, while the attackers had infinite regens on a fixed point. They pushed hard and our outer defence was whittled away, partly because were in such a small area. I got a few hits before taking one myself; falling back into the bus, I took out a couple more attackers before being hit and making the walk of shame to the safe zone. The enemy took the bus reasonably rapidly. The game was then turned around; entering the container field, we were somewhat disconcerted to find that the defenders had been allowed to deploy much further away from the bus, providing them with better cover and us with a less target rich environment. This slowed our advance and, combined with a degree of hesitancy on the part of some of our team, prevented us taking the bus. After less than an hour's play, an early lunch was called in order to allow longer games in the afternoon, which did not really happen. After the long lunch break, we set off for a fallback game; this was played in a different direction from the usual Splatoon fallback games, starting with the barrel zone, into the barrier zone, then into the grey helicopter area of the container field and ending in the area where the bus was. Attackers regened on a marshal behind them, while the defenders had one life in each zone. It took us ages to get into the barrel zone, mainly because a fair proportion of our team were not willing to cross the beaten zone, which was awash with flying BBs. At this point, after several attempts to break in and massive BB use, my PDW, which I only finished building yesterday, decided to die. Convinced that I had killed the Perun Hybrid, I trudged disconsolately back to the safe zone, before realising that I had been using the uncharged LiFe battery that I had brought along with the intention of setting up the PDW's hop and chronoing it. Dropping a fully charged battery into the PDW revived it and I went back to the war, only to find that we still had not broken into the barrel zone. Eventually we pushed in and then made a semi-decent job of clearing the barrier zone. Breaking into the grey helicopter area was hard work and we timed out before getting near the bus. After another break, we set up to defend the barrel zone; the other team's attack was fast and aggressive and their hit taking dubious; they quickly broken into the zone and cleared it, doing the same again in the barrier zone. Once this fell, I took up a position in the grey helicopter area's rubbish dump, where I had good cover and a good line of sight on where the enemy had to enter the area. The ARX160 did its job well, taking a toll of the enemy. At one point, an enemy player ran past me at a range of about 6m; I put several rounds into him, but he just carried on regardless. Eventually, I was hit and fell back to the final zone to defend the new bus. Three of us took up positions in the old single decker bus, covering against a wide sweep around the edge of the field, only to be informed that the entire team had to be in the new bus! So, 25 of us got into the new bus, from which far fewer could actually shoot. Fortunately, I was shot fairly early on and went back to the safe zone. There was another game afterwards; along with a number of other players, I decided not to partake, so packed up my gear and left. Talking with other players, there seemed to be a general agreement that the addition of the new bus had not been entirely positive, with the same being felt about how it was used, especially the entire team having to be in it, which was ridiculous. Hopefully, game design around it will improve. It will also be interesting to see how it impacts other games that are not focussed on it. Overall, it was, at best, an average day of airsoft, with a marked lack of actual game time and too much hanging around. To end on a positive note, I shared a table with an affable chap called Kevin and bumped into the young chap who bought my Classic Army ISSC MK22 at Splatoon's bootfair in May of this year; he is very pleased with it. Guns used: Ares VZ58 Double Bell KAC PDW S&T/Umarex ARX160 ASG XP18 Commander
    1 point
  10. Thats's really nice, what Guarder kit did you use and did have to do any modifications? Thank you.
    1 point
  11. JinxDuh


    Looks like older generation SOF webbing before they fixed the mustard yellow. Retail prices: .45 Pouch: £10 m36 Pistol belt: £12 If the suspenders are marked "CS" then: £15 Three cell thompson pouch: £18 1911 Holster: £18 Medium rigger pouch: £9 Total: £82 I would say more £50, excluding shipping.
    1 point
  12. You will note that there is no optimum barrel length for a cylinder volume, there is a range of ratios and this is because of the other variables, air pressure loss and starting pressure, BB mass, hop setting, barrel bore and general quality. Also what your goal is for the system. Ratios quoted like 2 to 1 etc are to allow there still to be useful pressure in the system so the BB is still accelerating in the barrel, still supported by an air cushion. In this case and any case where there is more than 1 to 1 ratio(without losses), a stronger spring will allow more energy to be imparted to the BB in the same length of barrel or keeping the same spring allow a longer barrel to absorb more energy in a longer time or combination of the 2. In a zero loss system with 1 to 1 ratio there would be no purpose in a longer barrel, regardless of spring strength because altho average pressure would be higher it would still be atmospheric when the bb left the barrel. I too enjoy flecktarn kit.
    1 point
  13. So a while ago I got a GHM9-G and it’s been an absolute laser. bought the MP9 conversion which arrived last night 👌🏽
    1 point
  14. Same upper, but different lowers. GHM9 Gen2 👌🏽 GHM9 Gen1
    1 point
  15. I know there have been personal imports but I'm not sure if any retailers have gotten shipments yet.
    1 point
  16. If you've ever felt like you received a genuine optic from Aliexpress by accident then go ahead and hit that subscribe button, guys... Like and comment the comment section is out of control, do your thing, I will do nothing to stop you.
    1 point
  17. @ParHunter Very roughly this is a guide for voluming, generally you want to follow a rough ratio of say > 2. The cylinder volume is just literally the cylindrical shaped block of air, inside the cylinder, in front of any port opening on the cylinder. That is the block of air that is being compressed when the piston slams forward. Stronger spring can compress a certain air volume faster, which gives the BB more acceleration, thus fps. (In car: how hard you press the gas) A bigger air volume, will accelerate the BB for longer (given a long enough barrel to make use of it). (In car: how long you hold the gas) You can accelerate to a certain speed by pressing the gas harder, or by holding the gas longer. If you press hard enough, you can get to a high speed using less runway distance. And if you have a long enough runway, you don't have to press the gas as hard, you can just hold the gas for longer, so when you reach the end of the runway you would have gained enough speed.
    1 point
  18. Of course no one can make it "illegal" to play airsoft however you like it. Any definition would inevitably become a sub-genre of the bigger hobby. I just saw this video which perhaps frames it nicely, basically they are saying, as a hobby like airsoft naturally evolves, it will naturally become big enough to draw too much attention from other people. To overcome this, let's say public image problem, thus allowing the hobby to even continue to exist, it is quite useful to evolve a more sporty format to the hobby, just as other similar "problematic" hobbies have done. This "sport" of airsoft, is currently taking up de fecto by speedsoft. But I think skirmishing should develop its own sport. If someone skiing around and shooting a rifle can become an Olympic sport, there is no reason skirmishing cannot. @GeorgePlaysAirsoft As you say most sites already share a common rule set. You see rules as a killer of new experimental formats. I would argue it is exactly that rules, a set of clear and robust rules, is what will enable experiments with new and different formats. Even a close knit group doing an experimental game (I assume is based on skirmish rules), it would still be operating with some custom rules. And there should be rules (or framework) about these rules. Again your example of no respawn, is still based on the idea of a default rule of respawning at a certain location. I just feel that if you draw a Venn diagram of all the rule sets enforced by all the sites (at least in the UK) there would emerge a basic skirmishing rule set. My opinion is, it is this non-binding, but well adopted and tested, rule set that should become the basis of airsoft sport. Airsoft skirmishing, not some 5v5 paintball format, should define the airsoft-based gunfighting simulation sport. If such as rule set is defined, it doesn't mean it is changed, it just means it is regularised. So that people outside can have a better understanding and expectation of the hobby. And that competition between game operators can take place on better grounds, with most if not all of the sub-standard and poor quality operations condemned as not following code. To start, it will not be something prescribed, merely documented, from the existing, better practices. It is a manicured, curated representation of "skirmishing" that we can call airsoft sport. And if you make variations of these rules, you make your experimental skirmishing games. Of course if you are doing some non-standard game format that is totally different it would not be relevant. The point is, you are making a variation from something. That something needs to be documented at some point in time, and now is perhaps a good time.
    1 point
  19. Finally done ordering stuff for once. This is by far been the most expensive month for me for Airsoft in years. I ordered a Ghillie suit for me that isnt from a Youtuber (The just released Helikon Tex US Woodland one) A Helikon Tex Hat in Coyote And a little cheeky purchase as it was on the same site and on offer (67 euros) Helikon Tex Mini rig in Denim. So this month alone I have bought. Classic Army MP5A5 SD. Classic Army MP5A3 lower receiver as I wanted that design. 3 Cyma Hi-Caps for MP5 Viper VX Wing Viper VX Mp5 Quad Insert Viper Mini Rig for VX System (To put the AK mags in as the Utility Section isn't quite big enough for 3) Acetech Brighter C Tracer (To put in the MP5 Silencer) Viper Pistol Pouch and a Radio Pouch Helikon CPU Coyote Shirt Helikon Coyote Boonie II Newly released Helikon Ghillie in US Woodland Helikon Training Mini Rig (In DENIM BLUE)
    1 point
  20. CoCost

    Gun picture thread

    Have been working on this for a few years now and still missing a few minor bits, but getting closer and closer to a screen accurate "TTI TR-1 Ultimate Ultralight AR-15" from JohnWick Chapter 2. Base gun is an MWS, the receiver and barrel set are from the old AG kit, internals are a bit of a mix, but everything else than can be RS is RS (Real-Steel). Only thing I cant bloody find is the throw-lever (ac20007) 🙄 -
    1 point
  21. Today, I went to Airsoft Plantation in deepest Essex, near the very strange town of Billericay. Around 200 people were present, which meant that the safe zone was busy but not crowded. After the usual rituals, we set off for the first game, which was a simple attack and defend. The attackers (the dastardly blue team) had to break into the village, which we were defending, get two fuel cans to each Landrover and a large amount of money to the Town Hall. They had infinite buddy regens while we had two lives with a 30m fallback after the first life. I started at the front of the village with what was, to put it mildly, a target rich environment, taking out a number of enemies trying to break into one of the buildings before being hit. Falling back, I deployed to the right flank of the village and took out a group of the enemy who were sneaking through the woods. Redeploying, I was hit by a single shot from an unexpected angle; as I put my hand up and called the hit, the shooter apologised as he had thought I was a blue player. Eventually, the blue team achieved their objectives after what seemed a very long time. After a quick break to mag up, we set out for the reverse of the game; I took one of the fuel cans towards the left hand jeep, but was hit, so had to hand it over to the chap who buddy regened me; our assault seemed much more organised and aggressive, so it was no surprise that we completed the objective rather more rapidly than our opponents. The next game was a bit different from the usual airsoft game. Each team had three objectives to achieve across the very large playing area. The catch was that we did not initially know what they were. Regens were on on a buddy after a 30m fallback. When the game began, we were handed an ammo box which contained a map showing our first objective; it was the bus in the mortar pits. The team split into three groups and set off, the group that I was with flanking around the far right of the site; we had no idea what the blue team's objective was but we bumped into a few of them near and in the mortar pits. In the bus was another ammo box, which contained another map informing us that our next objective was the high building in the village. We pushed rapidly into the environs of the village, where a chaotic set of firefights ensued, with players from both sides moving around the same area and popping up in unexpected locations, including behind their opponents. After a while, the blue team seemed to fade away and we secured our objective where we found, guess what, another ammo box, this one telling us that our final objective was the kill house in the woods. However, the enemy had achieved their second objective well before we did and had already set off for their final objective, which was also in the woods, leaving a strong force to hold us off. In a well organised assault with great comms, which drew praise from the marshals, we fought through the border area, which is really difficult to do in that direction, and stormed into the woods, pushing forward until we ran out of time. It was a well earned victory for the blue team. After lunch, which saw the catering team serve a vast number of players, we went to play in the mortar pits. The attackers, who were the blue team in the first game, had to plant explosives in four designated vehicles; we had no idea which they were. They could attack over a wide arc and had infinite regens on a marshal, while we had two lives with a 30m fallback.. A couple of us set up in the fort, which is very near the mortar pits, from where we had great fun picking off enemy players as they moved through the woods and open areas until we were eventually swarmed and went down in a hail of BBs. Falling back, I took up a position inside the mortar pits; we fought off multiple attacks but were gradually whittled down. Rather than going back to the safe zone when I was hit, I stayed in the "dead zone" behind the mortar pits watching the fun as our few remaining defenders held on for as long as they could. One of our players used a minigun to great effect providing suppressive fire, while a handful of others fought hard. Eventually, the blue team blew up the final vehicle. This game was then reversed. Again, our attack was well organised and aggressive, pushing into the mortar pits and blowing up our four target vehicles rather more rapidly than the blue team had managed. With only a short time remaining, the last game was Last Man Standing in the village; as this did not appeal, I decided to leave after what was an excellent day of airsoft, with well designed games played in a good spirit and well marshalled. I don't like the idea of having a "home site" but, if I had one, it would be AP. The site is very large, has a wide variety of terrain, great structures and well designed and marshalled games. It also seems to attract a good group of players. Weapons used: LCT PP-19-01 (shooting a bit low so will need opening up) APS UAR ASG XP18 Commander (CO2)
    1 point
  22. Went and tried out Players of War today, as its actually easier for me to get to than S8. Entrance was a bit difficult to spot from one direction, but once in its got a decent proper hard standing with no dubious drops or quagmires to get stuck in. Safezone is well cordoned with what must be close to 20ft high netting to prevent stray fliers entering it. Canteen was a nice surprise for me, but alas I'm on restricted diet, so kind of moot point. Sign in process for a first timer was nice and clear with segregated sections for sign in, the shop and chrono (other sites could really take note on this bit). Game areas are similar vein to S8 (Only so much you can do with a planned forest after all) but a little less treacherous in places. Lots of multitiered cover, which is especially important for vertically challenged folk like myself. Once I got my bearings, the games were pretty good and there wasn't any point where I was dreading a long slog back to a spawn. Critically the laying down the law on things in the safety brief, I saw no dubious play all day - which is a rarity these days - certainly wasn't any teflon warriors floating about. It's also the first site in a while where those with sniper rifles were actually consistently observing MED's well - probably because they don't let just anyone rock up with one immediately on day one, which was absolutely fantastic. Definitely a site i'll be headed back to, as the vibe in general was excellent, and balancing of teams was done at sign in, so there wasn't any clique-y grouping up BS at the start of the day.
    1 point
  23. Rude not too fits a holster I’ve had a while perfectly too , so I’m off for a martini now 😛
    1 point
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