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Membership numbers and influence


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I've just played cqb laser tag in a works night out.  Great fun and everything in a short dose, but trying to get the darned things to register hits, even at 6 ft away was often a bit ridiculous


And there's always some one backed into a corner with their arms crossed over the front sensor, who is pinging people as they go past with total impunity.  


I played a full range version at the Milton Keynes karting track a couple? few? years ago, where the sensors were on mock plate carriers and helmets.  That worked ok-ish but I think most of the guns shoot way off from the sights and it was very hard (ok,  impossible) to tell how far to aim off when you're in combat.  I was good at that and got voted MVP in both sessions, but it still wasn't a patch on Airsoft

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I'm sure the technology has moved on since the last generation of kit



18 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:

But I like shooting puddles. 

Yeah, maybe they could have the two different modes 😉




Edited by EDcase
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12 hours ago, EDcase said:


Personally I'd be happy to drop the whole BB firing thing to be replaced with low power laser or IR and mechanical recoil.




I did literally this at Warfighters way back for my best mates stag do. Everyone had an adapted rifle with the same system that the army use for not actually shooting each other on exercise (headband with IR sensors etc). Everyone had a speaker box that made pew noises and if you got "killed" it made a death groan and your gun stopped working. They also had round counting on the mags so you got 20 shots or so then had to physically change mag to start firing again. It was....different.

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Yeah even with something advanced with actual IR lasers (like an actual "straight line" laser) and not the laser tag LEDs you still get a whole different set of issues... (some already mentioned)


- You can get people cheating with multiple emitters with omnidirectional lens with 1000 RPS and infinite ammo and infinite range


- Plus risks of eye damage, but the source is now invisible so you can't detect a risk before it is too late


- Mirrors and reflective surfaces = infinite ricochet?


- No sound when hitting covers and barricades, so you can't tell if you are getting pinned, and you can't suppress enemy with the same

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The other thread on attracting players ties into this as well.  Particularly of note are the mentions of exercise / health benefits 



The Olympics have been mentioned, which is of course a topic that comes up among many activities every 4 years when someone makes a post such as “How come breakdance/gymnastics/latest demonstration is in the Olympics and x isn’t? They aren’t a sport and my thing is”


The answer is that people involved in those put in the effort to participate, establish national bodies, collaborate internationally and go through the national and international recognition processes.



Airsoft does not have to discard types of airsoft to make itself politically correct, it would in fact fracture itself and make backward steps.

It should not be pursued as a route to the Olympics but as a route to a number of benefits within each nation - healthy activities, benefiting society


Numbers are required - but that’s not the be all an end all


Delta Force (those who market themselves in shopping centres selling ‘discount’ tickets - which turn out to be paying the pitch and staff cost to obtain a booking phone number) have jumped on the bandwagon a few times claiming to be the representative body and trying to convince Sport England that everyone who has ever signed a rental disclaimer with them is a paintballer (to qualify them as representing all paintballers in the UK)

They were laughed out 


The UKPSF is the recognised representative body by the Home Office since before it was the UK (it was a European body run by one man in the UK until others took on the mainland Europe elements)

They represent the industry and players

The process for sports has been going on for a number of years.  Paintball still has not achieved sports recognition but is recognised as on its path, during Covid the UKPSF were treated by Sport England as if they were a formally recognised sports representative body and opening for UKPSF member sites in accordance with the UKPSF policies submitted was approved

(Non UKPSF sites may also have opened including Delta Force - and did so in breach of the reopening regulations)


(shooting each other of no concern as far as Sport England are concerned)

International tournaments take place already, even with different laws & rules in different countries - the national & international leagues set rules appropriately

(Even an attempt for one international organisation set a ‘standardised international rule book’ consisting of world rules and US rules, let alone competing leagues in the US and each country)

Note that tournaments do cover the obvious speedball format,  but there are also woods/scenario leagues - airsoft can have both recreational & competitive skirmishing plus speedsoft etc as a range of activities - these also can be shown in recognition submissions as inclusive pathways from grassroots to varying destinations and crossovers from the ‘professionals’ putting in support to local sites and groups 






On a numbers basis Sport England requires a minimum of 1600 paid up player members.

The UKPSF did run a free basic membership promotion for a few years - no good for qualifying numbers, but a step along the way and have moved those on to annual / 5 year memberships 

(On a quick check - I’m due for renewal this year)


They commissioned a study with Leeds Becket University, some parts of which I’ve seen, but I’ll avoid mentioning what as I do get involved with other members of the industry and could be discussing public and non public parts of the study.  It covers numerous factors to establish benefits covering health/exercise, social benefits etc 

Every now and then they publish a point from the study but are using the data in their bids with Sport England, lottery funding, information to member cohorts etc so are cagey about what fully goes public from a pricey study and also because they are pushing elements to improve 


One quote published is about social anxiety, confidence etc 





Sites are a factor - contributing to the economy and providing facilities - though commercial they can be supported by community initiatives for grants etc if they build a case for how investment aids them to provide leisure to the community 


With the VCRA / UKARA airsoft must be able to establish evidence of a good level of paid up membership, and as a shooting activity could follow the same pathway as the UKPSF ….. it’s not essential to have one body covering sites/retail/trade/players/teams


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1 hour ago, Shamal said:

Yeah agree. My fav is seeing how many shots to knock a complete leaf off.

The amount of times I've been hit while distracted by playing'You're dead leaf' 😂


Airsofters gonna airsoft 🤣🤣🤣🤣.



Drawing todgers in the frozen stream at AWA was a fun way to warm up the pews whe. It was -6 a couple of Christmas' ago.


Also fun chopping down ferns, brambles and stinging nettles "for the greater good".

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@Tommikka very informative post


Airsoft Olympics vs Airsoft

I would argue airsoft does not have to lose anything, because the format and ruleset for Airsoft Olympics will necessarily be something new, it is yet to be invented, but of course those international tournaments will be good references.


Airsoft vs Paintball

Airsoft has advantages over paintball being a less messy and arguably more scalable and accessible, and with an improved ruleset (including mandating a certain player to ref ratio, for example, to minimize cheating) I think airsoft has a better potential than paintball at growing.

Delta Force had a valid vision but wrongly executed.

UKPSF is perhaps halfway there, airsoft just need to surpass it.


PR Department

Yes health benefits + social media campaign is a good idea. We need to make some social media accounts and start posting positive stuff. Perhaps we need a mascot.

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Sorry for spamming, but apparently the Japanese is already in the future, there is this thing called Fastgun which is exactly what @EDcase was saying, airsoft but laser tag with IR, no BBs


Although it does look rather underwhelming with no actual indication of where exactly you hit (the only receiver is on the head)... with BB you can see where it went so I guess there is that




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