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'Blackbeard' all-pistol loadout


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No, I don't mean dressing up like a pirate (that's for another thread), but just the idea going out to a game loaded out with, or rather *festooned* with, half a dozen or more different pistols. Smoke grenade in the brim of your hat/beard optional.


I've got at least 8 or 9 airsoft pistols from derringer to Desert Eagle and probably enough holsters to pull this off, and I'm sitting here having idle, dangerous thoughts....

Anyone ever run a game like that?

Just a recipe for chaos or losing stuff? Or does it sound like a laugh?

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seen a guy run 4 hi capas before, 2 in leg holsters and 2 in cross draw holsters on a vest along with around 10 mags in pouches on the front.


this was in cqb, he loved it and did quite well

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I’ve far too much to carry around, but I’ve carried many combinations 



I began carrying main and pistol, on a thigh holster

But on the ‘just in case’ basis it was just extra weight 

If my main broke then I would be better off going out and fixing it


However sometimes I would choose to go to pistol for a moment of fun 


On one stalemate line across a dry river bed I was observed to strip off my gear, taking off my vest, put down my main and walked off People wondered what I was up to and ignored me as no threat

…… until some demented idiot came running back through the opposition line firing off single pistol shots after having crossed over in the distance 


There was the time at a rental game that I went out with just pistol, but failed to change 12 gram after being too busy chatting.   Discovering that I was useless I did the sacrificial distraction running to the fort, but nobody shot me 

So I arrive at the fort, leant over waving an empty pistol and asked if anyone fancied surrendering - capturing the front half of a fort without firing a shot


In defending a fort, the first time I was to use a pistol in game, I was sat in the corner of a tower covering the back door

As the marshals began the final countdown to game end I emptied my main and couldn’t be bothered to reload ….. I then noticed a head pop around the door as they saw me put my gun down …. And in the 5,4,3… count  suddenly three players run in the door

…… so I grab the pistol sat beside me and pop pop pop, three guys are stopped in their footsteps 

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Bit like this then?  Remember seeing an older Brummy guy that must have had 3 or 4 pistols on him. Personally I have run around duel wielding before, but not thought to go beyond that.



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Should be fine in CQB, although loading and unloading to show clear might get a bit old.


I'd be tempted to run them all on bits of paracord tacticool lanyards, and just drop them while on an epic killstreak rather than reholstering or even fumbling for a dump-pouch.

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

I'd be tempted to run them all on bits of paracord tacticool lanyards, and just drop them while on an epic killstreak

SO as you spin around to shoot your next victim😈 sorry I mean ‘target’ 😇 they all rise up due to the centrifugal force and you turn in to General Grevious with his six lightsabers whirling around him ! 😱


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I have seen some loon do similar.  He looked happy enough.   


Go for it.   

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bungee. To the dump pouch so they put themselves away…


Better yet a pair of G18’s on a hat with a cord you pull with your teeth. Gun Jesus has probably reviewed a real one.

My almost practical set up was to sometimes carry 3 or 4 at certain urban games, no long gun. Specifically tight indoor/breaching at (CSU for example), especially if allowed a shield.


12 common mags to the lot, handgun on each hip so as to reholster and change shield hand, draw on new side.

Back up in front vest mag pocket, easier to get with opposite hand than cross draw, or inside the shield.


Tried a gun on the back as well, mostly for buddy carrying the shotgun.


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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