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Getting back into airsoft after many years?


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Played a fair bit quite a long time ago (a very very long time ago) you could buy springer kits in hobby shops when I started out! 


Not been to a site in a while, probably 5 years since I last went to the place in Holmbush (Horsham). 


At 46 I'm in good shape but I'm not exactly one of life's runners, remember the last time I went there were loads of youngsters running about like loons, was wondering if there's still much of a role for the slower player these days? Was thinking a DMR role would probably suit, obvs need to get some games in and also see if I can get back into customising guns to a decent standard.


I'm upgrading a friend's AAP-01 for him, sadly he's about as not local as it gets so we're not going to get games in quickly once its done, he's super keen to have me join his hobby though. 

Edited by SussexMatt
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Just getting into it myself but from what I've seen there's certainly a place for the more laid back player. I like to play the DMR role but without the DMR, using an AEG. Set up the scope and hop right and you can do some cheeky counter-sniping, very satisfying when it comes off and you still have the option of full auto.

You can get the young 'uns (and a few fit old 'uns) doing kamikaze runs, but if you're prepared for it won't work out well for them 😉

Had a few 'speedsofters' in the last game I played, but also lots of guys in gillie suits, it all evens out in the end.

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Hi Matt , I’m wrong side of 40 too and havent played for around 7yrs now , but prior to that I’d played solidly from around 2004/ 2005 being involved with various teams , travelled to sites up and and down the country and even part organised a few milsim weekenders on my way out the door but the passion fizzled out , I was all in but just felt I wasn’t getting out of it what I felt I should be . But …. My old mate @The Waco Kidis back on the Sunday morning grind and I’m thinking of making a return but this time try to keep my kit whore collecting side seperate from the skirmishing side and just have a bit of simple good old fashioned fun .

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@JimFromHorsham another local then! I think I'm going to head over to Holmbush after the Easter Hols and try out the one over in Crawley down, will probably get a few half day sunday morning sessions under my belt to get my UKARA sorted dont think I know my old number and I'm guessing it expires? Would be good to meet up with others as I'll be flying solo these days, the others I used to shoot with are not keen on running about in the woods anymore sadly. 


I know what you mean re the kit whore side of things, I'm terrible for it. I think I'll just keep to operator gear if I can, one rifle, one sidearm and no fake mil clothing, check shirts and jeans with the occasional Molle vest did the job in the real world more often than not. 😉

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Dog Tag seems to be a reasonable site to get into the general Sunday skirmish and Drivers Wood is also close so local options.


Plenty of people running around in jeans, check shirt and trainers with a plate carrier.


I just use bdu’s and a fairly minimal chest rig for mags and frags. Gone 

are my days of Paraclete Rav and lid thanks!


Although I did just buy a large Alice pack. Oh no I’ve started again. 😱


I must stop waking up shouting “Inokatsu M60”. It’s starting to alarm the wife.

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Cool, looking forward to giving the local places a try, there's Battle Lakes in Tunbridge wells too which I hear is good but a bit of a trek, will see how I get on at the local ones. 


The kit rabbit hole is too deep, that said.... M60 you say?? 😆

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Hi Matt,


In the exact same position as you. Mid 30's now, not been involved in the sport for 20 years or so. Heading back into it as a newbie.


I'm busy exploring sites at the moment (was incredibly niche back when i used to play, before the paintball areas opened their doors to airsoft). Im flying solo, based in Worthing.


If you fancy a link up one day, drop me a PM and il tag along.



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Age is no limitation I’ve found it’s just a level of fitness. If you can walk or trot or gallop carrying a 3 kg weight for a few hrs you’ll be super fine. We have plenty of players at my site who are in their 50’s some even in the 60’s and most carry normal AEG’s. You don’t have to take up a DMR. Just get stuck in and you’ll soon see what game style suits you. 

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28 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


The great thing about airsoft is that a stranger's just a friend that you haven't asked about their gun yet. ;) 


In all seriousness (well as much as you can have when talking about airsoft). In a world where everyone is shouting about their differences, I often talk to people I wouldn't normally, because the thing we have in common is at the forefront.

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Find the playing style that suits you; don't feel that you have to take up a more stationary role because you are a bit older then the average.

I am 59 and play twice a month, carrying an assault rifle, an SMG or an SLR and getting stuck in.  I sometimes play as a two man team with my 19 year old son; we tend to be sneaky, popping up where we are not expected, flanking the opponents and getting behind them.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 25/04/2022 at 13:05, Badgerlicious said:

Come down to Worthing airsoft for a weekend. It's a good site for more relaxed gameplay. 


I've heard from a few others that Worthing is good. Saw there is a skirmish day on the 8th, might get myself booked in. 

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